blob: 8684051c245924703d571b47c988d75142121bdc [file] [log] [blame]
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2014 Obeo
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Obeo - initial API and implementation
# ====================================================================
# The path to the p2-admin executable
export P2_ADMIN_PATH="/jobs/genie.modeling.emfcompare/p2-admin/lastStable/archive/org.eclipselabs.equinox.p2.admin.product/target/products/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.admin.rcp.product/linux/gtk/x86_64/p2-admin"
# The root folder for all EMF Compare udpate sites
export EMF_COMPARE_UPDATES_ROOT="/home/data/httpd/"
# The base URL for all EMF Compare update sites
# To avoid error find: paths must precede expression
# It takes apart the argument list to find and concatenates the arguments back into another
# argument list but inserts -regextype posix-awk in front of any -iregex or -regex arguments it finds.
# see
findGnuRegex () {
for arg in $*
case $arg in
args="$args -regextype posix-extended $arg"
args="$args $arg"
set -f
command find $args
set +f
# define alias depending on the underlying OS
# e.g., regex on BSD-like and GNU-like OS are not handled through the same options for
# find and sed.
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux"* ]]; then
alias sed-regex="sed -r"
alias find-regex="findGnuRegex"
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then
alias sed-regex="sed -r"
alias find-regex="findGnuRegex"
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "freebsd"* ]]; then
alias sed-regex="sed -E"
alias find-regex="find -E"
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
alias sed-regex="sed -E"
alias find-regex="find -E"
echo "Unknown 'OSTYPE'=$OSTYPE."
exit -1
chmod u+x $P2_ADMIN_PATH
alias p2-admin="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -jar $P2_ADMIN_PATH/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"
alias composite-repository="p2-admin -application org.eclipselabs.equinox.p2.composite.repository -compressed"
# Create a p2 index file for composite repositories
createP2Index() {
cat > "$1/p2.index" <<EOF
version = 1
metadata.repository.factory.order = compositeContent.xml,\!
artifact.repository.factory.order = compositeArtifacts.xml,\!
# Remove any previous file from the $1 path and create a composite repository with a single
# child ($2). The composite will be name $3.
createRedirect() {
local from="$1"
local to="$2"
local name="$3"
mkdir -p "$from"
rm -f "$from/compositeArtifacts."*
rm -f "$from/compositeContent."*
composite-repository -location "$from" -add "$to" -repositoryName "$name"
createP2Index $from
strcmp() {
local diff
for ((i=0; i<=${#1}; ++i)); do
if ((diff=$(printf %d \""${1:i:1}") - $(printf %d \""${2:i:1}") ));
then echo $diff; return
echo 0
# Echo a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if $1 version is less than, equal to,
# or greater than the specified $2 version.
compareOSGIVersions() {
local this="$1"
local that="$2"
thisMajor=$(echo "$this" | sed-regex -e 's/'"$VERSION_PATTERN"'/\1/')
thisMinor=$(echo "$this" | sed-regex -e 's/'"$VERSION_PATTERN"'/\2/')
thisMicro=$(echo "$this" | sed-regex -e 's/'"$VERSION_PATTERN"'/\3/')
thisQualifier=$(echo "$this" | sed-regex -e 's/'"$VERSION_PATTERN"'/\4\5/')
thatMajor=$(echo "$that" | sed-regex -e 's/'"$VERSION_PATTERN"'/\1/')
thatMinor=$(echo "$that" | sed-regex -e 's/'"$VERSION_PATTERN"'/\2/')
thatMicro=$(echo "$that" | sed-regex -e 's/'"$VERSION_PATTERN"'/\3/')
thatQualifier=$(echo "$that" | sed-regex -e 's/'"$VERSION_PATTERN"'/\4\5/')
echo "'"$thisMajor"' => '"$thatMajor"'" 1>&2
echo "'"$that"'" 1>&2
if [ "$thisMajor" -ne "$thatMajor" ]; then
echo $(($thisMajor-$thatMajor)) 1>&2
elif [ "$thisMinor" -ne "$thatMinor" ]; then
echo $(($thisMinor-$thatMinor)) 1>&2
elif [ "$thisMicro" -ne "$thatMicro" ]; then
echo $(($thisMicro-$thatMicro)) 1>&2
elif [[ "$thisQualifier" != "$thatQualifier" ]]; then
echo strcmp $thisQualifier $thatQualifier 1>&2
echo 0 1>&2
echo 0
# print all major versions (sorted) in the $1 path on the standard output
# the output will be a list of integer
allMajors() {
local path="$1"
find-regex "$path" -regex '^'"$path"'/?'"$VERSION_PATTERN"'$' -type d \
| sed-regex -e 's#^'"$path"'/?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)-(['"$PREFIXES"'])([0-9]{8})-([0-9]{6})$#\1#' \
| sort -un
# print all minor versions (sorted) for the given $2 major version in the $1 path on the standard output
# $2 must be an integer
# the output will be a list of the form X.Y
allMinors() {
local path="$1"
local major="$2"
find-regex "$path" -regex '^'"$path"'/?'"$major"'\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+-['"$PREFIXES"'][0-9]{8}-[0-9]{6}$' -type d \
| sed-regex -e 's#^'"$path"'/?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)-(['"$PREFIXES"'])([0-9]{8})-([0-9]{6})$#\2#' \
| sort -un
# print all micro versions (sorted) for the given $2 minor version in the $1 path on the standard output
# $2 must be of the form x.y where x and y are integer
# the output will be a list of the form X.Y.Z
allMicros() {
local path="$1"
local major="$2"
local minor="$3"
find-regex "$path" -regex '^'"$path"'/?'"$major"'\.'"$minor"'\.[0-9]+-['"$PREFIXES"'][0-9]{8}-[0-9]{6}$' -type d \
| sed-regex -e 's#^'"$path"'/?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)-(['"$PREFIXES"'])([0-9]{8})-([0-9]{6})$#\3#' \
| sort -un
# print all builds (sorted) for the given $2 micro version in the $1 path on the standard output
# $2 must be of the form x.y.z where x, y and z are integer
# the output will be a list of the form X.Y.Z-NYYYYMMDD-HHMMSS
allBuilds() {
local path="$1"
local major="$2"
local minor="$3"
local micro="$4"
find-regex "$path" -regex '^'"$path"'/?'"$major"'\.'"$minor"'\.'"$micro"'-['"$PREFIXES"'][0-9]{8}-[0-9]{6}$' -type d \
| sed-regex -e 's#'"$path"'/?##' \
| sort -u
# visit all the builds in $1 path and call the $2 callback for each.
# $3 should the version of interest for this call. It is not used by this function but
# is given to the $2 callback.
# The callback must accept 10 parameters:
# 1/ the path (equals to $1)
# 2/ the version of interrest (equals to $3)
# 3/ the currently visited major version (an integer)
# 4/ the currently visited minor version (an integer)
# 5/ the currently visited micro version (an integer)
# 6/ the currently visited build (format x.y.z-TYYYYMMDD-HHMM, where x, y and z
# are integer, T is N for nightly, I for integration or R for release and YYYYMMDD-HHMM is a timestamp)
# 7/ the most recent major version in the given $1 path (an integer)
# 8/ the most recent minor version in the currently visited major version (an integer)
# 9/ the most recent micro version in the currently visited minor version (an integer)
# 10/ the most recent build version in the currently visited micro version (format x.y.z-TYYYYMMDD-HHMM, where x, y and z
# are integer, T is N for nightly, I for integration or R for release and YYYYMMDD-HHMM is a timestamp)
visitVersions() {
local path="$1"
local callback="$2"
local version="$3"
allMajors=$(allMajors "$path")
latestMajor=$(echo "$allMajors" | tail -1)
for major in $allMajors
allMinors=$(allMinors "$path" "$major")
latestMinor=$(echo "$allMinors" | tail -1)
for minor in $allMinors
allMicros=$(allMicros "$path" "$major" "$minor")
latestMicro=$(echo "$allMicros" | tail -1)
for micro in $allMicros
allBuilds=$(allBuilds "$path" "$major" "$minor" "$micro")
latestBuild=$(echo "$allBuilds" | tail -1)
for build in $allBuilds
$callback "$path" "$version" "$major" "$minor" "$micro" "$build" "$latestMajor" "$latestMinor" "$latestMicro" "$latestBuild"
# Get the name of the minor stream from the $1 full version X.Y.Z.
# Example: majorStream 2.3.2 => 2.3.x
minorStream() {
local version="$1"
echo "$version" | sed-regex -e 's/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.).*$/\1x/'
# Get the name of the major stream from the $1 full version X.Y.Z.
# Example: majorStream 2.3.2 => 2.x
majorStream() {
local version="$1"
echo "$version" | sed-regex -e 's/^([0-9]+\.).*$/\1x/'
# Converts the Hudson build id $1 (e.g. 2013-10-15_07-07-07) into the
# syntax we want for our update-sites (e.g. 20131015-070707)
buildTimestamp() {
local buildId="$1"
echo "$buildId" | sed -e 's/-//g' -e 's/_/-/'