Tuleap # 788 - adjust the dynamic column for the reply dialog

- Adjust the reply menu dynamically
- Read labels information from model
- Create method to get the last user votes
- Adjust the reply dialog re-sizing

Add an option to select all allowed menu which can be set to the maximum
review value for the user.

In the editor, if there is no dynamic reply option, selecting the
"Reply" button will automatically open the reply dialog

Change-Id: I74dc9fb7770e4d1b996596cd56b5729920d140c9
Signed-off-by: Jacques Bouthillier <lmcbout@gmail.com>


Change-Id: I74dc9fb7770e4d1b996596cd56b5729920d140c9
Signed-off-by: Pascal Rapicault <pascal@rapicorp.com>
30 files changed