blob: 78eed6d2387bdd7a3d608b4a75f3ca80c5b33daf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// Contributors:
// IBM Corporation - initial implementation
package org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.provider.AdapterFactoryContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.AuthoringUIResources;
import org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.AuthoringUIText;
import org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.editors.MethodElementEditor;
import org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.filters.WorkProductFilter;
import org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.util.UIHelper;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.IFilter;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.TngAdapterFactory;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.command.IActionManager;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.itemsfilter.FilterConstants;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.util.TngUtil;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.Deliverable;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.UmaPackage;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.VariabilityElement;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.WorkProduct;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorSite;
import org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormEditor;
* The Deliverable Parts page in the Work Product editor.
* @author Shashidhar Kannoori
* @author Kelvin Low
* @since 1.0
public class WorkProductDeliverablePartsPage extends AssociationFormPage {
private static final String FORM_PAGE_ID = "workProductDeliverablePartsPage"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private WorkProduct workProduct;
private IActionManager actionMgr;
* Creates a new instance.
public WorkProductDeliverablePartsPage(FormEditor editor) {
super(editor, FORM_PAGE_ID,
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.AssociationFormPage#init(org.eclipse.ui.IEditorSite, org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput)
public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input) {
super.init(site, input);
workProduct = (WorkProduct) contentElement;
actionMgr = ((MethodElementEditor) getEditor()).getActionManager();
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.AssociationFormPage#initContentProviderSelected()
protected void initContentProviderSelected() {
contentProviderSelected = new AdapterFactoryContentProvider(
.getNavigatorView_ComposedAdapterFactory()) {
public Object[] getElements(Object object) {
Deliverable wp = (Deliverable) workProduct;
return wp.getDeliveredWorkProducts().toArray();
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.AssociationFormPage#addItemsToModel1(ArrayList)
protected void addItemsToModel1(ArrayList addItems) {
// Update the model.
if (!addItems.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator it = addItems.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
WorkProduct item = (WorkProduct);
actionMgr.doAction(IActionManager.ADD, workProduct,
.getDeliverable_DeliveredWorkProducts(), item,
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.AssociationFormPage#removeItemsFromModel1(ArrayList)
protected void removeItemsFromModel1(ArrayList rmItems) {
// Update the model.
if (!rmItems.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator it = rmItems.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
WorkProduct item = (WorkProduct);
actionMgr.doAction(IActionManager.REMOVE, workProduct,
.getDeliverable_DeliveredWorkProducts(), item,
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.DescriptionFormPage#getContentElement()
protected Object getContentElement() {
return workProduct;
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.DescriptionFormPage#getTabString()
protected String getTabString() {
return FilterConstants.WORKPRODUCTS;
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.DescriptionFormPage#getFilter()
protected IFilter getFilter() {
filter = new WorkProductFilter() {
* ArrayList(badlist) is used to store all
* generalizer/basevariability for subparts of
* generalizer/basevariability can be rejected. Deliverable cannot
* hold information to who itself is acting as deliverable part.
List badlist = new ArrayList();
protected boolean childAccept(Object obj) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (obj instanceof WorkProduct) {
* Check Deliverable and DeliverableParts association
* circular dependency.
if (obj instanceof Deliverable
&& workProduct instanceof Deliverable) {
* Check passed object's chained deliverable parts
* (tree) contain workProduct (editor object).
if (!UIHelper.checkCircularDeliverables(
(Deliverable) obj, (Deliverable) workProduct)) {
return false;
if (!checkVariability((Deliverable) obj, badlist)) {
return false;
// browse through badlist and its deliverable parts.
List templist = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator iterator = badlist.iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
Object bad =;
UIHelper.deliverablePartsChain((Deliverable) bad, templist);
if (templist.contains(obj))
return false;
* return true if above condition are successful
return true;
return false;
return filter;
public boolean checkVariability(Deliverable e, List badlist) {
* Check editor object's variability base object is child in
* Deliverable(e) tree. then Deliverable(e)shouldnot be accepted. D1 ->
* D2 -> D3 ( -> indicates deliverable part relationship) D6 contributes
* D3. D6 cannot select D1,D2 as deliverable part.
if (workProduct.getVariabilityBasedOnElement() != null) {
Object obj = workProduct.getVariabilityBasedOnElement();
if (!UIHelper.checkCircularDeliverables(e, (Deliverable) obj))
return false;
* Check editor Deliverable's generalizer, if generalizer's subparts
* (tree) contains passed deliverable. Return false.
Iterator it = TngUtil.getGeneralizers(workProduct);
while (it.hasNext()) {
VariabilityElement ve = (VariabilityElement);
if (ve != null) {
* generalizer is added to badlist, because if variability base
* is filtered before coming to childAccept(object) method, this
* will prevents any subparts of generalizer to be added as a
* deliverable part of Deliverable (Editor object or local
* defined variable"workProduct").
* eg: D1 -> D2 -> D3. (-> indicates deliverable part). D1
* contributes D5. and D5's deliverable parts assign filter
* shouldnot show D2 and D3.
if (ve.equals(e))
return false;
if (!UIHelper.checkCircularDeliverables(e, (Deliverable) ve))
return false;
if (e.getVariabilityBasedOnElement() != null) {
Object obj = e.getVariabilityBasedOnElement();
if (!UIHelper.checkCircularDeliverables((Deliverable) obj,
(Deliverable) workProduct))
return false;
* Check passed object's generalizer's deliverable parts list donot have
* workProduct.
Iterator it1 = TngUtil.getGeneralizers(e);
while (it1.hasNext()) {
VariabilityElement ve = (VariabilityElement);
if (ve != null) {
if (ve.equals(e))
return false;
if (!UIHelper.checkCircularDeliverables((Deliverable) ve,
(Deliverable) workProduct))
return false;
* Check workProduct object (editor object)'s variability and its
* deliverables should not contain passed object.
List list = new ArrayList();
deliverablePartsVariability((Deliverable) workProduct, list);
if (list.contains(e))
return false;
* Check passed object variability and its deliverables should not
* contain workproduct(deliverable or editor object). If it contains,
* passed object shouldnot be accepted.
deliverablePartsVariability((Deliverable) e, list);
if (list.contains(workProduct))
return false;
return true;
private void deliverablePartsVariability(Deliverable e, List roots) {
List list = ((Deliverable) e).getDeliveredWorkProducts();
if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Object obj =;
if (obj instanceof Deliverable) {
if (((Deliverable) obj).getVariabilityBasedOnElement() != null) {
roots.add(((Deliverable) obj)
} else {
Iterator it1 = TngUtil.getGeneralizers(e);
while (it1.hasNext()) {
VariabilityElement ve = (VariabilityElement) it1
UIHelper.deliverablePartsChain((Deliverable) ve, roots);
deliverablePartsVariability((Deliverable) obj, roots);
if (e instanceof Deliverable) {
Iterator it1 = TngUtil.getGeneralizers(e);
while (it1.hasNext()) {
VariabilityElement ve = (VariabilityElement);
UIHelper.deliverablePartsChain((Deliverable) ve, roots);
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.AssociationFormPage#getMultipleSelectDescription(int)
protected String getMultipleSelectDescription(int count) {
return super.getMultipleSelectDescription(count, AuthoringUIResources.workProductDeliverablePartsPage_multipleSelectDescription);
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.AssociationFormPage#getSectionDescription()
protected String getSectionDescription() {
return AuthoringUIResources.workProductDeliverablePartsPage_sectionDescription;
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.AssociationFormPage#getSectionName()
protected String getSectionName() {
return AuthoringUIResources.workProductDeliverablePartsPage_sectionName;
* @see org.eclipse.epf.authoring.ui.forms.AssociationFormPage#getSelectedLabel()
protected String getSelectedLabel() {
return AuthoringUIResources.workProductDeliverablePartsPage_selectedLabel;