| <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> |
| <!-- Schema file written by PDE --> |
| <schema targetNamespace="org.eclipse.emf.compare.rcp.ui" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> |
| <annotation> |
| <appinfo> |
| <meta.schema plugin="org.eclipse.emf.compare.rcp.ui" id="matchEngineFactoryConfigurationUI" name="matchEngineFactoryConfigurationUI"/> |
| </appinfo> |
| <documentation> |
| This extension point is use to register UI component to configure Matching engine factories. |
| </documentation> |
| </annotation> |
| |
| <element name="extension"> |
| <annotation> |
| <appinfo> |
| <meta.element /> |
| </appinfo> |
| </annotation> |
| <complexType> |
| <choice> |
| <element ref="configurator" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </choice> |
| <attribute name="point" type="string" use="required"> |
| <annotation> |
| <documentation> |
| |
| </documentation> |
| </annotation> |
| </attribute> |
| <attribute name="id" type="string"> |
| <annotation> |
| <documentation> |
| |
| </documentation> |
| </annotation> |
| </attribute> |
| <attribute name="name" type="string"> |
| <annotation> |
| <documentation> |
| |
| </documentation> |
| <appinfo> |
| <meta.attribute translatable="true"/> |
| </appinfo> |
| </annotation> |
| </attribute> |
| </complexType> |
| </element> |
| |
| <element name="configurator"> |
| <complexType> |
| <attribute name="itemToConfigure" type="string" use="required"> |
| <annotation> |
| <documentation> |
| Id of the item to configure. It is the qualified named of the factory class. This factory shall implement org.eclipse.emf.compare.rcp.internal.extension.IConfigurableItem. |
| </documentation> |
| <appinfo> |
| <meta.attribute kind="java" basedOn=":org.eclipse.emf.compare.rcp.internal.extension.IConfigurableItem"/> |
| </appinfo> |
| </annotation> |
| </attribute> |
| <attribute name="uiProvider" type="string" use="required"> |
| <annotation> |
| <documentation> |
| A class that provide a Configuration UI. |
| </documentation> |
| <appinfo> |
| <meta.attribute kind="java" basedOn=":org.eclipse.emf.compare.rcp.ui.internal.preferences.IConfiguratorUI"/> |
| </appinfo> |
| </annotation> |
| </attribute> |
| </complexType> |
| </element> |
| |
| <annotation> |
| <appinfo> |
| <meta.section type="since"/> |
| </appinfo> |
| <documentation> |
| 4.0.0 |
| </documentation> |
| </annotation> |
| |
| <annotation> |
| <appinfo> |
| <meta.section type="examples"/> |
| </appinfo> |
| <documentation> |
| <extension |
| point="org.eclipse.emf.compare.rcp.ui.matchEngineFactoryConfiguratorUI"> |
| <configurator |
| itemToConfigure="org.eclipse.emf.compare.rcp.internal.match.RCPMatchEngineFactory" |
| uiProvider="org.eclipse.emf.compare.rcp.ui.internal.configuration.ui.match.DefaultMatchEngineConfiguatorUIFactory"> |
| </configurator> |
| </extension> |
| </documentation> |
| </annotation> |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| </schema> |