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<h2><a></a><a></a><a>Exercise 6: Create Guidance </a></h2>
<p>The purpose of this exercise is to create method <strong>Guidance </strong> elements. There is a range of different types of guidance that can be created. For this task we will simply create a representative guidance element, a checklist. Once you have done this, try authoring additional Guidance types. </p>
<p>In a checklist, Check Items are created in the same way as Steps in a task are created using the <strong>Check Items </strong> tab in the <strong>Checklist Editor</strong>. </p>
<p>Make sure you are in the <strong>Authoring </strong> perspective. </p>
<p>Within <span class="style1">My Content Package</span> right-click on the <strong>Guidance </strong> folder. </p>
<p>Highlight <strong>New </strong> and then click <strong>Checklist</strong>. </p>
<p>Name the guidance, my_create_physical_appearance_checklist, and provide the presentation name, My Create Physical Appearance Checklist. </p>
<li> Add the following check items: </li>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Create branding specifications </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Define physical specifications </p>
<li>Add the checklist to the <strong> my_prototype_user_interface </strong>task and then look for it on the preview page. </li>