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<title>Method Configuration</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Method Configuration</h1>
<div><p>Method configurations are user-defined subsets of elements contained in
the Method Library.</p>
<p>A method configuration defines a working set of packages within the method
library that helps you limit your view to a subset of elements. The elements
that are part of a selected configuration are displayed in the <a href="configurationview.html#configurationview">Configuration View</a>. Method configurations are used for creating processes
and for publication by defining which elements are published in HTML and which
are not.</p>
<p>A method configuration consists of three specifying parts:</p>
<ul><li>A description of the configuration.</li>
<li>A selection from the set of plug-ins and packages.</li>
<li>A selection of views to be published in the Web site.</li>
<p>In a method configuration, you are able to select and deselect from the
content packages and process available in the method library's
set of plug-ins. The selections you make help determine the content of your
published Web site. A configuration is given a name and then saved so it can
be changed and then re-published at a later date.</p>
<div><div class="reltasks"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />
<div><a href="createamethodconfiguration.html#createamethodconfiguration">Create a Method Configuration</a></div>