| |
| # <copyright> |
| # </copyright> |
| # |
| # |
| |
| # ==================================================================== |
| # To code developer: |
| # Do NOT change the properties between this line and the |
| # "%%% END OF TRANSLATED PROPERTIES %%%" line. |
| # Make a new property name, append to the end of the file and change |
| # the code to use the new property. |
| # ==================================================================== |
| |
| # ==================================================================== |
| # ==================================================================== |
| |
| pluginName = Esmodel Edit Support |
| providerName = www.example.org |
| |
| _UI_CreateChild_text = {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} |
| _UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature |
| _UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}. |
| _UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent. |
| |
| _UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} |
| |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_type = Project History |
| _UI_ProjectInfo_type = Project Info |
| _UI_SessionId_type = Session Id |
| _UI_TagVersionSpec_type = Tag Version Spec |
| _UI_DateVersionSpec_type = Date Version Spec |
| _UI_PrimaryVersionSpec_type = Primary Version Spec |
| _UI_VersionSpec_type = Version Spec |
| _UI_LogMessage_type = Log Message |
| _UI_ChangePackage_type = Change Package |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_type = History Info |
| _UI_Version_type = Version |
| _UI_HeadVersionSpec_type = Head Version Spec |
| _UI_User_type = User |
| _UI_OrgUnit_type = Org Unit |
| _UI_Group_type = Group |
| _UI_Role_type = Role |
| _UI_ReaderRole_type = Reader Role |
| _UI_WriterRole_type = Writer Role |
| _UI_ProjectAdminRole_type = Project Admin Role |
| _UI_ServerAdmin_type = Server Admin |
| _UI_OrgUnitId_type = Org Unit Id |
| _UI_Unknown_type = Object |
| |
| _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value |
| |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_versions_feature = Versions |
| _UI_ProjectInfo_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ProjectInfo_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_ProjectInfo_projectId_feature = Project Id |
| _UI_ProjectInfo_version_feature = Version |
| _UI_TagVersionSpec_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_DateVersionSpec_date_feature = Date |
| _UI_PrimaryVersionSpec_identifier_feature = Identifier |
| _UI_LogMessage_message_feature = Message |
| _UI_LogMessage_author_feature = Author |
| _UI_LogMessage_date_feature = Date |
| _UI_ChangePackage_fowardDelta_feature = Foward Delta |
| _UI_ChangePackage_backwardDelta_feature = Backward Delta |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_primerySpec_feature = Primery Spec |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_logMessage_feature = Log Message |
| _UI_Version_projectState_feature = Project State |
| _UI_Version_primarySpec_feature = Primary Spec |
| _UI_Version_tagSpecs_feature = Tag Specs |
| _UI_Version_nextVersion_feature = Next Version |
| _UI_Version_previousVersion_feature = Previous Version |
| _UI_Version_changes_feature = Changes |
| _UI_Version_logMessage_feature = Log Message |
| _UI_User_firstName_feature = First Name |
| _UI_User_lastName_feature = Last Name |
| _UI_OrgUnit_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_OrgUnit_roles_feature = Roles |
| _UI_OrgUnit_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_OrgUnit_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_Group_members_feature = Members |
| _UI_Role_projects_feature = Projects |
| _UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified |
| |
| _UI_Administration_type = Administration |
| _UI_ProjectId_type = Project Id |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_identifier_feature = Identifier |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_Administration_orgUnits_feature = Org Units |
| _UI_ServerSpace_type = Server Space |
| _UI_ProjectHistorySpace_type = Project History Space |
| _UI_ServerSpace_orgUnits_feature = Org Units |
| _UI_ServerSpace_projects_feature = Projects |
| _UI_ServerSpace_openSessions_feature = Open Sessions |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_projectInfo_feature = Project Info |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_projectId_feature = Project Id |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_projectName_feature = Project Name |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_projectDescription_feature = Project Description |
| _UI_ACUser_type = AC User |
| _UI_ACOrgUnit_type = AC Org Unit |
| _UI_ACGroup_type = AC Group |
| _UI_ACOrgUnitId_type = AC Org Unit Id |
| _UI_ACUser_firstName_feature = First Name |
| _UI_ACUser_lastName_feature = Last Name |
| _UI_ACOrgUnit_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ACOrgUnit_roles_feature = Roles |
| _UI_ACOrgUnit_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ACOrgUnit_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_ACGroup_members_feature = Members |
| _UI_ServerSpace_groups_feature = Groups |
| _UI_ServerSpace_users_feature = Users |
| _UI_ChangePackage_projectState_feature = Project State |
| _UI_ESAbstractOperation_type = ES Abstract Operation |
| _UI_ESOperation_type = ES Operation |
| _UI_ESEvent_type = ES Event |
| _UI_ESeAttributeEvent_type = ESe Attribute Event |
| _UI_ESListEvent_type = ES List Event |
| _UI_ESModifyElementEvent_type = ES Modify Element Event |
| _UI_ChangePackage_operations_feature = Operations |
| _UI_ESOperation_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ESOperation_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_ESOperation_operations_feature = Operations |
| _UI_ESEvent_modelElementId_feature = Model Element Id |
| _UI_ESEvent_featureId_feature = Feature Id |
| _UI_ESEvent_modelElementClass_feature = Model Element Class |
| _UI_ESeAttributeEvent_previousState_feature = Previous State |
| _UI_ESeAttributeEvent_subsequentState_feature = Subsequent State |
| _UI_ESModifyElementEvent_previousState_feature = Previous State |
| _UI_ESModifyElementEvent_subsequentState_feature = Subsequent State |
| _UI_ESChangePackage_type = ES Change Package |
| _UI_ESChangePackage_operations_feature = Operations |
| _UI_ChangePackage_forwardDelta_feature = Forward Delta |
| _UI_AbstractOperation_type = Abstract Operation |
| _UI_CompositeOperation_type = Composite Operation |
| _UI_FeatureOperation_type = Feature Operation |
| _UI_CreateOperation_type = Create Operation |
| _UI_DeleteOperation_type = Delete Operation |
| _UI_AtomicOperation_type = Atomic Operation |
| _UI_ChangeContainer_type = Change Container |
| _UI_AtomicChangeContainer_type = Atomic Change Container |
| _UI_CompositeChangeContainer_type = Composite Change Container |
| _UI_ChangePackage_changeContainers_feature = Change Containers |
| _UI_CompositeOperation_atomicOperations_feature = Atomic Operations |
| _UI_CompositeOperation_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_CompositeOperation_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_FeatureOperation_featureChange_feature = Feature Change |
| _UI_CreateOperation_objectToCreate_feature = Object To Create |
| _UI_DeleteOperation_objectToDelete_feature = Object To Delete |
| _UI_ChangeContainer_forwardDelta_feature = Forward Delta |
| _UI_ChangeContainer_backwardDelta_feature = Backward Delta |
| _UI_CompositeChangeContainer_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_CompositeChangeContainer_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_AbstractOperation_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_AbstractOperation_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_AbstractOperation_modelElement_feature = Model Element |
| _UI_AbstractOperation_username_feature = Username |
| _UI_FeatureOperation_oldValue_feature = Old Value |
| _UI_FeatureOperation_newValue_feature = New Value |
| _UI_FeatureOperation_AttributeName_feature = Attribute Name |
| _UI_HistoryQuery_type = History Query |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_tagSpecs_feature = Tag Specs |
| _UI_HistoryQuery_from_feature = From |
| _UI_HistoryQuery_to_feature = To |
| _UI_HistoryQuery_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_HistoryQuery_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_ReferenceOperation_type = Reference Operation |
| _UI_AttributeOperation_type = Attribute Operation |
| _UI_FeatureOperation_featureName_feature = Feature Name |
| _UI_ReferenceOperation_oldValue_feature = Old Value |
| _UI_ReferenceOperation_newValue_feature = New Value |
| _UI_AttributeOperation_oldValue_feature = Old Value |
| _UI_AttributeOperation_newValue_feature = New Value |
| _UI_AbstractOperation_modelElementId_feature = Model Element Id |
| _UI_CreateDeleteOperation_type = Create Delete Operation |
| _UI_SingleReferenceOperation_type = Single Reference Operation |
| _UI_MultiReferenceOperation_type = Multi Reference Operation |
| _UI_MultiReferenceMoveOperation_type = Multi Reference Move Operation |
| _UI_CreateDeleteOperation_delete_feature = Delete |
| _UI_CreateDeleteOperation_modelElement_feature = Model Element |
| _UI_SingleReferenceOperation_oldValue_feature = Old Value |
| _UI_SingleReferenceOperation_newValue_feature = New Value |
| _UI_MultiReferenceOperation_add_feature = Add |
| _UI_MultiReferenceOperation_index_feature = Index |
| _UI_MultiReferenceOperation_referencedModelElements_feature = Referenced Model Elements |
| _UI_MultiReferenceMoveOperation_oldIndex_feature = Old Index |
| _UI_MultiReferenceMoveOperation_newIndex_feature = New Index |
| _UI_MultiReferenceMoveOperation_referencedModelElementId_feature = Referenced Model Element Id |
| _UI_CompositeOperation_compositeName_feature = Composite Name |
| _UI_CompositeOperation_compositeDescription_feature = Composite Description |
| _UI_CompositeOperation_subOperations_feature = Sub Operations |
| _UI_CompositeOperation_isReversed_feature = Is Reversed |
| _UI_CompositeOperation_reversed_feature = Reversed |
| _UI_VersionInfo_type = Version Info |
| _UI_MultiAttributeOperation_type = Multi Attribute Operation |
| _UI_VersionInfo_emfStoreVersionString_feature = Emf Store Version String |
| _UI_MultiAttributeOperation_add_feature = Add |
| _UI_MultiAttributeOperation_index_feature = Index |
| _UI_MultiAttributeOperation_values_feature = Values |
| _UI_ReadOperation_type = Read Operation |
| _UI_ReferenceOperation_isBidirectional_feature = Is Bidirectional |
| _UI_ReferenceOperation_oppositeFeatureName_feature = Opposite Feature Name |
| _UI_ReadOperation_acUsername_feature = Ac Username |
| _UI_ReadOperation_date_feature = Date |
| _UI_ReferenceOperation_bidirectional_feature = Bidirectional |
| _UI_LogMessage_clientDate_feature = Client Date |
| _UI_DiagramLayoutOperation_type = Diagram Layout Operation |
| _UI_MultiAttributeMoveOperation_type = Multi Attribute Move Operation |
| _UI_MultiAttributeMoveOperation_oldIndex_feature = Old Index |
| _UI_MultiAttributeMoveOperation_newIndex_feature = New Index |
| _UI_AbstractOperation_accepted_feature = Accepted |
| _UI_Event_type = Event |
| _UI_ReadEvent_type = Read Event |
| _UI_MergeEvent_type = Merge Event |
| _UI_CheckoutEvent_type = Checkout Event |
| _UI_ExceptionEvent_type = Exception Event |
| _UI_ChangePackage_events_feature = Events |
| _UI_Event_timestamp_feature = Timestamp |
| _UI_ReadEvent_modelElement_feature = Model Element |
| _UI_MergeEvent_numberOfConflicts_feature = Number Of Conflicts |
| _UI_MergeEvent_totalTime_feature = Total Time |
| _UI_MergeEvent_baseVersion_feature = Base Version |
| _UI_CheckoutEvent_baseVersion_feature = Base Version |
| _UI_ExceptionEvent_ExceptionTitle_feature = Exception Title |
| _UI_ExceptionEvent_ExceptionStackTrace_feature = Exception Stack Trace |
| _UI_ExceptionEvent_ExceptionCauseTitle_feature = Exception Cause Title |
| _UI_ExceptionEvent_ExceptionCauseStackTrace_feature = Exception Cause Stack Trace |
| _UI_ClientVersionInfo_type = Client Version Info |
| _UI_ClientVersionInfo_version_feature = Version |
| _UI_ClientVersionInfo_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ChangePackage_logMessage_feature = Log Message |
| _UI_PluginStartEvent_type = Plugin Start Event |
| _UI_MergeEvent_targetVersion_feature = Target Version |
| _UI_MergeEvent_localChanges_feature = Local Changes |
| _UI_PluginStartEvent_pluginId_feature = Plugin Id |
| _UI_UpdateEvent_type = Update Event |
| _UI_AnnotationEvent_type = Annotation Event |
| _UI_RevertEvent_type = Revert Event |
| _UI_ReadDiagramEvent_type = Read Diagram Event |
| _UI_ShowHistoryEvent_type = Show History Event |
| _UI_PerspectiveEvent_type = Perspective Event |
| _UI_DNDEvent_type = DND Event |
| _UI_LinkEvent_type = Link Event |
| _UI_TraceEvent_type = Trace Event |
| _UI_NavigatorCreateEvent_type = Navigator Create Event |
| _UI_ReadEvent_sourceView_feature = Source View |
| _UI_UpdateEvent_baseVersion_feature = Base Version |
| _UI_UpdateEvent_targetVersion_feature = Target Version |
| _UI_AnnotationEvent_annotatedElement_feature = Annotated Element |
| _UI_AnnotationEvent_annotation_feature = Annotation |
| _UI_RevertEvent_revertedChangesCount_feature = Reverted Changes Count |
| _UI_ShowHistoryEvent_sourceVersion_feature = Source Version |
| _UI_ShowHistoryEvent_targetVersion_feature = Target Version |
| _UI_DNDEvent_sourceView_feature = Source View |
| _UI_DNDEvent_targetView_feature = Target View |
| _UI_DNDEvent_dragSourceElement_feature = Drag Source Element |
| _UI_DNDEvent_dropTargetElement_feature = Drop Target Element |
| _UI_LinkEvent_sourceView_feature = Source View |
| _UI_LinkEvent_sourceElement_feature = Source Element |
| _UI_LinkEvent_targetElement_feature = Target Element |
| _UI_LinkEvent_createdNew_feature = Created New |
| _UI_TraceEvent_sourceElement_feature = Source Element |
| _UI_TraceEvent_targetElement_feature = Target Element |
| _UI_TraceEvent_featureName_feature = Feature Name |
| _UI_NavigatorCreateEvent_createdElement_feature = Created Element |
| _UI_NavigatorCreateEvent_sourceSection_feature = Source Section |
| _UI_NavigatorCreateEvent_dynamic_feature = Dynamic |
| _UI_PluginFocusEvent_type = Plugin Focus Event |
| _UI_PresentationSwitchEvent_type = Presentation Switch Event |
| _UI_UndoEvent_type = Undo Event |
| _UI_Validate_type = Validate |
| _UI_ShowChangesEvent_type = Show Changes Event |
| _UI_AbstractOperation_clientDate_feature = Client Date |
| _UI_ReadEvent_readView_feature = Read View |
| _UI_PluginFocusEvent_pluginId_feature = Plugin Id |
| _UI_PluginFocusEvent_startDate_feature = Start Date |
| _UI_PresentationSwitchEvent_readView_feature = Read View |
| _UI_PresentationSwitchEvent_newPresentation_feature = New Presentation |
| _UI_UndoEvent_operation_feature = Operation |
| _UI_ShowChangesEvent_sourceVersion_feature = Source Version |
| _UI_ShowChangesEvent_targetVersion_feature = Target Version |
| _UI_HistoryQuery_modelElements_feature = Model Elements |
| _UI_CreateDeleteOperation_subOperations_feature = Sub Operations |
| _UI_Notification_type = Notification |
| _UI_ChangePackage_notifications_feature = Notifications |
| _UI_Notification_sender_feature = Sender |
| _UI_Notification_recipient_feature = Recipient |
| _UI_Notification_project_feature = Project |
| _UI_Notification_relatedModelElements_feature = Related Model Elements |
| _UI_Notification_message_feature = Message |
| _UI_ESNotification_type = ES Notification |
| _UI_ESNotification_sender_feature = Sender |
| _UI_ESNotification_recipient_feature = Recipient |
| _UI_ESNotification_project_feature = Project |
| _UI_ESNotification_relatedModelElements_feature = Related Model Elements |
| _UI_ESNotification_message_feature = Message |
| _UI_ESNotification_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ESNotification_seen_feature = Seen |
| _UI_ESNotification_creationDate_feature = Creation Date |
| _UI_ServerUrl_type = Server Url |
| _UI_ProjectUrlFragment_type = Project Url Fragment |
| _UI_ModelElementUrlFragment_type = Model Element Url Fragment |
| _UI_ModelElementUrl_type = Model Element Url |
| _UI_ServerUrl_hostName_feature = Host Name |
| _UI_ServerUrl_port_feature = Port |
| _UI_ProjectUrlFragment_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ProjectUrlFragment_projectId_feature = Project Id |
| _UI_ModelElementUrlFragment_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ModelElementUrlFragment_modelElementId_feature = Model Element Id |
| _UI_ModelElementUrl_serverUrl_feature = Server Url |
| _UI_ModelElementUrl_projectUrlFragment_feature = Project Url Fragment |
| _UI_ModelElementUrl_modelElementUrlFragment_feature = Model Element Url Fragment |
| _UI_NotificationReadEvent_type = Notification Read Event |
| _UI_NotificationGenerationEvent_type = Notification Generation Event |
| _UI_NotificationReadEvent_notificationId_feature = Notification Id |
| _UI_NotificationGenerationEvent_notifications_feature = Notifications |
| _UI_ShowHistoryEvent_modelElement_feature = Model Element |
| _UI_NotificationIgnoreEvent_type = Notification Ignore Event |
| _UI_NotificationIgnoreEvent_notificationId_feature = Notification Id |
| _UI_OrgUnitProperties_type = Org Unit Properties |
| _UI_ACOrgUnit_properties_feature = Properties |
| _UI_OrgUnitProperties_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_OrgUnitProperties_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_OperationId_type = Operation Id |
| _UI_ESNotification_details_feature = Details |
| _UI_ESNotification_provider_feature = Provider |
| _UI_ESNotification_relatedOperations_feature = Related Operations |
| _UI_OrgUnitProperties_project_feature = Project |
| _UI_VersionProperty_type = Version Property |
| _UI_ChangePackage_versionProperties_feature = Version Properties |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_versionProperties_feature = Version Properties |
| _UI_VersionProperty_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_VersionProperty_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_changePackage_feature = Change Package |
| _UI_HistoryQuery_includeChangePackage_feature = Include Change Package |
| _UI_OrgUnitProperty_type = Org Unit Property |
| _UI_OrgUnitProperty_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_OrgUnitProperty_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_OrgUnitProperty_project_feature = Project |
| _UI_CompositeOperation_mainOperation_feature = Main Operation |
| _UI_OperationGroup_type = Operation Group |
| _UI_OperationGroup_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_OperationGroup_operations_feature = Operations |
| _UI_URLEvent_type = URL Event |
| _UI_URLEvent_sourceModelElement_feature = Source Model Element |
| _UI_URLEvent_sourceView_feature = Source View |
| _UI_URLEvent_sourceURL_feature = Source URL |
| _UI_SemanticCompositeOperation_type = Composite Operation |
| _UI_ExtractToSuperclassOperation_type = Extract To Superclass Operation |
| _UI_ExtractToSuperclassOperation_superClassName_feature = Super Class Name |
| _UI_ExtractToSuperclassOperation_subClasses_feature = Sub Classes |
| _UI_ExtractToSuperclassOperation_features_feature = Features |
| _UI_ExtractToSuperclassOperation_targetPackage_feature = Target Package |
| _UI_MergeChoice_type = Merge Choice |
| _UI_MergeChoice_myChanges_feature = My Changes |
| _UI_MergeChoice_theirChanges_feature = Their Changes |
| _UI_MergeChoice_contextModelElement_feature = Context Model Element |
| _UI_MergeChoice_selection_feature = Selection |
| _UI_MergeChoice_contextFeature_feature = Context Feature |
| _UI_MergeChoice_createdIssue_feature = Created Issue |
| _UI_MergeChoiceSelection_Mine_literal = Mine |
| _UI_MergeChoiceSelection_Their_literal = Their |
| _UI_MergeChoiceSelection_Issue_literal = Issue |
| _UI_MergeChoiceSelection_AllMine_literal = AllMine |
| _UI_MergeChoiceSelection_AllTheir_literal = AllTheir |
| _UI_MergeChoiceSelection_Cancel_literal = Cancel |
| _UI_MergeChoiceSelection_OKNotFinished_literal = OKNotFinished |
| _UI_MergeChoiceSelection_OKFinished_literal = OKFinished |
| _UI_MergeChoiceEvent_type = Merge Choice Event |
| _UI_MergeGlobalChoiceEvent_type = Merge Global Choice Event |
| _UI_MergeChoiceEvent_myChanges_feature = My Changes |
| _UI_MergeChoiceEvent_theirChanges_feature = Their Changes |
| _UI_MergeChoiceEvent_contextModelElement_feature = Context Model Element |
| _UI_MergeChoiceEvent_selection_feature = Selection |
| _UI_MergeChoiceEvent_contextFeature_feature = Context Feature |
| _UI_MergeChoiceEvent_createdIssue_feature = Created Issue |
| _UI_MergeGlobalChoiceEvent_selection_feature = Selection |
| _UI_MergeGlobalChoiceSelection_AllMine_literal = AllMine |
| _UI_MergeGlobalChoiceSelection_AllTheir_literal = AllTheir |
| _UI_MergeGlobalChoiceSelection_Cancel_literal = Cancel |
| _UI_MergeGlobalChoiceSelection_OKNotFinished_literal = OKNotFinished |
| _UI_MergeGlobalChoiceSelection_OKFinished_literal = OKFinished |
| _UI_MergeChoiceSelection_MergedText_literal = MergedText |
| _UI_ModelElementGroup_type = Model Element Group |
| _UI_ModelElementGroup_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ModelElementGroup_modelElements_feature = Model Elements |
| _UI_MergeChoiceEvent_myAcceptedChanges_feature = My Accepted Changes |
| _UI_MergeChoiceEvent_theirRejectedChanges_feature = Their Rejected Changes |
| _UI_MergeChoiceEvent_createdIssueName_feature = Created Issue Name |
| _UI_ReferenceOperation_containmentType_feature = Containment Type |
| _UI_ContainmentType_NONE_literal = NONE |
| _UI_ContainmentType_CONTAINER_literal = CONTAINER |
| _UI_ContainmentType_CONTAINMENT_literal = CONTAINMENT |
| _UI_ServerEvent_type = Event |
| _UI_ProjectUpdatedEvent_type = Project Updated Event |
| _UI_ProjectUpdatedEvent_projectId_feature = Project Id |
| _UI_ProjectUpdatedEvent_newVersion_feature = New Version |
| _UI_ServerProjectEvent_type = Project Event |
| _UI_ServerProjectEvent_projectId_feature = Project Id |
| _UI_CreateDeleteOperation_modelElementWrappers_feature = Model Element Wrappers |
| _UI_CreateDeleteOperation_modelElementIds_feature = Model Element Ids |
| _UI_CreateDeleteOperation_modelElementIdToEObject_feature = Model Element Id To EObject |
| _UI_CreateDeleteOperation_eobjectsIdMap_feature = Eobjects Id Map |
| _UI_MultiAttributeSetOperation_type = Multi Attribute Set Operation |
| _UI_MultiReferenceSetOperation_type = Multi Reference Set Operation |
| _UI_MultiAttributeOperation_indexes_feature = Indexes |
| _UI_MultiAttributeOperation_referencedValues_feature = Referenced Values |
| _UI_MultiAttributeSetOperation_index_feature = Index |
| _UI_MultiAttributeSetOperation_oldValue_feature = Old Value |
| _UI_MultiAttributeSetOperation_newValue_feature = New Value |
| _UI_MultiAttributeMoveOperation_referencedValue_feature = Referenced Value |
| _UI_MultiReferenceSetOperation_index_feature = Index |
| _UI_MultiReferenceSetOperation_oldValue_feature = Old Value |
| _UI_MultiReferenceSetOperation_newValue_feature = New Value |
| _UI_EObjectToModelElementIdMap_type = EObject To Model Element Id Map |
| _UI_CreateDeleteOperation_eObjectToIdMap_feature = EObject To Id Map |
| _UI_EObjectToModelElementIdMap_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_EObjectToModelElementIdMap_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_FileIdentifier_type = File Identifier |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_sharedProperties_feature = Shared Properties |
| _UI_ACUser_effectiveGroups_feature = Effective Groups |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_sharedProperties_feature = Shared Properties |
| _UI_ACUser_effectiveGroups_feature = Effective Groups |
| _UI_VersionSpec_branch_feature = Branch |
| _UI_BranchVersionSpec_type = Branch Version Spec |
| _UI_Version_ancestorVersion_feature = Ancestor Version |
| _UI_Version_branchedVersions_feature = Branched Versions |
| _UI_BranchInfo_type = Branch Info |
| _UI_ProjectHistory_branches_feature = Branches |
| _UI_BranchInfo_head_feature = Head |
| _UI_BranchInfo_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_BranchInfo_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_AncestorVersionSpec_type = Ancestor Version Spec |
| _UI_AncestorVersionSpec_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_AncestorVersionSpec_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_Version_mergedToVersion_feature = Merged To Version |
| _UI_Version_mergedFromVersion_feature = Merged From Version |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_nextSpec_feature = Next Spec |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_previousSpec_feature = Previous Spec |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_mergedFrom_feature = Merged From |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_mergedTo_feature = Merged To |
| _UI_HistoryQuery_includeAllVersions_feature = Include All Versions |
| _UI_AuthenticationInformation_type = Authentication Information |
| _UI_AuthenticationInformation_sessionId_feature = Session Id |
| _UI_AuthenticationInformation_resolvedACUser_feature = Resolved AC User |
| _UI_RangeQuery_type = Range Query |
| _UI_PathQuery_type = Path Query |
| _UI_ModelElementQuery_type = Model Element Query |
| _UI_HistoryQuery_includeChangePackages_feature = Include Change Packages |
| _UI_RangeQuery_upperLimit_feature = Upper Limit |
| _UI_RangeQuery_lowerLimit_feature = Lower Limit |
| _UI_RangeQuery_includeAllVersions_feature = Include All Versions |
| _UI_RangeQuery_includeIncoming_feature = Include Incoming |
| _UI_RangeQuery_includeOutgoing_feature = Include Outgoing |
| _UI_PathQuery_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_PathQuery_includeAllVersions_feature = Include All Versions |
| _UI_ModelElementQuery_modelElements_feature = Model Elements |
| _UI_ModelElementQuery_upperLimit_feature = Upper Limit |
| _UI_ModelElementQuery_lowerLimit_feature = Lower Limit |
| _UI_PrimaryVersionSpec_projectStateChecksum_feature = Project State Checksum |
| _UI_ChangePackage_projectStateChecksum_feature = Project State Checksum |
| _UI_Version_projectStateChecksum_feature = Project State Checksum |
| _UI_HistoryInfo_primarySpec_feature = Primary Spec |
| _UI_FeatureOperation_unset_feature = Unset |
| _UI_PagedUpdateVersionSpec_type = Paged Update Version Spec |
| _UI_PagedUpdateVersionSpec_maxChanges_feature = Max Changes |
| _UI_PagedUpdateVersionSpec_baseVersionSpec_feature = Base Version Spec |
| _UI_UnsetType_NONE_literal = NONE |
| _UI_UnsetType_IS_UNSET_literal = IS_UNSET |
| _UI_UnsetType_WAS_UNSET_literal = |
| _UI_ACUser_password_feature = Password |
| _UI_AbstractChangePackage_type = Abstract Change Package |
| _UI_FileBasedChangePackage_type = File Based Change Package |
| _UI_FileBasedChangePackage_filePath_feature = File Path |
| _UI_OperationProxy_type = Operation Proxy |
| _UI_AbstractChangePackage_logMessage_feature = Log Message |
| _UI_FileBasedChangePackage_operationProxies_feature = Operation Proxies |
| _UI_OperationProxy_label_feature = Label |
| _UI_OperationProxy_proxies_feature = Proxies |
| _UI_ChangePackageEnvelope_type = Change Package Envelope |
| _UI_ChangePackageEnvelope_fragmentIndex_feature = Fragment Index |
| _UI_ChangePackageEnvelope_fragmentsSize_feature = Fragments Size |
| _UI_ChangePackageEnvelope_fragment_feature = Fragment |
| _UI_ChangePackageProxy_type = Change Package Proxy |
| _UI_ChangePackageProxy_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_ChangePackageEnvelope_fragmentCount_feature = Fragment Count |