blob: ba67aecde28f52be9db7d74d4c5efa0df7e00869 [file] [log] [blame]
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Why Practices?&#xD;
Practices enable a compositional approach to building methods. This approach offers the following benefits:&#xD;
Adaptability and scalability&#xD;
Incremental adoption&#xD;
Easy to configure and use&#xD;
Community development&#xD;
Adaptability and Scalability&#xD;
Practices can be adapted to&amp;nbsp;support a range of solutions.&amp;nbsp;In particular, practices can be adapted to suit&#xD;
your organization and supplemented by your own practices.&#xD;
The core practices are based on a common framework that allows them to be composed.&amp;nbsp; These core practices&amp;nbsp;are&#xD;
tool-agnostic, low-ceremony practices that can be extended to address a broad variety of development concerns, such as&#xD;
SOA, geographical distribution, model-driven architecture and embedded systems. Tool and technology specific guidance&#xD;
can be added, such as guidance on J2EE, and a variety of development tools. Some of these extensions can be quite&#xD;
modest, adding&amp;nbsp;for example&amp;nbsp;just tool specific guidance to existing tasks, while others can be comprehensive,&#xD;
defining processes that provide a radically expanded scope with new or altered artifacts, new or altered tasks, and new&#xD;
or altered roles.&#xD;
Extensions and additions to&amp;nbsp;the practices&amp;nbsp;can be:&#xD;
used internally by an organization&#xD;
open source as a part of the Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) project&#xD;
made freely available outside the open source licenses of Eclipse (EPL)&#xD;
sold commercially as an extension to the basic framework, such as the IBM(R) Practices.&#xD;
Incremental Adoption&#xD;
Each practice is described as a standalone capability that can be adopted by an organization or project.&amp;nbsp;Each&#xD;
practice may include enablement materials that explain how to get started.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
Easy to Configure and Use&#xD;
Creating a method is as simple as selecting the practices that you wish to adopt, and then publishing the&#xD;
results.&amp;nbsp;Each practice adds itself into the framework so that content can be viewed by practice, or across&#xD;
practices by work product, role, task and so on.&#xD;
Community Development&#xD;
Since a practice can be easily authored on its own, practices are ideal for community development.&amp;nbsp;The basic agile&#xD;
practices for the&amp;nbsp;EPF Practices are, in fact, developed by the Eclipse Process Framework community.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;