| # Copyright (c) 2012, 2015 Obeo. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # Obeo - initial API and implementation |
| |
| pluginName = EMF Compare Edit Support |
| providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project |
| |
| emf.compare.adapter.factory = EMF Compare Adapter Factory |
| |
| _UI_CreateChild_text = {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} |
| _UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature |
| _UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}. |
| _UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent. |
| |
| _UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} |
| |
| _UI_Comparison_type = Comparison |
| _UI_MatchResource_type = Match Resource |
| _UI_Match_type = Match |
| _UI_Diff_type = Diff |
| _UI_ResourceAttachmentChange_type = Resource Attachment Change |
| _UI_ReferenceChange_type = Reference Change |
| _UI_AttributeChange_type = Attribute Change |
| _UI_Conflict_type = Conflict |
| _UI_Equivalence_type = Equivalence |
| _UI_Unknown_type = Object |
| |
| _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value |
| |
| _UI_Comparison_matchedResources_feature = Matched Resources |
| _UI_Comparison_matches_feature = Matches |
| _UI_Comparison_conflicts_feature = Conflicts |
| _UI_MatchResource_leftURI_feature = Left URI |
| _UI_MatchResource_rightURI_feature = Right URI |
| _UI_MatchResource_originURI_feature = Origin URI |
| _UI_Match_subMatches_feature = Sub Matches |
| _UI_Match_differences_feature = Differences |
| _UI_Match_left_feature = Left |
| _UI_Match_right_feature = Right |
| _UI_Match_origin_feature = Origin |
| _UI_Diff_match_feature = Match |
| _UI_Diff_requires_feature = Requires |
| _UI_Diff_requiredBy_feature = Required By |
| _UI_Diff_refines_feature = Refines |
| _UI_Diff_refinedBy_feature = Refined By |
| _UI_Diff_kind_feature = Kind |
| _UI_Diff_equivalentDiffs_feature = Equivalent Diffs |
| _UI_Diff_conflict_feature = Conflict |
| _UI_ResourceAttachmentChange_resourceURI_feature = Resource URI |
| _UI_ReferenceChange_reference_feature = Reference |
| _UI_ReferenceChange_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_AttributeChange_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_AttributeChange_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_Conflict_differences_feature = Differences |
| _UI_Equivalence_differences_feature = Differences |
| _UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified |
| |
| _UI_DifferenceKind_ADD_literal = ADD |
| _UI_DifferenceKind_DELETE_literal = DELETE |
| _UI_DifferenceKind_CHANGE_literal = CHANGE |
| _UI_DifferenceKind_MOVE_literal = MOVE |
| _UI_DifferenceSource_LEFT_literal = LEFT |
| _UI_DifferenceSource_RIGHT_literal = RIGHT |
| _UI_Match_submatches_feature = Submatches |
| _UI_Diff_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_MatchResource_left_feature = Left |
| _UI_MatchResource_right_feature = Right |
| _UI_MatchResource_origin_feature = Origin |
| _UI_Diff_equivalence_feature = Equivalence |
| _UI_Conflict_kind_feature = Kind |
| _UI_ConflictKind_REAL_literal = REAL |
| _UI_ConflictKind_PSEUDO_literal = PSEUDO |
| _UI_Comparison_equivalences_feature = Equivalences |
| _UI_Diff_state_feature = State |
| _UI_DifferenceState_UNRESOLVED_literal = UNRESOLVED |
| _UI_DifferenceState_MERGED_literal = MERGED |
| _UI_DifferenceState_DISCARDED_literal = DISCARDED |
| _UI_Comparison_threeWay_feature = Three Way |
| _UI_MatchResource_comparison_feature = Comparison |
| _UI_Diff_implies_feature = Implies |
| _UI_Diff_impliedBy_feature = Implied By |
| _UI_Comparison_diagnostic_feature = Diagnostic |
| _UI_Diff_primeRefining_feature = Prime Refining |
| _UI_FeatureMapChange_type = Feature Map Change |
| _UI_FeatureMapChange_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_FeatureMapChange_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_ResourceLocationChange_type = Resource Location Change |
| _UI_MatchResource_locationChanges_feature = Location Changes |
| _UI_ResourceLocationChange_baseLocation_feature = Base Location |
| _UI_ResourceLocationChange_changedLocation_feature = Changed Location |