blob: 56590d9acc9cf4747e98db89fa6e18c6a2496cca [file] [log] [blame]
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name="planning_game,2.7371805612676613E-305" guid="-CPHs6R59_druVDY6nRjHEw" changeDate="2006-11-13T18:39:25.183-0500"
<mainDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_xp__planning_game&quot; name=&quot;XE_xp__planning_game&quot;>&lt;/a>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_planning_game__practice_of&quot; name=&quot;XE_planning_game__practice_of&quot;>&lt;/a>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_engineering_practices__planning_game&quot; name=&quot;XE_engineering_practices__planning_game&quot;>&lt;/a> &#xD;
The purpose of planning is to ensure that we are working on the most valuable things at all times. As much as we would&#xD;
like to, planning is not about predicting the future. Even the best, most thought out plans need to be continually&#xD;
refined. They require continuous and constant feedback to be useful.&#xD;
XP proposes the following planning hierarchy:&#xD;
Projects are split into releases that typically last two to three months.&#xD;
Releases are split into iterations that typically last two to three weeks.&#xD;
Iterations are planned into tasks that typically last one to two days.&#xD;
The XP planning game has two main activities:&#xD;
Release Planning&#xD;
Customer presents user stories to the team.&#xD;
Programmers estimate the user stories.&#xD;
Customers selects a set of user stories for the next release. The total of the estimates of the selected stories&#xD;
cannot exceed the team's previous release velocity (how much they did the previous release).&#xD;
Iteration Planning&#xD;
Customer presents the user stories that will be worked on for the iteration. These stories usually come from the&#xD;
release. Stories not in the release can be selected for the iteration, but the customer will have to push out an&#xD;
existing story of the same size out of the iteration and the release. This is done so the team does not commit to&#xD;
do more work than they have shown they can do in the past.&#xD;
Programmers break down the stories into engineering tasks.&#xD;
Programmers sign up and estimate engineering tasks.&#xD;
Programmers do a sanity check to make sure all these tasks can be done by comparing against what was done the&#xD;
previous iteration.&#xD;
If there is too much to do, the customer will drop one or more user story from the iteration.&#xD;
If there is not enough work, the customer can add one or more story to fill the iteration.&#xD;
&lt;ul class=&quot;noindent&quot;>&#xD;
Provides &lt;b>quick and meaningful feedback&lt;/b>.&#xD;
Provides &lt;b>lots of opportunities&lt;/b> to use that feedback &lt;b>to steer the team to success&lt;/b>.&#xD;
Provides &lt;b>clear&lt;/b>, long-term &lt;b>strategic&lt;/b> (release plan) &lt;b>and&lt;/b> short-term &lt;b>tactical goals&lt;/b>&#xD;
(iteration plan).&#xD;
&lt;b>Allows the team to manage themselves&lt;/b> (task list).&#xD;
Related Information&#xD;
See the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithUserText&quot; href=&quot;./../../../xp/guidances/guidelines/planning_game-2.html&quot; guid=&quot;6.7335956461328426E-307&quot;>Planning Game Guidelines&lt;/a>.&#xD;