Deal with 'extra' schema identifier for args/return types' names:
If we discover that an identifer's type is "SCHEMA"."SOME_TYPE"
we break the identifier into 2 parts (namePart1, namePart2).
If the current schema is the same as namePart1, then we set
the type's name to namePart2

- fundamental change: public API to change a type's name
- ProcedureType's have a local variable pointing to their 'parent'
  PLSQLPackageType (if applicable). This allows one to ask a
  procedure what schema it is in by delegating the query to
  the 'parent' package
- DDLParser.jjt:
    . set 'parent' PLSQLPackageType for procedures/functions found in a
    . new API on DDLParser: set a list of schemas to check if a 'parent'
      PLSQLPackageType doesn't know what schema its in
- add testcase
      parser itself.
18 files changed