| ################################################################################ |
| # Copyright (c) 2011, 2015 Obeo. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # Obeo - initial API and implementation |
| ################################################################################ |
| pluginName = EMF Compare UML2 Comparison Edit Support |
| providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project |
| |
| _UI_CreateChild_text = {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} |
| _UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature |
| _UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}. |
| _UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent. |
| |
| _UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} |
| |
| _UI_UMLDiffExtension_type = UML Diff Extension |
| _UI_UMLAbstractionChange_type = UML Abstraction Change |
| _UI_UMLAbstractionChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Abstraction Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLAbstractionChangeRightTarget_type = UML Abstraction Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLAssociationChange_type = UML Association Change |
| _UI_UMLAssociationChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Association Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLAssociationChangeRightTarget_type = UML Association Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLStereotypePropertyChange_type = UML Stereotype Property Change |
| |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeReferenceChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Stereotype Reference Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeReferenceChangeRightTarget_type = UML Stereotype Reference Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLStereotypePropertyChange_stereotype_feature = Stereotype |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeUpdateReference_type = UML Stereotype Update Reference |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeReferenceOrderChange_type = UML Stereotype Reference Order Change |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeApplicationChange_type = UML Stereotype Application Change |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeApplicationChange_stereotype_feature = Stereotype |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeApplicationRemoval_type = UML Stereotype Application Removal |
| _UI_UMLAssociationBranchChange_type = UML Association Branch Change |
| _UI_UMLAssociationBranchChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Association Branch Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLAssociationBranchChangeRightTarget_type = UML Association Branch Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLAssociationClassChange_type = UML Association Class Change |
| _UI_UMLAssociationClassChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Association Class Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLAssociationClassChangeRightTarget_type = UML Association Class Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLGeneralizationSetChange_type = UML Generalization Set Change |
| _UI_UMLGeneralizationSetChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Generalization Set Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLGeneralizationSetChangeRightTarget_type = UML Generalization Set Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLInterfaceRealizationChange_type = UML Interface Realization Change |
| _UI_UMLInterfaceRealizationChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Interface Realization Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLInterfaceRealizationChangeRightTarget_type = UML Interface Realization Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLDependencyChange_type = UML Dependency Change |
| _UI_UMLDependencyChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Dependency Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLDependencyChangeRightTarget_type = UML Dependency Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLDependencyBranchChange_type = UML Dependency Branch Change |
| _UI_UMLDependencyBranchChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Dependency Branch Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLDependencyBranchChangeRightTarget_type = UML Dependency Branch Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLExtendChange_type = UML Extend Change |
| _UI_UMLExtendChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Extend Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLExtendChangeRightTarget_type = UML Extend Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLActionExecutionSpecificationChange_type = UML Action Execution Specification Change |
| _UI_UMLActionExecutionSpecificationChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Action Execution Specification Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLActionExecutionSpecificationChangeRightTarget_type = UML Action Execution Specification Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLExecutionSpecificationChange_type = UML Execution Specification Change |
| _UI_UMLExecutionSpecificationChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Execution Specification Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLExecutionSpecificationChangeRightTarget_type = UML Execution Specification Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLIntervalConstraintChange_type = UML Interval Constraint Change |
| _UI_UMLIntervalConstraintChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Interval Constraint Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLIntervalConstraintChangeRightTarget_type = UML Interval Constraint Change Right Target |
| |
| |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeAttributeChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Stereotype Attribute Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeAttributeChangeRightTarget_type = UML Stereotype Attribute Change Right Target |
| |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeUpdateAttribute_type = Stereotype attribute {0} in {1} has changed from {2} to {3} |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeUpdateAttribute_conflicting = Stereotype attribute {0} : remote = {1}, local = {2} |
| _UI_UMLRemoteStereotypeUpdateAttribute_type = Stereotype attribute {0} in {1} has been remotely changed from {2} to {3} |
| |
| _UI_AddUMLStereotypeAttribute_type = The value {0} has been added to the stereotype attribute {1} in {2} |
| _UI_RemoteRemoveUMLStereotypeAttribute_type = {0} has been remotely removed from stereotype attribute {1} in {2} |
| |
| _UI_RemoveUMLStereotypeAttribute_type = The value {0} has been removed from the stereotype attribute {1} in {2} |
| _UI_RemoteAddUMLStereotypeAttribute_type = {0} has been remotely added to stereotype attribute {1} in {2} |
| |
| _UI_RemoteRemoveUMLStereotypeReferenceValue_type = {0} has been remotely removed from stereotype reference {1} in {2} |
| _UI_AddUMLStereotypeReferenceValue_type = {0} has been added to stereotype reference {1} in {2} |
| _UI_RemoteAddUMLStereotypeReferenceValue_type = {0} has been remotely added to stereotype reference {1} in {2} |
| _UI_RemoveUMLStereotypeReferenceValue_type = {0} has been removed from stereotype reference {1} in {2} |
| |
| _UI_UpdateStereotypeReference_type = Stereotype reference {0} in {1} changed from {2} to {3} |
| _UI_UpdateStereotypeReference_conflicting = Stereotype reference {0} in {1} : remote = {2}, local = {3} |
| _UI_RemoteStereotypeUpdateReference_type = Stereotype reference {0} in {1} has been remotely changed from {2} to {3} |
| _UI_StereotypeReferenceOrderChange_type = The order of the stereotype reference {0} values has changed |
| |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeApplicationAddition_type = Stereotype {0} has been been applied on {1} |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeApplicationRemoval_type Stereotype {0} has been been unapplied on {1} |
| _UI_Unknown_type = Object |
| |
| _UI_AddAssociationBranch_type = Association branch {0} has been added |
| _UI_RemoveAssociationBranch_type = Association branch {0} has been removed |
| _UI_RemoteRemoveAssociationBranch_type = Association branch {0} has been remotely removed |
| _UI_RemoteAddAssociationBranch_type = Association branch {0} has been remotely added |
| _UI_RemoteRemoveAssociationBranch_conflicting = Remotely deleted association branch "{0}" has been locally modified |
| _UI_RemoveAssociationBranch_conflicting = Locally deleted association branch "{0}" has been remotely modified |
| |
| _UI_RemoteRemoveDependencyBranch_type = Dependency branch to {0} has been remotely removed from {1} |
| _UI_AddDependencyBranch_type = Dependency branch to {0} has been added to {1} |
| _UI_RemoteAddDependencyBranch_type = Dependency branch to {0} has been remotely added to {1} |
| _UI_RemoveDependencyBranch_type = Dependency branch to {0} has been removed from {1} |
| |
| _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value |
| |
| _UI_UMLStereotypePropertyChange_stereotypeApplications_feature = Stereotype Applications |
| _UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified |
| |
| _UI_UMLDestructionEventChange_type = UML Destruction Event Change |
| _UI_UMLDestructionEventChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Destruction Event Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLDestructionEventChangeRightTarget_type = UML Destruction Event Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLMessageChange_type = UML Message Change |
| _UI_UMLMessageChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Message Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLMessageChangeRightTarget_type = UML Message Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLProfileApplicationChange_type = UML Profile Application Change |
| _UI_UMLProfileApplicationAddition_type = Profile {0} has been been applied on {1} |
| _UI_UMLProfileApplicationRemoval_type Profile {0} has been been unapplied on {1} |
| _UI_UMLProfileApplicationChange_profile_feature = Profile |
| _UI_UMLProfileApplicationRemoval_type = UML Profile Application Removal |
| _UI_UMLElementChange_type = UML Element Change |
| _UI_UMLElementChangeLeftTarget_type = UML Element Change Left Target |
| _UI_UMLElementChangeRightTarget_type = UML Element Change Right Target |
| _UI_UMLStereotypeReferenceChange_type = UML Stereotype Reference Change |
| _UI_UMLExtension_type = UML Extension |
| _UI_UMLDependencyChange_dependency_feature = Dependency |
| _UI_UMLAssociationChange_association_feature = Association |
| _UI_UMLExtendChange_extend_feature = Extend |
| _UI_UMLGeneralizationSetChange_generalizationSet_feature = Generalization Set |
| _UI_UMLExtension_discriminant_feature = Discriminant |
| _UI_UMLSubstitutionChange_type = UML Substitution Change |
| _UI_AssociationChange_type = Association Change |
| _UI_DependencyChange_type = Dependency Change |
| _UI_InterfaceRealizationChange_type = Interface Realization Change |
| _UI_SubstitutionChange_type = Substitution Change |
| _UI_ExtendChange_type = Extend Change |
| _UI_GeneralizationSetChange_type = Generalization Set Change |
| _UI_ExecutionSpecificationChange_type = Execution Specification Change |
| _UI_DestructionEventChange_type = Destruction Event Change |
| _UI_IntervalConstraintChange_type = Interval Constraint Change |
| _UI_MessageChange_type = Message Change |
| _UI_StereotypePropertyChange_type = Stereotype Property Change |
| _UI_StereotypeApplicationChange_type = Stereotype Application Change |
| _UI_StereotypeReferenceChange_type = Stereotype Reference Change |
| _UI_ProfileApplicationChange_type = Profile Application Change |
| _UI_UMLDiff_type = UML Diff |
| _UI_AssociationChange_association_feature = Association |
| _UI_DependencyChange_dependency_feature = Dependency |
| _UI_ExtendChange_extend_feature = Extend |
| _UI_GeneralizationSetChange_generalizationSet_feature = Generalization Set |
| _UI_StereotypePropertyChange_stereotype_feature = Stereotype |
| _UI_StereotypeApplicationChange_stereotype_feature = Stereotype |
| _UI_ProfileApplicationChange_profile_feature = Profile |
| _UI_UMLDiff_discriminant_feature = Discriminant |
| _UI_IncludeChange_type = Include Change |
| _UI_UMLDiff_eReference_feature = EReference |
| _UI_DirectedRelationshipChange_type = Directed Relationship Change |
| _UI_StereotypeAttributeChange_type = Stereotype Attribute Change |
| _UI_StereotypedElementChange_type = Stereotyped Element Change |
| _UI_StereotypedElementChange_stereotypeApplications_feature = Stereotype Applications |
| _UI_OpaqueElementBodyChange_type = Opaque Element Body Change |
| _UI_OpaqueElementBodyChange_language_feature = Language |
| _UI_DanglingStereotypeApplication_type = Dangling Stereotype Application |
| _UI_MultiplicityReferenceChange_type = Multiplicity Reference Change |
| |
| #Error messages |
| Unable_To_Retreive_Icon_Error_Message = "Unable to retrieve the icon at location {0} |
| _UI_MultiplicityElementChange_type = Multiplicity Element Change |