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<meta name="abstract" content="A Method Library is a physical container for method plug-ins and method configuration definitions. All method elements are stored in a method library." />
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<title>Standard Method Library Overview</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Standard Method Library Overview</h1>
<div><p>A Method Library is a physical container for method plug-ins and
method configuration definitions. All method elements are stored in a method
<p>Much like a library has books, a method library has method plug-ins. Where
a library book is made up of sections or chapters and content within those
chapters, <a href="methodplugin.html#methodplugin">method
plug-ins</a> are made up of <a href="methodcontent.html#creatingreusablemethodcontents">method content</a> and processes. Method content contains
content packages and both <a href="methodcontentcategories.html#methodcontentcategories">standard and custom categories</a>, while processes structure
this content into process fragments called <a href="capabilitypattern.html#capabilitypattern">capability patterns</a> and full lifecycle processes called <a href="deliveryprocess.html">delivery processes</a>.</p>
<p>A method library also has one or more <a href="methodconfigurations.html#methodconfigurations">method configurations</a> that filter the library and provide
smaller working sets of library content for the end user.</p>