| ## |
| # Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Thales Corporate Services S.A.S. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # Thales Corporate Services S.A.S - initial API and implementation |
| ## |
| |
| ListBuilderDialog_initialvalue_label = Available Patterns and Libraries: |
| ListBuilderDialog_searchPatternValue_label = Filter (* or ?): |
| ListBuilderDialog_currentValue_label = Selected elements: |
| |
| Editor_wrong_input = Invalid Input: Must be PatternEditorInput |
| |
| OpenTypeWizard_window_title=Parameter type selection |
| |
| OrchestrationTableLabelProvider_MethodCall=\ - [MethodCall] |
| OrchestrationTableLabelProvider_PatternCall=\ - [PatternCall] |
| OrchestrationTableLabelProvider_PatternInjectedCall=\ - [PatternInjectedCall] |
| OrchestrationTableLabelProvider_SuperPatternCall=[Call to super pattern orchestration] |
| OrchestrationTableLabelProvider_BackCall=[Callback to Strategy/Task] |
| OrchestrationWizard_title=Orchestration |
| |
| OverviewPage_browse_dialog_title=Change Container Library |
| OverviewPage_button_browse=Browse |
| OverviewPage_sectionLeft_description_label_title=Description |
| OverviewPage_sectionLeft_description_label=Fill-in detailed pattern behavior |
| OverviewPage_sectionLeft_fullName_label=Library: |
| OverviewPage_sectionLeft_id_label=Id: |
| OverviewPage_sectionLeft_name_label=Name: |
| OverviewPage_sectionLeft_title=General Information |
| OverviewPage_sectionLeft_title_label=This section describes general information about this pattern. |
| |
| OverviewPage_sectionRight_implLink_label=Implementation: |
| OverviewPage_sectionRight_impl_label=defines the pattern operations and their associated templates. |
| |
| OverviewPage_sectionRight_spec_label=defines the pattern parameters and the applicable condition for pattern matching. |
| OverviewPage_sectionRight_specLink_label=Specification: |
| |
| OverviewPage_sectionRight_select_label=Select the current pattern in an EGF Fcore Editor. |
| OverviewPage_sectionRight_selectLink_label=Select: |
| |
| OverviewPage_sectionRight_title=Pattern Content |
| OverviewPage_sectionRight_title_label=The content of the pattern is made up of several sections: |
| OverviewPage_title = Overview |
| |
| ImplementationPage_button_add=Add |
| ImplementationPage_button_down=Down |
| ImplementationPage_button_edit=Edit |
| ImplementationPage_button_methodsOpenTemplate=Open template editor |
| ImplementationPage_button_methodsCompare=Compare with super pattern method |
| ImplementationPage_button_remove=Remove |
| ImplementationPage_button_up=Up |
| ImplementationPage_column_title_name=Name |
| ImplementationPage_column_title_type=Type |
| ImplementationPage_Error=Error |
| ImplementationPage_methAdd_dialog_title=Add Method |
| ImplementationPage_methEdit_dialog_title=Edit Method |
| ImplementationPage_method_cannot_delete_message=You can't deleted this method, because it is used in a methodCall\! |
| ImplementationPage_Methods=Methods |
| ImplementationPage_Methods_2=Pattern methods: |
| ImplementationPage_Methods_3=Implementation methods: |
| ImplementationPage_orchSection_label=Organize method calls: |
| ImplementationPage_orchSection_title=Orchestration |
| ImplementationPage_title = Implementation |
| ImplementationPage_variable_cannot_delete_message=You can't deleted this variable, because it is used in a patternInjectedCall\! |
| ImplementationPage_variablesEditDialog_title=Edit Variable |
| ImplementationPage_varSection_label=Set up some variable available in all methods: |
| ImplementationPage_varSection_title=Variables |
| |
| SpecificationPage_browse_dialog_title=Pattern Selection |
| SpecificationPage_button_add=Add |
| SpecificationPage_button_browse=Browse |
| SpecificationPage_button_down=Down |
| SpecificationPage_button_edit=Edit |
| SpecificationPage_button_remove=Remove |
| SpecificationPage_button_up=Up |
| SpecificationPage_change_nature_title=Pattern Nature update |
| SpecificationPage_change_nature_type=Do you really want to change the nature and update the header and footer ? |
| SpecificationPage_column_title_name=Name |
| SpecificationPage_column_title_query=Query |
| SpecificationPage_column_title_type=Type |
| SpecificationPage_inherSection_discrip_label=Choose the super pattern: |
| SpecificationPage_inherSection_parent_label=Parent: |
| SpecificationPage_inherSection_title=Inheritance |
| SpecificationPage_No_parent=\ No parent |
| SpecificationPage_parametersEditDialog_title=Edit Parameter |
| SpecificationPage_paraSection_discrip_label=Define parameters for this pattern in the following section. |
| SpecificationPage_paraSection_title=Parameters |
| SpecificationPage_patternSection_discrip_label=Select the kind of the pattern: |
| SpecificationPage_patternSection_title=Pattern Nature |
| SpecificationPage_patternSection_type_label=Type: |
| SpecificationPage_title = Specification |
| |
| ChooseCallPage_description=Organize method calls. |
| ChooseCallPage_label_text=Matching items: |
| ChooseCallPage_methodCall_title=Choose a method to call: |
| ChooseCallPage_no_call_selected_error_message=No call is selected or no call is available. |
| ChooseCallPage_no_variable_selected_error_message=No variable is selected or no variable is available. |
| ChooseCallPage_patternCall_title=Choose a pattern to call: |
| ChooseCallPage_patternInjectCall_title=Choose the context object to inject: |
| ChooseCallPage_superPatternCall_title=Choose a superPattern to call: |
| ChooseCallPage_title=ChooseToCall |
| |
| ChooseKindPage_description=Select a Pattern Call. |
| ChooseKindPage_label_text=Pattern Call selection: |
| ChooseKindPage_radio_methodCall=Method |
| ChooseKindPage_radio_patternCall=Pattern |
| ChooseKindPage_radio_patternInjectedCall=Pattern with context injection |
| ChooseKindPage_radio_superPatternCall=Super Pattern |
| ChooseKindPage_radio_backCall=Callback |
| ChooseKindPage_title=Pattern Call Kind |
| |
| ChooseTypePage_coreTypeTabItem_title=Ecore type |
| ChooseTypePage_description=Select a type in the following list of available types |
| ChooseTypePage_javaTypeTabItem_title=Java type |
| ChooseTypePage_title=Type selection |
| |
| ContainerLibrarySelectionDialog_dialogArea_label=Matching items: |
| ContainerLibrarySelectionDialog_pattern_label=Enter type name prefix or pattern (*,?,or camel case) |
| |
| ParameterMatchingPage_button_create=Create matching |
| ParameterMatchingPage_button_delete=Delete matching |
| ParameterMatchingPage_button_edit=Edit matching |
| ParameterMatchingPage_current_mathings_title=Current parameter matchings: |
| ParameterMatchingPage_label_text=Choose parameters to setup 'parameter matching': |
| ParameterMatchingPage_missing_information=There is no available caller parameters or callee parameters to setup. |
| ParameterMatchingPage_title=Parameter Matching |
| |
| ParametersEditDialog_Browse=Browse |
| ParametersEditDialog_duplicate_key_error_message=Same key exist in table. |
| ParametersEditDialog_Key_title=Key |
| ParametersEditDialog_Name=Name |
| ParametersEditDialog_Query=Query |
| ParametersEditDialog_query_context_label=QueryContext |
| ParametersEditDialog_Type=Type |
| ParametersEditDialog_Value_title=Value |
| |
| common_mark1=\ - [ |
| common_mark2=] |
| input_tooltip = tooltip |
| |
| ViewpointContributor_missingPattern_title = Impossible to edit the pattern |
| ViewpointContributor_missingPattern_message = Save your model before editing a pattern. |
| ViewpointContributor_openAction_label = Open |
| ViewpointContributor_openTemplateAction_label= Open templates |
| ViewpointContributor_newPattern_label= {0} Pattern |
| ViewpointContributor_generatePatternAction_label=Generate Patterns |
| ViewpointContributor_comparePatternAction_label=Compare Patterns methods with super patterns |
| |
| TypePatternSubstitutionContributor_inheritancePatternSubstitutionAction_label=Create substitution from pattern inheritance |
| TypePatternSubstitutionContributor_inheritancePatternSubstitutionActionError_label=The selected pattern must have a super pattern. |
| |
| PatternNature_update=EGF Nature Update |
| PatternNature_update_execute_exception= Unexpected exception while updating Pattern Nature ''{0}'' |
| |
| TracePreferencePage_Title=Pattern Trace |
| TracePreferencePage_Description= |
| TracePreferencePage_Load_Error_Message=Cannot load configurations, data has been reseted. |
| TracePreferencePage_Load_Error_Title=Load error |
| TracePreferencePage_Save_Error_Message=Cannot save configurations. |
| TracePreferencePage_Save_Error_Title=Save error |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_1=Comment token |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_1_tooltip=Tokens to use in added trace elements |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_2=Pattern |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_2_tooltip=When matched the comment token is added to pattern outputs |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_3=Enable |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_4=Name |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_4_tooltip=Name of the trace configuration |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_5=Filter in the selected category: |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_6=Available trace category: |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_7=Enable trace: |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_8=Always |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_8_tooltip=A default trace token will be used |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_9=Only for configurations below |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_10=Never |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_11_tooltip=Create category |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_12_tooltip=Delete selected category(ies) |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_13_tooltip=Duplicate selected category |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_14_tooltip=Add new filter |
| TracePreferencePage_Label_15_tooltip=Delete selected filter(s) |
| |
| |