blob: b41a8f46fc987c510b1e32c28987ce4e4c0af0a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// Contributors:
// IBM Corporation - initial implementation
package org.eclipse.epf.validation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.AdapterFactory;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicDiagnostic;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.DiagnosticChain;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EObjectValidator;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.AdapterFactoryTreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.ITreeItemContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.emf.validation.model.Category;
import org.eclipse.emf.validation.model.EvaluationMode;
import org.eclipse.emf.validation.model.IConstraintStatus;
import org.eclipse.emf.validation.service.IBatchValidator;
import org.eclipse.emf.validation.service.IConstraintDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.emf.validation.service.IConstraintFilter;
import org.eclipse.emf.validation.service.ModelValidationService;
import org.eclipse.epf.common.utils.StrUtil;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.IAdapterFactoryProvider;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.process.DescribableElementWrapperItemProvider;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.process.IBSItemProvider;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.util.LibraryEditUtil;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.util.TngUtil;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.validation.DependencyChecker;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.validation.DependencyValidationMgr;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.validation.IValidationManager;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.validation.IValidator;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.validation.IValidatorFactory;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.BreakdownElement;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.DescribableElement;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.MethodElement;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.MethodPlugin;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.NamedElement;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.Process;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.ProcessComponent;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.RoleDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.TeamProfile;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.UmaPackage;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.VariabilityElement;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.WorkProductDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.epf.validation.constraints.LibraryTraversalStrategy;
import org.eclipse.epf.validation.util.ValidationStatus;
* An adapter that plugs the EMF Model Validation Service API into the
* {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EValidator} API.
* @author Phong Nguyen Le
* @since 1.1
public class LibraryEValidator extends EObjectValidator {
private static final boolean DEBUG = Activator.getDefault().isDebugging();
private static final Map featureToPropertyMap = createFeatureToAttributeMap();
public static final String CONSTRAINT_CATEGORY = "org.eclipse.epf.validation.library.category"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static Map createFeatureToAttributeMap() {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put(UmaPackage.Literals.NAMED_ELEMENT__NAME, IBSItemProvider.COL_NAME);
return map;
* Model Validation Service interface for batch validation of EMF elements.
private final IBatchValidator batchValidator;
* Initializes me.
public LibraryEValidator() {
batchValidator = (IBatchValidator) ModelValidationService.getInstance()
batchValidator.addConstraintFilter(new IConstraintFilter() {
public boolean accept(IConstraintDescriptor constraint,
EObject target) {
Set<Category> categories = constraint.getCategories();
if(categories != null && !categories.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator<Category> iterator = categories.iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
Category category = (Category);
if(CONSTRAINT_CATEGORY.equals(category.getId())) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean validate(EObject eObject, DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
Map context) {
return validate(eObject.eClass(), eObject, diagnostics, context);
* Implements validation by delegation to the EMF validation framework.
public boolean validate(EClass eClass, EObject eObject,
DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map context) {
// first, do whatever the basic EcoreValidator does
// super.validate(eClass, eObject, diagnostics, context);
IStatus status = Status.OK_STATUS;
IValidationManager validationMgr = LibraryEditUtil.getInstance().getValidationManager();
boolean checkCircular = validationMgr == null ? false : validationMgr.isCircularDependancyCheck();
boolean circularCheckOk = true;
DependencyValidationMgr mgr = (DependencyValidationMgr) context.get(CTX_DEPENDENCY_VALIDATION_MGR);
if (checkCircular && DependencyChecker.newCheck && mgr != null &&
(eObject instanceof VariabilityElement || eObject instanceof MethodPlugin)) {
status = mgr.checkCircularDependnecy((MethodElement) eObject);
if(!status.isOK()) {
circularCheckOk = false;
String msg = status.getMessage();
if(StrUtil.isBlank(msg)) {
//msg = NLS.bind(ValidationResources.circularDependency_error, ref.getEContainingClass().getName(), ref.getName());
msg = ValidationResources.circularDependency_error;
appendDiagnostics(status, diagnostics);
// no point in validating if we can't report results
if (diagnostics != null) {
// if EMF Mode Validation Service already covered the sub-tree,
// which it does for efficient computation and error reporting,
// then don't repeat (the Diagnostician does the recursion
// externally). If there is no context map, then we can't
// help it
if (!hasProcessed(eObject, context)) {
if (getTraversalType(context) == LibraryTraversalStrategy.DEEP) {
IConstraintFilter filter = (IConstraintFilter) context.get(CTX_CONSTRAINT_FILTER);
if(filter != null) {
try {
boolean checkName = validationMgr == null ? false : validationMgr.isNameCheck();
if (checkName) {
status = batchValidator.validate(eObject,
new NullProgressMonitor());
} finally {
if (filter != null) {
processed(eObject, context, status);
appendDiagnostics(status, diagnostics);
if (eObject instanceof ProcessComponent) {
Process proc = ((ProcessComponent) eObject).getProcess();
if (proc != null) {
validateProcess(proc, diagnostics, context);
return circularCheckOk && status.isOK();
* @param proc
* @param diagnostics
* @param context
public void validateProcess(Process proc, final DiagnosticChain diagnostics,
Map context) {
Object o = context.get(CTX_ADAPTER_FACTORY_PROVIDER);
if (!(o instanceof IAdapterFactoryProvider)) {
class FilteredAdapterFactoryTreeIterator extends AdapterFactoryTreeIterator {
public FilteredAdapterFactoryTreeIterator(AdapterFactory adapterFactory, Object object) {
super(adapterFactory, object);
protected boolean accept(Object child) {
return child instanceof NamedElement;
* Comment for <code>serialVersionUID</code>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.AdapterFactoryTreeIterator#getChildren(java.lang.Object)
protected Iterator getChildren(Object o) {
ArrayList children = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iter = super.getChildren(o); iter.hasNext();) {
Object child =;
if (child instanceof MethodElement
|| (child instanceof DescribableElementWrapperItemProvider
&& !((DescribableElementWrapperItemProvider) child).isReadOnly())) {
child = TngUtil.unwrap(child);
if (accept(child)) {
try {
ArrayList features = new ArrayList();
if(child instanceof DescribableElement) {
NamedElement e = (NamedElement) child;
if (e instanceof BreakdownElement) {
if(DEBUG) {
.println("FilteredAdapterFactoryTreeIterator.getChildren(): validating '" + e.getName() + "'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
for (Iterator iterator = features.iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
EStructuralFeature feature = (EStructuralFeature);
IValidator validator = IValidatorFactory.INSTANCE
.createValidator(o, null,
(EObject) child, feature,
Object itemProvider = adapterFactory.adapt(child, ITreeItemContentProvider.class);
String prop = (String) featureToPropertyMap.get(feature);
String name;
if(itemProvider instanceof IBSItemProvider && prop != null) {
name = ((IBSItemProvider)itemProvider).getAttribute(child, prop);
else {
name = (String) e.eGet(feature);
String msg = validator.isValid(name);
if (msg != null) {
appendDiagnostics(new ValidationStatus(
IStatus.ERROR, 0, msg, e, feature),
} catch (Exception e) {
return children.iterator();
IAdapterFactoryProvider provider = (IAdapterFactoryProvider) o;
Iterator iterator = new FilteredAdapterFactoryTreeIterator(provider
.getWBSAdapterFactory(), proc);
for (; iterator.hasNext();
iterator = new FilteredAdapterFactoryTreeIterator(provider.getTBSAdapterFactory(), proc) {
* Comment for <code>serialVersionUID</code>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see #accept(java.lang.Object)
protected boolean accept(Object child) {
return child instanceof RoleDescriptor || child instanceof TeamProfile;
for (; iterator.hasNext();
iterator = new FilteredAdapterFactoryTreeIterator(provider.getWPBSAdapterFactory(), proc) {
* Comment for <code>serialVersionUID</code>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see #accept(java.lang.Object)
protected boolean accept(Object child) {
return child instanceof WorkProductDescriptor;
for (; iterator.hasNext();
private static int getTraversalType(Map context) {
Object type = context.get(LibraryTraversalStrategy.TRAVERSAL_TYPE);
return (type instanceof Number && ((Number) type).intValue() == LibraryTraversalStrategy.DEEP) ? LibraryTraversalStrategy.DEEP
: LibraryTraversalStrategy.SHADOW;
* Direct validation of {@link EDataType}s is not supported by the EMF
* validation framework; they are validated indirectly via the
* {@link EObject}s that hold their values.
public boolean validate(EDataType eDataType, Object value,
DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map context) {
return super.validate(eDataType, value, diagnostics, context);
* If we have a context map, record this object's <code>status</code> in
* it so that we will know later that we have processed it and its sub-tree.
* @param eObject
* an element that we have validated
* @param context
* the context (may be <code>null</code>)
* @param status
* the element's validation status
private void processed(EObject eObject, Map context, IStatus status) {
if (context != null) {
context.put(eObject, status);
* Determines whether we have processed this <code>eObject</code> before,
* by automatic recursion of the EMF Model Validation Service. This is only
* possible if we do, indeed, have a context.
* @param eObject
* an element to be validated (we hope not)
* @param context
* the context (may be <code>null</code>)
* @return <code>true</code> if the context is not <code>null</code> and
* the <code>eObject</code> or one of its containers has already
* been validated; <code>false</code>, otherwise
private boolean hasProcessed(EObject eObject, Map context) {
boolean result = false;
if (context != null) {
// this is O(NlogN) but there's no helping it
while (eObject != null) {
if (context.containsKey(eObject)) {
result = true;
eObject = null;
} else {
eObject = eObject.eContainer();
return result;
* Converts a status result from the EMF validation service to diagnostics.
* @param status
* the EMF validation service's status result
* @param diagnostics
* a diagnostic chain to accumulate results on
public static void appendDiagnostics(IStatus status, DiagnosticChain diagnostics) {
if (status.isMultiStatus()) {
IStatus[] children = status.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
appendDiagnostics(children[i], diagnostics);
} else if (status instanceof IConstraintStatus) {
diagnostics.add(new BasicDiagnostic(status.getSeverity(), status
.getPlugin(), status.getCode(), status.getMessage(),
((IConstraintStatus) status).getResultLocus().toArray()));
} else if (status instanceof org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.validation.ValidationStatus) {
diagnostics.add(new BasicDiagnostic(status.getSeverity(), status
.getPlugin(), status.getCode(), status.getMessage(),
new Object[] { ((org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.validation.ValidationStatus) status)
.getCheckedObject() }));
} else {
diagnostics.add(new BasicDiagnostic(status.getSeverity(), status
.getPlugin(), status.getCode(), status.getMessage(),