blob: e5efe53d293a55f0e45fae2baac61228531da207 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 CEA LIST.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Created on: 17 févr. 2011
* Contributors:
* Arnault Lapitre (CEA LIST)
* - Initial API and implementation
#include "Variable.h"
#include <fml/type/BaseTypeSpecifier.h>
#include <fml/infrastructure/DataType.h>
#include <fml/infrastructure/Machine.h>
#include <fml/infrastructure/PropertyPart.h>
#include <fml/operator/OperatorManager.h>
namespace sep
* Default
Variable::Variable(const PropertyPart & aPropertyPart,
const Modifier & aModifier, const BF & aType,
const std::string & aNameID, const BF & aValue)
: PropertyElement( CLASS_KIND_T( Variable ),
aPropertyPart.getContainer(), aModifier, aNameID ),
mType( aType ),
mValue( aValue ),
mBinding( ),
onWriteRoutine( NULL )
Variable::Variable(Machine * aContainer, const Modifier & aModifier,
const Variable * aVariablePattern, const BF & aParam)
: PropertyElement( CLASS_KIND_T( Variable ) ,
aContainer , aModifier , (*aVariablePattern) ),
mType( aVariablePattern->getType() ),
mValue( aParam ),
mBinding( aVariablePattern->mBinding ),
onWriteRoutine( aVariablePattern->onWriteRoutine )
setModifier( aVariablePattern->getModifier() );
* str Type
std::string Variable::strT()
if( getType().is< BaseTypeSpecifier >() )
return( getType().to_ptr< BaseTypeSpecifier >()->strT() );
else if( getType().is< DataType >() )
return( getType().to_ptr< DataType >()->strT() );
if( getType().is< ObjectElement >() )
return( getType().to_ptr< ObjectElement >()->getNameID() );
return( getType().str() );
Operator * Variable::getAssignOperator() const
if( getModifier().hasNatureMacro() )
return( OperatorManager::OPERATOR_ASSIGN_MACRO );
else if( getModifier().hasNatureReference() )
return( OperatorManager::OPERATOR_ASSIGN_REF );
return( OperatorManager::OPERATOR_ASSIGN );
* BehavioralPart Routine Container
BehavioralPart * Variable::getContainerOfRoutines() const
const ObjectElement * container = this->getContainer();
for( ; container != NULL ; container = container->getContainer() )
if( container->is< Machine >() )
return( container->to< Machine >()->getBehaviorPart() );
else if( container->is< DataType >() )
return( container->to< DataType >()->getBehaviorPart() );
return( NULL );
BehavioralPart * Variable::getUniqContainerOfRoutines() const
ObjectElement * container = this->getContainer();
for( ; container != NULL ; container = container->getContainer() )
if( container->is< Machine >() )
return( container->to< Machine >()->getUniqBehaviorPart() );
else if( container->is< DataType >() )
return( container->to< DataType >()->getUniqBehaviorPart() );
return( NULL );
* Serialization
void Variable::toStream(OutStream & os) const
os << TAB << getModifier().toString_not( Modifier::FEATURE_CONST_KIND )
<< ( getModifier().hasFeatureConst() ? "const" /*"val"*/ : "var" )
<< " " << strTypeSpecifier() << " " << getNameID();
if( mValue.valid() )
// os << " " << getAssignOperator()->str() << " " << mValue.str();
os << " = " << mValue.str();
if( onWriteRoutine != NULL )
os << " { " << EOL_INCR_INDENT;
os << DECR_INDENT_TAB << "}";
os << ";";
os << EOL << std::flush;
void Variable::toStreamParameter(OutStream & os) const
os << TAB << getModifier().toString()
<< strTypeSpecifier() << " " << getNameID();
if( mValue.valid() )
os << " = " << mValue.str();
os << EOL_FLUSH;