blob: a96ef4888bce983ce2e66eaca59870901acf5dc5 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.parser;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfatic.core.lang.gen.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.gymnast.runtime.core.parser.*;
import org.eclipse.gymnast.runtime.core.ast.*;
class EmfaticParser extends Parser;
options {
private ParseError createParseError(RecognitionException ex) {
return EmfaticParserDriver.createParseError(ex);
private TokenInfo createTokenInfo(Token tok) {
if (tok == null) return null;
else return new TokenInfo(tok.getText(), tok.getColumn(), tok.getType());
private ParseContext _parseContext;
public void setParseContext(ParseContext parseContext) {
_parseContext = parseContext;
public void reportError(RecognitionException ex) {
if (_parseContext != null) {
public void reportError(String s) {
if (_parseContext != null) {
_parseContext.addParseMessage(new ParseError(s, -1));
public void reportWarning(String s) {
if (_parseContext != null) {
_parseContext.addParseMessage(new ParseWarning(s, -1));
compUnit returns [ CompUnit retVal = null ]
{ PackageDecl packageDecl = null; ImportStmts importStmts = null; TopLevelDecls topLevelDecls = null; }
packageDecl=packageDecl importStmts=importStmts topLevelDecls=topLevelDecls EOF
{ retVal = new CompUnit(packageDecl, importStmts, topLevelDecls); }
packageDecl returns [ PackageDecl retVal = null ]
{ Annotations annotations = null; QualifiedID name = null; }
annotations=annotations package_KW:"package" name=qualifiedID semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new PackageDecl(annotations, createTokenInfo(package_KW), name, createTokenInfo(semi)); }
qualifiedID returns [ QualifiedID retVal = new QualifiedID() ]
{ QidSeparator qidSeparator = null; }
id1:ID { retVal.addChild(createTokenInfo(id1)); }
( qidSeparator=qidSeparator idn:ID { retVal.addChild(qidSeparator); retVal.addChild(createTokenInfo(idn)); } )*
qidSeparator returns [ QidSeparator retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( DOT
{ retVal = new QidSeparator(createTokenInfo(tok)); }
stringLiteralOrQualifiedID returns [ StringLiteralOrQualifiedID retVal = null ]
( retVal=stringLiteralContainer
| retVal=qualifiedIDContainer
stringLiteralContainer returns [ StringLiteralContainer retVal = null ]
{ retVal = new StringLiteralContainer(createTokenInfo(string_literal)); }
qualifiedIDContainer returns [ QualifiedIDContainer retVal = null ]
{ QualifiedID qualifiedID = null; }
{ retVal = new QualifiedIDContainer(qualifiedID); }
annotations returns [ Annotations retVal = new Annotations() ]
{ Annotation annotation = null; }
( annotation=annotation { retVal.addChild(annotation); } )*
annotation returns [ Annotation retVal = null ]
{ StringLiteralOrQualifiedID source = null; KeyEqualsValueList keyEqualsValueList = null; }
at:AT source=stringLiteralOrQualifiedID lparen:LPAREN keyEqualsValueList=keyEqualsValueList rparen:RPAREN
{ retVal = new Annotation(createTokenInfo(at), source, createTokenInfo(lparen), keyEqualsValueList, createTokenInfo(rparen)); }
keyEqualsValueList returns [ KeyEqualsValueList retVal = new KeyEqualsValueList() ]
{ KeyEqualsValue kv1 = null; KeyEqualsValue kvn = null; }
kv1=keyEqualsValue { retVal.addChild(kv1); }
( comma:COMMA kvn=keyEqualsValue { retVal.addChild(createTokenInfo(comma)); retVal.addChild(kvn); } )*
keyEqualsValue returns [ KeyEqualsValue retVal = null ]
{ StringLiteralOrQualifiedID key = null; StringLiteralOrQualifiedID value = null; }
key=stringLiteralOrQualifiedID equals:EQUALS value=stringLiteralOrQualifiedID
{ retVal = new KeyEqualsValue(key, createTokenInfo(equals), value); }
importStmts returns [ ImportStmts retVal = new ImportStmts() ]
{ ImportStmt importStmt = null; }
( importStmt=importStmt { retVal.addChild(importStmt); } )*
importStmt returns [ ImportStmt retVal = null ]
{ StringLiteralOrQualifiedID uri = null; }
import_KW:"import" ( alias:ID equals:EQUALS )? uri=stringLiteralOrQualifiedID semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new ImportStmt(createTokenInfo(import_KW), createTokenInfo(alias), createTokenInfo(equals), uri, createTokenInfo(semi)); }
topLevelDecls returns [ TopLevelDecls retVal = new TopLevelDecls() ]
{ TopLevelDecl topLevelDecl = null; }
( topLevelDecl=topLevelDecl { retVal.addChild(topLevelDecl); } )*
topLevelDecl returns [ TopLevelDecl retVal = null ]
{ Annotations annotations = null; }
( retVal=subPackageDecl[annotations]
| retVal=classDecl[annotations]
| retVal=dataTypeDecl[annotations]
| retVal=enumDecl[annotations]
| retVal=mapEntryDecl[annotations]
subPackageDecl [ Annotations annotations ] returns [ SubPackageDecl retVal = null ]
{ TopLevelDecls topLevelDecls = null; }
package_KW:"package" name:ID lcurly:LCURLY topLevelDecls=topLevelDecls rcurly:RCURLY
{ retVal = new SubPackageDecl(annotations, createTokenInfo(package_KW), createTokenInfo(name), createTokenInfo(lcurly), topLevelDecls, createTokenInfo(rcurly)); }
classDecl [ Annotations annotations ] returns [ ClassDecl retVal = null ]
{ AbstractModifier abstractModifier = null; ClassKind classKind = null; TypeParamsInfo typeParamsInfo = null; CommaListBoundExceptWild superTypes = null; BoundExceptWildcard instClassName = null; ClassMemberDecls classMemberDecls = null; }
( abstractModifier=abstractModifier )? classKind=classKind name:ID ( typeParamsInfo=typeParamsInfo )? ( extends_KW:"extends" superTypes=commaListBoundExceptWild )? ( colon:COLON instClassName=boundExceptWildcard )? lcurly:LCURLY classMemberDecls=classMemberDecls rcurly:RCURLY
{ retVal = new ClassDecl(annotations, abstractModifier, classKind, createTokenInfo(name), typeParamsInfo, createTokenInfo(extends_KW), superTypes, createTokenInfo(colon), instClassName, createTokenInfo(lcurly), classMemberDecls, createTokenInfo(rcurly)); }
commaListBoundExceptWild returns [ CommaListBoundExceptWild retVal = new CommaListBoundExceptWild() ]
{ BoundExceptWildcard tb1 = null; BoundExceptWildcard tbn = null; }
tb1=boundExceptWildcard { retVal.addChild(tb1); }
( comma:COMMA tbn=boundExceptWildcard { retVal.addChild(createTokenInfo(comma)); retVal.addChild(tbn); } )*
abstractModifier returns [ AbstractModifier retVal = null ]
{ retVal = new AbstractModifier(createTokenInfo(abstract_KW)); }
classKind returns [ ClassKind retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( "class"
| "interface"
{ retVal = new ClassKind(createTokenInfo(tok)); }
typeParamsInfo returns [ TypeParamsInfo retVal = null ]
{ OneOrMoreTypeParams oneOrMoreTypeParams = null; }
lt:LT oneOrMoreTypeParams=oneOrMoreTypeParams gt:GT
{ retVal = new TypeParamsInfo(createTokenInfo(lt), oneOrMoreTypeParams, createTokenInfo(gt)); }
oneOrMoreTypeParams returns [ OneOrMoreTypeParams retVal = new OneOrMoreTypeParams() ]
{ TypeParam tp1 = null; TypeParam tpn = null; }
tp1=typeParam { retVal.addChild(tp1); }
( comma:COMMA tpn=typeParam { retVal.addChild(createTokenInfo(comma)); retVal.addChild(tpn); } )*
typeParam returns [ TypeParam retVal = null ]
{ TypeBoundsInfo typeBoundsInfo = null; }
typeVarName:ID ( typeBoundsInfo=typeBoundsInfo )?
{ retVal = new TypeParam(createTokenInfo(typeVarName), typeBoundsInfo); }
typeBoundsInfo returns [ TypeBoundsInfo retVal = null ]
{ OneOrMoreTypeParamBounds oneOrMoreTypeParamBounds = null; }
extends_KW:"extends" oneOrMoreTypeParamBounds=oneOrMoreTypeParamBounds
{ retVal = new TypeBoundsInfo(createTokenInfo(extends_KW), oneOrMoreTypeParamBounds); }
oneOrMoreTypeParamBounds returns [ OneOrMoreTypeParamBounds retVal = new OneOrMoreTypeParamBounds() ]
{ BoundExceptWildcard tb1 = null; BoundExceptWildcard tbn = null; }
tb1=boundExceptWildcard { retVal.addChild(tb1); }
( amp:AMP tbn=boundExceptWildcard { retVal.addChild(createTokenInfo(amp)); retVal.addChild(tbn); } )*
boundExceptWildcard returns [ BoundExceptWildcard retVal = null ]
{ QualifiedID rawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName = null; OneOrMoreTypeArgs oneOrMoreTypeArgs = null; }
rawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName=qualifiedID ( lt:LT oneOrMoreTypeArgs=oneOrMoreTypeArgs gt:GT )?
{ retVal = new BoundExceptWildcard(rawTNameOrTVarOrParamzedTName, createTokenInfo(lt), oneOrMoreTypeArgs, createTokenInfo(gt)); }
oneOrMoreTypeArgs returns [ OneOrMoreTypeArgs retVal = new OneOrMoreTypeArgs() ]
{ TypeArg ta1 = null; TypeArg tan = null; }
ta1=typeArg { retVal.addChild(ta1); }
( comma:COMMA tan=typeArg { retVal.addChild(createTokenInfo(comma)); retVal.addChild(tan); } )*
typeArg returns [ TypeArg retVal = null ]
( retVal=boundExceptWildcard
| retVal=wildcard
wildcard returns [ Wildcard retVal = null ]
{ ExtendsOrSuper extendsOrSuper = null; BoundExceptWildcard boundExceptWildcard = null; }
qmark:QMARK ( extendsOrSuper=extendsOrSuper boundExceptWildcard=boundExceptWildcard )?
{ retVal = new Wildcard(createTokenInfo(qmark), extendsOrSuper, boundExceptWildcard); }
extendsOrSuper returns [ ExtendsOrSuper retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( "extends"
| "super"
{ retVal = new ExtendsOrSuper(createTokenInfo(tok)); }
classMemberDecls returns [ ClassMemberDecls retVal = new ClassMemberDecls() ]
{ ClassMemberDecl classMemberDecl = null; }
( classMemberDecl=classMemberDecl { retVal.addChild(classMemberDecl); } )*
classMemberDecl returns [ ClassMemberDecl retVal = null ]
{ Annotations annotations = null; Modifiers modifiers = null; }
annotations=annotations modifiers=modifiers
( retVal=attribute[annotations, modifiers]
| retVal=reference[annotations, modifiers]
| retVal=operation[annotations, modifiers]
attribute [ Annotations annotations, Modifiers modifiers ] returns [ Attribute retVal = null ]
{ TypeWithMulti typeWithMulti = null; DefaultValueExpr defaultValueExpr = null; }
attr_KW:"attr" typeWithMulti=typeWithMulti name:ID ( equals:EQUALS defaultValueExpr=defaultValueExpr )? semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new Attribute(annotations, modifiers, createTokenInfo(attr_KW), typeWithMulti, createTokenInfo(name), createTokenInfo(equals), defaultValueExpr, createTokenInfo(semi)); }
typeWithMulti returns [ TypeWithMulti retVal = null ]
{ BoundExceptWildcard name = null; Multiplicity multiplicity = null; }
name=boundExceptWildcard ( multiplicity=multiplicity )?
{ retVal = new TypeWithMulti(name, multiplicity); }
multiplicity returns [ Multiplicity retVal = null ]
{ MultiplicityExpr multiplicityExpr = null; }
lsquare:LSQUARE ( multiplicityExpr=multiplicityExpr )? rsquare:RSQUARE
{ retVal = new Multiplicity(createTokenInfo(lsquare), multiplicityExpr, createTokenInfo(rsquare)); }
multiplicityExpr returns [ MultiplicityExpr retVal = null ]
{ SimpleMultiplicityExpr lowerBound = null; SimpleMultiplicityExpr upperBound = null; }
lowerBound=simpleMultiplicityExpr ( dot_dot:DOT_DOT upperBound=simpleMultiplicityExpr )?
{ retVal = new MultiplicityExpr(lowerBound, createTokenInfo(dot_dot), upperBound); }
simpleMultiplicityExpr returns [ SimpleMultiplicityExpr retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( STAR
{ retVal = new SimpleMultiplicityExpr(createTokenInfo(tok)); }
reference [ Annotations annotations, Modifiers modifiers ] returns [ Reference retVal = null ]
{ ReferenceKind referenceKind = null; TypeWithMulti typeWithMulti = null; }
referenceKind=referenceKind typeWithMulti=typeWithMulti ( hash:HASH oppositeName:ID )? name:ID semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new Reference(annotations, modifiers, referenceKind, typeWithMulti, createTokenInfo(hash), createTokenInfo(oppositeName), createTokenInfo(name), createTokenInfo(semi)); }
referenceKind returns [ ReferenceKind retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( "ref"
| "val"
{ retVal = new ReferenceKind(createTokenInfo(tok)); }
modifiers returns [ Modifiers retVal = new Modifiers() ]
{ OptNegatedModifier optNegatedModifier = null; }
( optNegatedModifier=optNegatedModifier { retVal.addChild(optNegatedModifier); } )*
optNegatedModifier returns [ OptNegatedModifier retVal = null ]
{ Modifier modifier = null; }
( bang:BANG )? modifier=modifier
{ retVal = new OptNegatedModifier(createTokenInfo(bang), modifier); }
modifier returns [ Modifier retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( "readonly"
| "volatile"
| "transient"
| "unsettable"
| "derived"
| "unique"
| "ordered"
| "resolve"
| "id"
{ retVal = new Modifier(createTokenInfo(tok)); }
defaultValueExpr returns [ DefaultValueExpr retVal = null ]
( retVal=boolExpr
| retVal=intExpr
| retVal=stringExpr
| retVal=charExpr
boolExpr returns [ BoolExpr retVal = null ]
{ TrueOrFalse trueOrFalse = null; }
{ retVal = new BoolExpr(trueOrFalse); }
trueOrFalse returns [ TrueOrFalse retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( "true"
| "false"
{ retVal = new TrueOrFalse(createTokenInfo(tok)); }
intExpr returns [ IntExpr retVal = null ]
( minus:MINUS )? int_literal:INT_LITERAL
{ retVal = new IntExpr(createTokenInfo(minus), createTokenInfo(int_literal)); }
stringExpr returns [ StringExpr retVal = null ]
{ retVal = new StringExpr(createTokenInfo(string_literal)); }
charExpr returns [ CharExpr retVal = null ]
{ retVal = new CharExpr(createTokenInfo(char_literal)); }
operation [ Annotations annotations, Modifiers modifiers ] returns [ Operation retVal = null ]
{ TypeParamsInfo typeParamsInfo = null; ResultType resType = null; Params params = null; CommaListBoundExceptWild exceptions = null; }
op_KW:"op" ( typeParamsInfo=typeParamsInfo )? resType=resultType name:ID lparen:LPAREN ( params=params )? rparen:RPAREN ( throws_KW:"throws" exceptions=commaListBoundExceptWild )? semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new Operation(annotations, modifiers, createTokenInfo(op_KW), typeParamsInfo, resType, createTokenInfo(name), createTokenInfo(lparen), params, createTokenInfo(rparen), createTokenInfo(throws_KW), exceptions, createTokenInfo(semi)); }
resultType returns [ ResultType retVal = null ]
( retVal=typeWithMulti
| retVal=voidContainer
voidContainer returns [ VoidContainer retVal = null ]
{ retVal = new VoidContainer(createTokenInfo(void_KW)); }
params returns [ Params retVal = new Params() ]
{ Param p1 = null; Param pn = null; }
p1=param { retVal.addChild(p1); }
( comma:COMMA pn=param { retVal.addChild(createTokenInfo(comma)); retVal.addChild(pn); } )*
param returns [ Param retVal = null ]
{ Annotations leadingAnnotations = null; Modifiers modifiers = null; TypeWithMulti typeWithMulti = null; Annotations trailingAnnotations = null; }
leadingAnnotations=annotations modifiers=modifiers typeWithMulti=typeWithMulti name:ID trailingAnnotations=annotations
{ retVal = new Param(leadingAnnotations, modifiers, typeWithMulti, createTokenInfo(name), trailingAnnotations); }
dataTypeDecl [ Annotations annotations ] returns [ DataTypeDecl retVal = null ]
{ TransientModifier transientModifier = null; StringLiteralOrQualifiedID instClassName = null; }
( transientModifier=transientModifier )? datatype_KW:"datatype" name:ID colon:COLON instClassName=stringLiteralOrQualifiedID semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new DataTypeDecl(annotations, transientModifier, createTokenInfo(datatype_KW), createTokenInfo(name), createTokenInfo(colon), instClassName, createTokenInfo(semi)); }
transientModifier returns [ TransientModifier retVal = null ]
{ retVal = new TransientModifier(createTokenInfo(transient_KW)); }
enumDecl [ Annotations annotations ] returns [ EnumDecl retVal = null ]
{ EnumLiterals enumLiterals = null; }
enum_KW:"enum" name:ID lcurly:LCURLY enumLiterals=enumLiterals rcurly:RCURLY
{ retVal = new EnumDecl(annotations, createTokenInfo(enum_KW), createTokenInfo(name), createTokenInfo(lcurly), enumLiterals, createTokenInfo(rcurly)); }
enumLiterals returns [ EnumLiterals retVal = new EnumLiterals() ]
{ EnumLiteral enumLiteral = null; }
( enumLiteral=enumLiteral { retVal.addChild(enumLiteral); } )*
enumLiteral returns [ EnumLiteral retVal = null ]
{ Annotations leadingAnnotations = null; Annotations trailingAnnotations = null; }
leadingAnnotations=annotations name:ID ( equals:EQUALS val:INT_LITERAL )? trailingAnnotations=annotations semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new EnumLiteral(leadingAnnotations, createTokenInfo(name), createTokenInfo(equals), createTokenInfo(val), trailingAnnotations, createTokenInfo(semi)); }
mapEntryDecl [ Annotations annotations ] returns [ MapEntryDecl retVal = null ]
{ TypeWithMulti key = null; TypeWithMulti value = null; }
mapentry_KW:"mapentry" name:ID colon:COLON key=typeWithMulti minus_gt:MINUS_GT value=typeWithMulti semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new MapEntryDecl(annotations, createTokenInfo(mapentry_KW), createTokenInfo(name), createTokenInfo(colon), key, createTokenInfo(minus_gt), value, createTokenInfo(semi)); }
class EmfaticLexer extends Lexer;
// charVocabulary='\003'..'\377';
LCURLY : '{';
RCURLY : '}';
LSQUARE : '[';
RSQUARE : ']';
LPAREN : '(';
RPAREN : ')';
DOT : '.';
COMMA : ',';
COLON : ':';
SEMI : ';';
STAR : '*';
PLUS : '+';
MINUS : '-';
EQUALS : '=';
QMARK : '?';
BANG : '!';
DOLLAR : '$';
HASH : '#';
AT : '@';
DOT_DOT : "..";
MINUS_GT : "->";
GT_LT : "><";
LT_GT : "<>";
STRING_LITERAL : '"' (ESC | ~'"')* '"' ;
CHAR_LITERAL : '\'' (ESC | ~'\'') '\'';
// TODO: The (DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT) is cheesy it should be something like
// ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; } : (DIGIT)+ )
// but I don't want to deal with parsing that yet.
protected ESC :
'\\' ('t' | 'f' | 'r' | 'n' | '"' | '\'' | '\\' | (DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT) )
ID options { testLiterals=true; }
: ('~')? ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_') ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | DIGIT)* ;
protected DIGIT : '0'..'9';
WS : (' ' | '\t' | '\f' | '\r' | '\n')+
{ $setType(Token.SKIP); }
SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT : "//" (~('\n'|'\r'))* ('\n'|'\r')?
{ $setType(Token.SKIP); }
MULTI_LINE_COMMENT : "/*" ("*/" | (~'!' (~'*' | '*' ~'/')* "*/"))
{ $setType(Token.SKIP); }
AMP: '&';