Tag for the release 1.9.0 S20170116061348
[509815] Use SWT.VIRTUAL to improve widget performances

The option SWT.VIRTUAL has been added for the list lifecycle manager and
the multiple reference lifecycle manager.

Bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=509815
Change-Id: Ibf6c59a2f34ab7a0228ef11b19083b3bd60053d8
Signed-off-by: Stéphane Bégaudeau <stephane.begaudeau@obeo.fr>
2 files changed
tree: 6d61407ae15554d07d677176a91d2a7ce1a27feb
  1. doc/
  2. features/
  3. plugins/
  4. prototypes/
  5. releng/
  6. samples/
  7. tests/
  8. .gitignore