blob: 1e34dae18b949c89586c9a06ddb96dd8c4ef1bfd [file] [log] [blame]
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As an Architect, you may want to consider the following views (not all views are relevant to all systems or all the&#xD;
Stakeholders). This set of views is known as the 4+1 Views of Software Architecture [&lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithUserText&quot; href=&quot;./../../../openup/guidances/supportingmaterials/references_6CCF393.html&quot; guid=&quot;_9ToeIB83Edqsvps02rpOOg&quot;>KRU95&lt;/a>]..&#xD;
&lt;img height=&quot;254&quot; alt=&quot;4+1 Views of Software Architecture&quot; src=&quot;./resources/4plus1_2.jpg&quot; width=&quot;405&quot; />&#xD;
Use-case view: Describes functionality of the system, its external interfaces, and its principal users. The&#xD;
use-case view&amp;nbsp;contains the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../openup/workproducts/uc_model_intent_req_ucm_17B6B2A6.html&quot; guid=&quot;_0UCrZclgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw&quot;>uc_model_intent_req_ucm&lt;/a>. This view is mandatory when using the 4+1 Views, because all&#xD;
elements of the architecture should be derived from requirements.&#xD;
Logical view: Describes how the system is structured in terms of units of implementation. The elements are&#xD;
packages, classes, and interfaces. The relationship between elements shows dependencies, interface&#xD;
realizations, part-whole relationships, and so forth. Note: This view is mandatory when using the 4+1 Views of&#xD;
Software Architecture.&#xD;
Implementation view: Describes how development artifacts are organized in the file system. The elements are&#xD;
files and directories (any configuration items). This includes development artifacts and deployment artifacts.&#xD;
This view is optional when using the 4+1 Views.&#xD;
Process view: Describes how the run-time system is structured as a set of elements that have run-time behavior&#xD;
and interactions. Run-time structure often bears little resemblance to the code structure. It consists of&#xD;
rapidly changing networks of communication objects. The elements are components that have run-time presence&#xD;
(processes, threads, Enterprise JavaBeans&amp;trade; (EJB&amp;trade;), servlets, DLLs, and so on), data stores, and complex&#xD;
connectors, such as queues. Interaction between elements varies, based on technology. This view is useful for&#xD;
thinking about run-time system quality attributes, such as performance and reliability. This view is optional&#xD;
when using the 4+1 Views.&#xD;
Deployment views: Describe how the system is mapped to the hardware. This view is optional when using the 4+1&#xD;
In addition, you may wish to represent the following,&#xD;
Data view: A specialization of the logical view. Use this view if persistence is a significant aspect of the&#xD;
system, and the translation from the design model to the data model is not done automatically by the&#xD;
persistence mechanism.&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;