blob: ece4ccd7d3f82abca1709e4116fab57deeb3cb12 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* dclarke - Bug 288307: FetchPlan Example
package org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl;
import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;
import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLogEntry;
import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;
import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectLevelReadQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.QueryRedirector;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.ObjectCopyingPolicy;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Record;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;
* A FetchPlan is an extension to EclipseLink that allows a required graph of
* entities to be returned from a query execution or copy operation as well as
* being used to do a sparse merge of an unmanaged graph of entities into a
* persistence context.
* <p>
* A FetchPlan is created/retrieved from a query using the
* {@link #getFetchPlan(Query)} or {@link #getFetchPlan(ObjectLevelReadQuery)}
* methods. Relationships that are to be loaded can then be added using
* {@link #addFetchItem(String...)} which creates a {@link FetchItem} within the
* plan for the requested relationship in the results graph.
* @author dclarke
* @since TBD
public class FetchPlan {
* Name for this FetchPlan. Offers some assistance with debugging as name is
* used in log messages. Also align with future FetchGroup enhancements
* where named fetchGroups are stored and available for use.
private String name;
* Map of items where each item represents an attribute to be fetched/copied
* depending on the usage of the plan.
* @see FetchItem
private Map<String, FetchItem> items;
* The entity type this fetchPlan will be used against.
private Class<?> entityClass;
* Descriptor cached for the entity class of this FetchPlan.
private ClassDescriptor descriptor;
* {@link SessionLog} category used for messages logged during the use of a
* FetchPlan. To enable all messages in this category configure the
* persistence unit property:
* <p>
* <code>
* <property name =eclipselink.logging.level.fetch_plan" value="ALL" />
* </code>
public static final String LOG_CATEGORY = "fetch_plan";
public FetchPlan(String name, Class<?> entityClass) { = name;
this.entityClass = entityClass;
this.items = new HashMap<String, FetchItem>();
public FetchPlan(Class<?> entityClass) {
this(null, entityClass);
* TODO Create an initialized {@link FetchPlan} (meaning its descriptor,
* required mappings, and items are configured when returned so that
* {@link #initialize(Session)} will not do anything).
protected FetchPlan(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
this.descriptor = descriptor;
protected void addDefaultMappings() {
if (descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager() && descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup() != null) {
FetchGroup fg = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup();
for (String attr : (Set<String>) fg.getAttributes()) {
for (DatabaseMapping mapping : descriptor.getMappings()) {
if (!mapping.isLazy()) {
// Add identifier and optimistic locking version attributes
if (!descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor()) {
for (DatabaseMapping pkMapping : descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getPrimaryKeyMappings()) {
if (!getItems().containsKey(pkMapping.getAttributeName())) {
if (descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) {
DatabaseField lockField = descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy().getWriteLockField();
if (lockField != null) {
DatabaseMapping lockMapping = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForField(lockField);
if (lockMapping != null && !getItems().containsKey(lockMapping.getAttributeName())) {
public String getName() {
public Class<?> getEntityClass() {
return this.entityClass;
* Used in {@link FetchItem#initialize(Session)} to populate the target
* entity type of relationships from the mapping.
protected void setEntityClass(Class<?> entityClass) {
this.entityClass = entityClass;
public Map<String, FetchItem> getItems() {
return this.items;
* @return a read-only collection of {@link FetchItem} in this plan.
public Collection<FetchItem> getFetchItems() {
return getItems().values();
* Initialize the FetchPlan and all of its FetchItem and nested FetchPlan to
* lookup and hold their corresponding descriptors and mappings. If any of
* the FetchPlan's state does not match the mappings an exception will be
* raised.
* <p>
* This is used within {@link #getDescriptor(Session)} to lazily lookup the
* {@link ClassDescriptor} but it can also be used externally to validate
* the configuration of the FetchPlan.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* if {@link #entityClass} is null or no descriptor can be found
* for the provided class
* @throws QueryException
* if any of the items or nested items cannot be associated with
* a mapping
public void initialize(Session session) {
if (this.descriptor != null) {
if (this.entityClass == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("FetchPlan.initialize: Null entityClass found");
this.descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(getEntityClass());
if (this.descriptor == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No descriptor found for class: " + getEntityClass());
if (session.getSessionLog().shouldLog(SessionLog.FINER, LOG_CATEGORY)) {
SessionLogEntry entry = new SessionLogEntry(SessionLog.FINEST, LOG_CATEGORY, (AbstractSession) session, "FetchPlan: initializing {0}", new Object[] { this }, null, false);
// Add identifier and optimistic locking version attributes
for (DatabaseMapping mapping : this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getPrimaryKeyMappings()) {
if (!getItems().containsKey(mapping.getAttributeName())) {
if (session.getSessionLog().shouldLog(SessionLog.FINEST, LOG_CATEGORY)) {
SessionLogEntry entry = new SessionLogEntry(SessionLog.FINEST, LOG_CATEGORY, (AbstractSession) session, "FetchPlan: Added required id attribute {0} to {1}", new Object[] { mapping.getAttributeName(), this }, null, false);
if (this.descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) {
DatabaseField lockField = this.descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy().getWriteLockField();
if (lockField != null) {
DatabaseMapping lockMapping = this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForField(lockField);
if (lockMapping != null && !getItems().containsKey(lockMapping.getAttributeName())) {
if (session.getSessionLog().shouldLog(SessionLog.FINEST, LOG_CATEGORY)) {
SessionLogEntry entry = new SessionLogEntry(SessionLog.FINEST, LOG_CATEGORY, (AbstractSession) session, "FetchPlan: Added required lock attribute {0} to {1}", new Object[] { lockMapping.getAttributeName(), this }, null, false);
for (FetchItem item : getItems().values()) {
protected ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(Session session) {
return this.descriptor;
* Add an item to be fetched. This can be either a mapped attribute name of
* the current {@link #entityClass} or it can be a path of mapped attribute
* names '.' separated. The values are not validated against the mappings
* when added but are instead validated during {@link #initialize(Session)}
* when the plan is used in a fetch/copy/merge operation.
public FetchItem addAttribute(String... nameOrPath) {
String[] attributePaths = convert(nameOrPath);
FetchPlan currentFP = this;
FetchItem item = null;
for (int index = 0; index < attributePaths.length; index++) {
String attrName = attributePaths[index];
item = (FetchItem) currentFP.getItems().get(attrName);
if (item == null) {
item = new FetchItem(currentFP, attrName);
currentFP.getItems().put(attrName, item);
currentFP = item.getFetchPlan();
if (currentFP == null && index < (attributePaths.length - 1)) {
currentFP = new FetchPlan(getName() + "-" + attrName, null);
return item;
private FetchItem addAttribute(DatabaseMapping mapping) {
FetchItem item = new FetchItem(this, mapping);
getItems().put(mapping.getAttributeName(), item);
return item;
* Add all of the attributes from the provided FetchGroup.
public void addAttributes(FetchGroup fetchGroup) {
for (String attribute : (Set<String>) fetchGroup.getAttributes()) {
* Identifies if the attribute name or path exists in the plan.
public boolean containsAttribute(String... attributeNameOrPath) {
String[] attributePaths = convert(attributeNameOrPath);
FetchPlan currentFP = this;
FetchItem item = null;
for (int index = 0; index < attributePaths.length; index++) {
String attrName = attributePaths[index];
item = (FetchItem) currentFP.getItems().get(attrName);
if (item == null) {
return false;
currentFP = item.getFetchPlan();
if (currentFP == null && index < (attributePaths.length - 1)) {
return false;
return true;
* Convert a provided name or path which could be a single attributeName, a
* single string with dot separated attribute names, or an array of
* attribute names defining the path.
private String[] convert(String... nameOrPath) {
if (nameOrPath == null || nameOrPath.length == 0 || (nameOrPath.length == 1 && (nameOrPath[0] == null || nameOrPath[0].length() == 0))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FetchPlan: illegal attribute name or path: '" + nameOrPath + "'");
String[] path = nameOrPath;
if (nameOrPath.length > 1 || !nameOrPath[0].contains(".")) {
path = nameOrPath;
} else {
if (nameOrPath[0].endsWith(".")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path: " + nameOrPath[0]);
path = nameOrPath[0].split("\\.");
if (path.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path: " + nameOrPath[0]);
for (int index = 0; index < path.length; index++) {
if (path[index] == null || path[index].length() == 0 || !path[index].trim().equals(path[index])) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path: " + nameOrPath[0]);
return path;
* Instantiate all items ({@link FetchItem}) for the result provided. This
* walks through the query result using the items and the session's mapping
* metadata to populate all requested attributes and relationships.
* <p>
* This method ensures that the provided entity has at least the attributes
* specified in the plan loaded. Additional attributes may already have been
* loaded or will be loaded through interaction with {@link FetchGroup}
* behavior.
* <p>
* In the case of composite results (Collection<Object[]) all result
* elements of the array have fetch performed on them.
public void fetch(Object entity, AbstractSession session) {
if (entity instanceof Collection<?>) {
for (Object e : (Collection<?>) entity) {
if (e instanceof Object[]) {
for (int index = 0; index < ((Object[]) e).length; index++) {
if (((Object[]) e)[index].getClass() == getEntityClass()) {
fetch(((Object[]) e)[index], session);
} else {
fetch(e, session);
} else {
for (Map.Entry<String, FetchItem> entry : getItems().entrySet()) {
entry.getValue().fetch(entity, session);
* Special fetch operation for composite query results where the SELECT
* returned multiple items and each result is an array of objects. This
* method allows an index to be specified so that only the result in
* question is used in the fetch operation.
* @see #fetch(Object, AbstractSession)
public void fetch(Collection<Object[]> entities, int resultIndex, AbstractSession session) {
for (Object[] entity : entities) {
fetch(entity[resultIndex], session);
* Configure a redirector on the query so that this {@link FetchPlan} is
* applied on the result before it is returned. This cannot be used in
* conjunction with other redirectors or queries that return results that
* are not a single entity or collection of entities (No {@link ReportQuery}
* ).
public void fetchOnExecute(ObjectLevelReadQuery query) {
query.setRedirector(new QueryRedirector() {
public Object invokeQuery(DatabaseQuery query, Record arguments, Session session) {
Object result = query.execute((AbstractSession) session, (AbstractRecord) arguments);
fetch(result, (AbstractSession) session);
return result;
* Make a copy of the provided source (entity or collection of
* entities)copying only the attributes specified in this plan. If a
* relationship does not specify a target
* @param <T>
* @param source
* @param session
* @return
public <T> T copy(T source, AbstractSession session) {
if (source == null) {
return null;
return (T) copy(source, session, new CopyTrace());
* Create a copy of the entity or collection of entities ensure identity
* through maintenance of a map of copies (original -> copy).
protected Object copy(Object source, AbstractSession session, CopyTrace copies) {
if (source instanceof Object[]) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fetchplan.copy does not support Object[]");
CopyFetchPlans copyPlans = copies.get(source);
if (copyPlans.isCopied(this)) {
return copyPlans.getCopy();
if (source instanceof Collection<?>) {
return copyAll((Collection<?>) source, session, copies);
ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(session);
Object copy = copyPlans.getCopy();
if (copy == null) {
copy = descriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();
ObjectCopyingPolicy policy = new ObjectCopyingPolicy();
// Copy all specified items
for (Map.Entry<String, FetchItem> entry : getItems().entrySet()) {
entry.getValue().copy(source, copy, session, policy, copies);
return copy;
* Create copy of a collection
protected Object copyAll(Collection<?> source, AbstractSession session, CopyTrace copies) {
CopyFetchPlans copyPlans = copies.get(source);
Collection<Object> copiesCollection = (Collection<Object>) copyPlans.getCopy();
boolean newCollection = false;
if (copiesCollection == null) {
try {
Constructor<?> constructor = source.getClass().getConstructor(int.class);
copiesCollection = (Collection<Object>) constructor.newInstance(source.size());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("FetchPlan.copy: failed to create copy of result container for: " + source.getClass(), e);
newCollection = true;
for (Object entity : source) {
Object copy = copy(entity, session, copies);
if (newCollection) {
return copiesCollection;
* Do a partial merge of the provided entity into the UnitOfWork using the
* items specified in this FetchPlan.
* @return the working copy for the entity that may include additional
* attributes then what was merged.
public <T> T merge(T entity, UnitOfWork uow) {
FetchPlanMergeManager mergeManager = new FetchPlanMergeManager((AbstractSession) uow);
mergeManager.getFetchPlans().put(entity, this);
return (T) ((UnitOfWorkImpl) uow).mergeCloneWithReferences(entity, mergeManager);
* Create a dynamic {@link FetchGroup} that includes all of the mapped
* attributes on the {@link #entityClass}. The returned FetchGroup will not
* cause relationships to be loaded or any nested FetchItems to be applied.
* This is generally used in combination with the fetch/copy methods on
* FetchPlan or {@link JpaFetchPlanHelper} to post process the query results
* ensuring that all requested attributes in the graph are loaded (or
* copied).
* <p>
* <b>JPA Usage Example</b>:
* <p>
* <code>
* query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchPlan.createFetchGroup());<br/>
* List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();<br/>
* JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);<br/>
* </code>
public FetchGroup createFetchGroup() {
FetchGroup group = new FetchGroup(toString() + "_fetch-group");
for (String attrName : getItems().keySet()) {
return group;
public String toString() {
return "FetchPlan(" + getName() + ")";
* Utility class that tracks the copying of the graph to ensure the identity
* of the entities based on source so that only one copy per source is
* created
protected class CopyTrace {
private Map<Object, CopyFetchPlans> copies = new HashMap<Object, CopyFetchPlans>();
public CopyFetchPlans get(Object source) {
CopyFetchPlans copyFetchPlans = this.copies.get(source);
if (copyFetchPlans == null) {
copyFetchPlans = new CopyFetchPlans();
this.copies.put(source, copyFetchPlans);
return copyFetchPlans;
protected class CopyFetchPlans {
* Entity being copied
private Object copy;
* Plans processed for this copy
private Set<FetchPlan> plans;
CopyFetchPlans() {
this.plans = new HashSet<FetchPlan>();
protected Object getCopy() {
return this.copy;
protected boolean hasCopy() {
return this.copy != null;
protected void setCopy(Object copy) {
this.copy = copy;
protected boolean isCopied(FetchPlan fetchPlan) {
return hasCopy() && this.plans.contains(fetchPlan);
protected void addCopied(FetchPlan fetchPlan) {
private static final String PROPERTY = "DEFAULT-FETCH-PLAN";
protected static FetchPlan defaultFetchPlan(DatabaseMapping mapping) {
if (mapping.getReferenceDescriptor() == null) {
return null;
ClassDescriptor targetDescriptor = mapping.getReferenceDescriptor();
FetchPlan fp = (FetchPlan) mapping.getProperty(PROPERTY);
if (fp == null) {
fp = new FetchPlan(targetDescriptor);
mapping.setProperty(PROPERTY, fp);
if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) {
FetchGroup mappingFG = null;
ForeignReferenceMapping frMapping = (ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping;
ObjectLevelReadQuery mappingQuery = (ObjectLevelReadQuery) frMapping.getSelectionQuery();
if (mappingQuery.getFetchGroup() != null) {
mappingFG = mappingQuery.getFetchGroup();
} else if (mappingQuery.getFetchGroupName() != null && targetDescriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {
mappingFG = targetDescriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroup(mappingQuery.getFetchGroupName());
if (mappingFG != null) {
for (String attr : (Set<String>) mappingFG.getAttributes()) {
return fp;
return fp;