[CLI] Use Oomph 1.0.0 release update site

Change latest oomph update site for release update site
Fix compilation unit problems about CherryPick.
Update tests.

Change-Id: I1b4a70d59754ab8fdb17861cc1a756485422ebd7
Signed-off-by: Axel Richard <axel.richard@obeo.fr>
9 files changed
tree: a2e2b82bd571833f4213a9b8d291345aa3fcd0d1
  1. examples/
  2. org.eclipse.emf.compare.git.pgm-parent/
  3. packaging/
  4. plugins/
  5. .gitignore
  7. README.md


This is a temporary repository holding the work on the EMF Compare command line application. This application aims to handle EMF model on git repository from a command line tool. This repository will soon migrate to the eclipse foundation.