blob: 1b5d7e93942c53b10e32d30f20595b42b66856f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045
* This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included
* in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or
* may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing
* lists or the bug database.
package example.employee;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.FlushModeType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PessimisticLock;
import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;
import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;
* @author dclarke
* @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)
public class Transactions {
private ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(EntityManager em, String entityAlias) {
return JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession().getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias);
* New entities with new related related entities can be persisted using
* <code>EntityManager.persist(newEntity)</code>. The cascade setting on the
* mappings determine how the related entities are handled. In this case
* Employee has its relationship to Address and PhoneNumber configured with
* cascade-all so the associated new entities will also be persisted.
public DynamicEntity createUsingPersist(EntityManager em) {
DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(em);
DynamicType empType = helper.getType("Employee");
DynamicType addrType = helper.getType("Address");
DynamicType phoneType = helper.getType("PhoneNumber");
DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) empType.newDynamicEntity();
emp.set("firstName", "Sample");
emp.set("lastName", "Employee");
emp.set("gender", "Male");
emp.set("salary", 123456);
DynamicEntity address = (DynamicEntity) addrType.newDynamicEntity();
emp.set("address", address);
DynamicEntity phone = (DynamicEntity) phoneType.newDynamicEntity();
phone.set("type", "Mobile");
phone.set("areaCode", "613");
phone.set("number", "555-1212");
phone.set("owner", emp);
emp.<Collection<DynamicEntity>> get("phoneNumbers").add(phone);
return emp;
public DynamicEntity createUsingMerge(EntityManager em) {
ClassDescriptor empDescriptor = getDescriptor(em, "Employee");
ClassDescriptor addrDescriptor = getDescriptor(em, "Address");
ClassDescriptor phoneDescriptor = getDescriptor(em, "PhoneNumber");
DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) empDescriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();
emp.set("firstName", "Sample");
emp.set("lastName", "Employee");
emp.set("gender", "Male");
emp.set("salary", 123456);
DynamicEntity address = (DynamicEntity) addrDescriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();
emp.set("address", address);
DynamicEntity phone = (DynamicEntity) phoneDescriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();
phone.set("type", "Mobile");
phone.set("areaCode", "613");
phone.set("number", "555-1212");
phone.set("owner", emp);
emp.<Collection<DynamicEntity>> get("phoneNumbers").add(phone);
// When merging the managed instance is returned from the call.
// Further usage within the transaction must be done with this managed
// entity.
emp = (DynamicEntity) em.merge(emp);
return emp;
* @param em
* @return
public DynamicEntity createWithRelationshipsToExistingEntities(EntityManager em) {
return null;
* @param em
public DynamicEntity deleteEntity(EntityManager em) {
return null;
* @param em
public void queriesOnTransactionalState(EntityManager em) {
* @param em
* @throws Exception
public void pessimisticLocking(EntityManager em) throws Exception {
// Find the Employee with the minimum ID
int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);
// Lock Employee using query with hint
DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID").setParameter("ID", minId).setHint(QueryHints.PESSIMISTIC_LOCK, PessimisticLock.Lock).getSingleResult();
emp.set("salary", emp.<Integer> get("salary") - 1);
* This example illustrates the use of a query returning an entity and data
* from a related entity within a transaction. The returned entities are
* managed and thus any changes are reflected in the database upon flush.
* @param em
* @throws Exception
public void updateEmployeeWithCity(EntityManager em) throws Exception {
List<Object[]> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e, FROM Employee e").getResultList();
DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) emps.get(0)[0];
emp.set("salary", emp.<Integer> get("salary") + 1);