| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| -- ATL Task |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| --- Example |
| The example is the located in the egf folder. It is based on the common ATL sample example. |
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| --- Practice |
| * How to create and execute an ATL Task? |
| 1. Creation of a new ATL Task with EGF: |
| Precondition: |
| - The ATL project is created |
| - Existence of the "ASM" file corresponding to an ATL file |
| - Existence of the metamodel |
| - Existence of an source file for transformation |
| |
| 1.1. Creation in a new fcore file |
| - In a folder, [File / New / Other... / EGF / EGF Activity] |
| - In the Task, set "kind" to "ATL" |
| OR |
| 1.1. Creation in an existing fcore file |
| - On a factory component or task, [New Sibling / Task ATL] |
| |
| 1.2. Set the name of the task |
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| 1.3. Declaration of the implementation |
| - In the implementation property, select an ASM file |
| |
| 1.4. Creation of the parameters |
| - On the ATL task, creation of the parameter container [New Child / Contract Container] |
| - "metaModelURI" Parameter. |
| New In parameter (contract), Name = "metaModelURI" |
| New child, Type URI - In "Value" Property, URI expected, such as "http://www.eclipse.org/uml2/2.1.0/UML" |
| - "modelIN" Parameter. |
| New In parameter (contract), Name = "modelIN" |
| New child, Type URI - In "Value" Property, Path expected, such as "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.egf.usecase.atl/model/sample.uml" |
| - "modelOUT" Parameter. |
| New In parameter (contract), Name = "modelOUT" |
| New child, Type String - In "Value" Property, Path expected, such as "platform:/resource/org.eclipse.egf.usecase.atl/model/sample-privatized.uml" |
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| 2. Execution of an ATL task: |
| Precondition: |
| - Existence of the metamodel |
| - Existence of the source model |
| - Existence of the output directory as specified |
| |
| 2.1. On the fcore file when just one task, or on the task, "Run EGF Activity..." |
| 2.2. The result is in the output directory |
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| --- Platform |
| Validated with EGF 0.6.0, and ATL SDK-3.2.0M4 |