tree: 49cf5ed34be5f1a92a56835b5b41e19a09c29f69 [path history] [tgz]
  1. components/
  2. org.eclipse.egit.gitflow.ui/
  3. org.eclipse.egit.ui/
  4. org.eclipse.egit.ui.smartimport/

EGit images

EGit icons are done in SVG. This directory contains the SVG sources, organized in a directory tree that mirrors the placement of the final PNG versions in the EGit bundles.

Creating an icon

To create a new icon, add the SVG source (“new_icon.svg”) here in the appropriate sub-directory (create it if necessary). Export it as a PNG file in two versions:

  • a 16x16 pixel version named “new_icon.png”
  • a 32x32 pixel version named “new_icon@2x.png” for HiDPI devices

Then move the PNG files to the correct places in the correct EGit bundles.

For color palettes, see the eclipse.platform.images project.


All files are subject to the Eclipse Public License (EPL) v1.0