| #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial implementation. |
| #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # |
| # Message ID Range: IUPE0200E - IUPE0299E |
| # |
| |
| # Import Library Configuration Wizard |
| importConfigWizard_title=Import Library Configuration |
| selectConfigDirWizardPage_title=Specify import directory |
| selectConfigDirWizardPage_text=Specify the directory containing the library configuration to import. |
| reviewChangesWizardPage_title=Review library changes |
| reviewChangesWizardPage_text=Review the changes that will be made to the current method library. |
| selectConfigSpecsWizardPage_title=Select configuration specifications |
| selectConfigSpecsWizardPage_text=Select one or more configuration specifications to import. |
| |
| # Import Method Plug-ins Wizard |
| importPluginsWizard_title=Import Method Plug-ins |
| selectPluginsDirWizardPage_title=Specify import directory |
| selectPluginsDirWizardPage_text=Specify the directory containing the method plug-ins to import. |
| selectPluginsWizardPage_title=Select method plug-ins |
| selectPluginsWizardPage_text=Select one or more method plug-ins to import. If a selected plug-in already exists in the current method library, verify the version differences. |
| importPluginsWizard_ERR_Import_plugin=Import plug-in failed |
| |
| ConfigurationImportService_MSG0=Validating selected library configuration... |
| ConfigurationImportService_MSG1=The specified directory does not contain a valid configuration. |
| ConfigurationImportService_MSG3=Importing method configuration... |
| ConfigurationImportService_MSG2=Cannot import the currently opened library into itself. |
| ImportConfigurationWizard_MSG1=Importing method configuration... |
| ImportConfigurationWizard_ERR_Import_configuration=Import configuration failed |
| |
| FileModifyChecker_Checkout_failed_title=Checkout failed |
| FileModifyChecker_Checkout_failed_msg=Some files are not checked out, do you want to try again? |
| |
| ImportConfigReportPage_title=Importing Configuration Report |
| ImportPluginWizard_readonly=IUPE0201E: Library is read-only. |
| ImportPluginWizard_MSG1=Importing method plug-in... |
| ImportPluginWizard_error=Error |
| ImportPluginWizard_warn_existing_plugins=IUPE0200E: The following selected plug-in(s) already exist and re-importing the same plug-in(s) will overwrite the existing one(s):\n\n {0} \n\nAre you sure you want to continue? |
| ImportPluginWizard_confirm_continue=\n\nAre you sure you want to continue? |
| ImportPluginWizard_warn_circular_plugins=Circular references detected among the following plug-ins |
| ImportNoSynLib_ConvertMsg=Do you want to convert the imported library to an auto-synchronized library? |
| ImportSynLibToNoSynLib_Error=Importing library data from an auto-synchronized library to a synchronization required library is not supported |
| ImportNoSynLibToSynLib_Error=Importing library data from a synchronization required library to an auto-synchronized library is not supported |
| SelectConfigsToImport_label1=The following elements will be imported: |
| ImportConfigurationWizard_error=Error |
| SelectImportConfigurationSource_MSG1=Analyzing |
| SelectConfigSpecsToImportPage_title2=Select configuration specifications to import |
| SelectImportPluginSource_not_used=not_used |
| SelectImportPluginSource_no_path=The specified directory does not exist. |
| SelectImportPluginSource_no_dir=No directory specified |
| SelectPluginsToImport_label_plugins=Available plug-ins in the import directory: |
| SelectPluginsToImport_label_author=Author: |
| SelectPluginsToImport_label_version=Version: |
| SelectPluginsToImport_label_desc=Brief description: |
| ImportConfigurationWizard_readonly=IUPE0201E: Library is read-only. |
| PluginImportingService_MSG0=Validating selected plug-ins... |
| PluginImportingService_MSG1=The specified path does not contain a valid method plug-in. |
| PluginImportingService_MSG3=Importing method plug-in... |
| PluginImportingService_MSG5=The selected method plug-in cannot be imported. Its dependent plug-in ''{0}'' cannot be found in the current method library. |
| PluginImportingService_MSG6=The selected method plug-in cannot be imported. A dependent plug-in cannot be found in the current method library. |
| DiffReportViewer_content=Content |
| DiffReportViewer_in_import=In Import |
| SelectPluginsToImport_MSG1=Analyzing files... |
| DiffReportLabelProvider_yes=Yes |
| SelectPluginsToImport_error=Error |
| DiffReportViewer_in_lib=In Library |
| DiffReportViewer_status=Status |
| SelectPluginsToImport_libraryPluginExists=Selected plug-in found in the current library |
| SelectPluginsToImport_libraryPluginNotExists=Selected plug-in not found in the current library |
| SelectConfigSpecsToImportPage_libraryConfigSpecExists=Configuration found in the current library |
| SelectConfigSpecsToImportPage_configSpecNoSelection=No configuration specification selected. |
| SelectConfigSpecsToImportPage_configSpecDataLabel=Selected configuration in the import directory |
| SelectConfigSpecsToImportPage_label_configs=Available configuration specifications in the import directory: |
| SelectImportConfigurationSource_not_used=not_used |
| SelectConfigSpecsToImportPage_label_desc=Brief description: |
| SelectImportConfigurationSource_no_path=The specified path does not exist. |
| SelectPluginsToImport_pluginNoSelection=No plug-in selected. |
| SelectImportConfigurationSource_no_dir=No directory specified |
| SelectImportConfigurationSource_plugin_readonly=Plug-in {0} is read-only\n |
| SelectImportConfigurationSource_plugin_locked=IUPE0203E: Plug-in {0} is locked\n |
| SelectImportConfigurationSource_error_not_updatable=Some of the plug-in(s) in the library are either locked or read-only.\n Please unlock the plug-ins and make sure the files are updatable. |
| SelectPluginsToImport_pluginDataLabel=Selected plug-in in the import directory |
| DiffReportViewer_type=Content Type |
| SelectConfigSpecsToImportPage_libraryConfigSpecNotExists=Selected configuration not found in the current library. |
| versionMismatch_oldData=IUPE0204E: The specified files were exported by a previous version ({0}) of {1}. The files must be exported using the current version of {1}. |
| versionMismatch_oldData_unknown=IUPE0205E: The specified files were exported by a previous version of {0}. The files must be exported using the current version of {0}. |
| versionMismatch_oldTool=IUPE0206E: The specified files were exported by a newer version ({0}) of {1}. You must upgrade {1} in order to import the files. |
| versionMismatch_oldTool_unknown=IUPE0207E: The specified files cannot be opened. You must upgrade {0} in order to import the files. |
| ConfigurationImportService_handleToolVersion_error=IUPE0208E: Failed to upgrade the plug-in(s). |
| optionGroup_text=Import option |
| checkBaseRadioButton_text=Check base plug-ins |
| ignoreRemoveRadioButton_text=Ignore and remove unresolved references |