| @echo off |
| setlocal |
| |
| REM The location where the headless build scripts & resource files live. |
| set BUILDHOME=%~dp0 |
| |
| REM ****************************************** |
| REM ****************************************** |
| |
| REM The JRE java.exe to be used |
| set JAVAEXE=C:\bin\jdk\sun\bin\java.exe |
| |
| REM the Eclipse to use |
| set ECLIPSEHOME=C:\bin\sdp\3.2.2\eclipse |
| |
| REM CVS login info - provide CVS user name and password |
| REM :extssh:<username>:<password> |
| REM put "" around the value if it contains non-alphanumeric chars |
| set CVSINFO=:pserver:anonymous |
| |
| REM The directory containing tag.current.properties |
| SET BUILDSTATEDIR=S:\projects\epf\1.2.0\state |
| |
| REM ****************************************** |
| REM ****************************************** |
| |
| REM The Eclipse startup.jar |
| set STARTUPJAR="%ECLIPSEHOME%\startup.jar" |
| |
| REM The scripts directory in the org.eclipse.pde.build Eclipse plugin. |
| set SCRIPTSHOME="%ECLIPSEHOME%\plugins\org.eclipse.pde.build_3.2.1.r321_v20060823\scripts" |
| |
| REM The location where the headless build scripts & resource files live. |
| REM set BUILDHOME=C:\builds\epf_110\headless |
| set BUILDHOME=%~dp0 |
| |
| REM The location of the temporary build workspace |
| set WORKSPACE=%BUILDHOME%\workspace |
| |
| REM The buildfile to use for the build |
| set BUILDFILE=build.xml |
| |
| REM The builder directory containing build.properties |
| REM build.properties, allElements.xml and customTargets.xml needs to be in the same place |
| |
| set HOUR=%time:~0,2% |
| if "%HOUR:~0,1%"==" " set HOUR=0%time:~1,1% |
| set BUILDID=%date:~-4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%-%HOUR%%time:~3,2% |
| |
| REM **************************************************** |
| |
| |
| if not exist %JAVAEXE% echo ERROR: incorrect java.exe=%JAVAEXE%, edit this file and correct the JAVAEXE envar |
| if not exist %JAVAEXE% goto done |
| |
| if not exist %STARTUPJAR% echo ERROR: incorrect startup.jar=%STARTUPJAR%, edit this file and correct the STARTUPJAR envar |
| if not exist %STARTUPJAR% goto done |
| |
| if not exist %BUILDERDIR% echo ERROR: incorrect builderdir=%BUILDERDIR%, edit this file and correct the BUILDERDIR envar |
| if not exist %BUILDERDIR% goto done |
| |
| if not exist %BUILDSTATEDIR% echo ERROR: incorrect buildStateDir=%BUILDSTATEDIR%, edit this file and correct the BUILDSTATEDIR envar |
| if not exist %BUILDSTATEDIR% goto done |
| |
| |
| :run |
| |
| pushd %SCRIPTSHOME% |
| |
| if not exist %BUILDFILE% echo ERROR: incorrect buildfile=%BUILDFILE%, edit this file and correct the BUILDFILE envar |
| if not exist %BUILDFILE% goto done |
| |
| @echo on |
| |
| rd /s /q %WORKSPACE% |
| |
| %JAVAEXE% -cp %STARTUPJAR% org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -noupdate -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -data %WORKSPACE% -buildfile %BUILDFILE% -Dbuilder=%BUILDERDIR% -DbuildId=%BUILDID% -DbuildStateDir=%BUILDSTATEDIR% -DcvsInfo=%CVSINFO% -DbaseLocation=%ECLIPSEHOME% %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 |
| |
| @echo off |
| popd |
| |
| :done |
| REM pause |