blob: 80dc2e91df30ebcec1efbb763947d526c38c2229 [file] [log] [blame]
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An Analysis Mechanism is a conceptual representation of an &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_mzxI0A4LEduibvKwrGxWxA&quot;>Architectural Mechanisms&lt;/a>. Over time, Analysis Mechanisms are refined into &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_w2ACwA4LEduibvKwrGxWxA&quot;>Design Mechanism&lt;/a>s&amp;nbsp;and, later, into &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_0LcUkA4LEduibvKwrGxWxA&quot;>Implementation Mechanism&lt;/a>s.&#xD;
Analysis Mechanisms&amp;nbsp;allow the developer to focus on understanding the requirements without getting distracted by&#xD;
the specifics of a complex implementation. They are a way of abstracting away the complexity of the solution, so people&#xD;
can better comprehend the problem.&#xD;
Analysis Mechanisms are described in simple terms:&#xD;
&lt;strong>Name:&lt;/strong> Identifies the mechanism.&#xD;
&lt;strong>Basic attributes:&lt;/strong> Define the requirements of the mechanism.&#xD;
You can identify Analysis Mechanisms top-down, from previous knowledge, or bottom-up, meaning that you discover them as&#xD;
you proceed.&#xD;
In the top-down mode, you are guided by experience -- you know that certain problems are present in the domain and will&#xD;
require certain kinds of solutions. Examples of common architectural problems that might be expressed as mechanisms&#xD;
during analysis are: persistence, transaction management, fault management, messaging, and inference engines. The&#xD;
common aspect of all of these is that each is a general capability of a broad class of systems, and each provides&#xD;
functionality that interacts with or supports the basic application functionality. The Analysis Mechanisms support&#xD;
capabilities required in the basic functional requirements of the system, regardless of the platform that it is&#xD;
deployed upon or the implementation language. Analysis Mechanisms also can be designed and implemented in different&#xD;
ways. Generally, there will be more than one design mechanism that corresponds with each Analysis Mechanism. There may&#xD;
also be more than one way of implementing each design mechanism.&#xD;
The bottom-up approach is where Analysis Mechanisms ultimately originate. They are created as the you see, perhaps&#xD;
faintly at first, a common theme emerging from a set of solutions to various problems. For example: There is a need to&#xD;
provide a way for elements in different threads to synchronize their clocks, and there is a need for a common way of&#xD;
allocating resources. &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_0gvqoMlgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw&quot;>Analysis Mechanism&lt;/a>s, which simplify the language of analysis, emerge from these&#xD;
Identifying an Analysis Mechanism means that you identify a common, perhaps implicit&amp;nbsp;subproblem, and you give it a&#xD;
name. Initially, the name might be all that exists. For example, the system will require a persistence&#xD;
mechanism.&amp;nbsp;Ultimately, this mechanism will be implemented through the collaboration of various classes, some of&#xD;
which do not deliver application functionality directly, but exist only to support it. Very often these support classes&#xD;
are located in the middle or lower layers of a layered architecture, thereby providing a common support service to all&#xD;
application-level classes.&#xD;
If the subproblem that you identify is common enough, perhaps a pattern exists from which the mechanism can be&#xD;
instantiated, probably by binding existing classes and implementing new ones, as required by the pattern. An Analysis&#xD;
Mechanism produced this way will be abstract, and it will require further refinement throughout design and&#xD;
implementation work.&#xD;
You can see examples of how Architectural Mechanisms can be represented in &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_eQ_s8Om5Edupia_tZIXEqg&quot;>Example: Architectural Mechanism Attributes&lt;/a>.&#xD;