blob: 120f687fa6f15ef90440a07bcf47fa85e23725ba [file] [log] [blame]
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An Implementation Mechanism is a refinement of a corresponding Design Mechanism that uses, for example, a particular&#xD;
programming language and other implementation technology (such as a particular vendor's middleware product). An&#xD;
Implementation Mechanism may instantiate one or more idioms or implementation patterns.&#xD;
Review these points when you are considering Implementation Mechanisms:&#xD;
&lt;b>Determine the ranges of characteristics.&lt;/b> Take the characteristics that you identified for the Design&#xD;
Mechanisms into consideration to determine reasonable, economical, or feasible ranges of values to use in the&#xD;
Implementation Mechanism candidate.&#xD;
&lt;b>Consider the cost of purchased components&lt;/b>. For Implementation Mechanism candidates, consider the cost of&#xD;
licensing, the maturity of the product, your history or relationship with the vendor, support, and so forth in&#xD;
addition to purely technical criteria.&#xD;
&lt;b>Conduct a search for the right components, or build the components.&lt;/b> You will often find that there is no&#xD;
apparently suitable Implementation Mechanism for a particular Design Mechanism. This will either trigger a&#xD;
search for the right product or make the need for in-house development apparent. You may also find that some&#xD;
Implementation Mechanisms are not used at all.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
The choice of Implementation Mechanisms is based not only on a good match for the technical characteristics,&#xD;
but also on the non-technical characteristics, such as cost. Some of the choices may be provisional. Almost all&#xD;
have some risks attached to them. Performance, robustness, and scalability are nearly always concerns and must&#xD;
be validated by evaluation, exploratory prototyping, or inclusion in the architectural prototype.&#xD;