blob: b3a87486af93bfcd3624ee90fbf50f4fb2120f71 [file] [log] [blame]
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name="rule_discovery,_jfdmsAsHEdyPCr4G1Tb79A" guid="-_O0viDuqU93cNwdUU02Fmg" authors="Jerome Boyer"
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<mainDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_rule_discovery&quot; name=&quot;XE_rule_discovery&quot;>&lt;/a> &#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>Rule Discovery is also named Business Rules&#xD;
Modeling in the industry and has the focus to develop simple modeling artifacts like rule descriptions, business entity&#xD;
diagrams and business process maps.&lt;/span>&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span>&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>The purposes of Rule Discovery&amp;nbsp; are:&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;ul style=&quot;MARGIN-TOP: 0cm&quot; type=&quot;disc&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;li class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>To define the rule classification from the business process&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;li class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>To attach decision point to business process activities and / or use case&#xD;
&lt;li class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>To define the rule sources for the discovery and the type of roadmap to support&#xD;
the knowledge acquisition.&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;li class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>To formalize the rules using templates and business term and language&#xD;
understood by the business user&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;li class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>To prepare the test data &amp;nbsp;for the rules&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;li class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>To define the object model for the rules&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>If the business modeling activity is done&amp;nbsp;during the Inception&amp;nbsp;phase of&#xD;
the project you should leverage the previous artifacts like the conceptual data model and the decision point&#xD;
table.&lt;/span>&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot; />&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>The discovery activities&amp;nbsp; are conducted during the Elaboration phase of the&#xD;
project, but the same process is conducted even after the system has gone into production when there is a new business&#xD;
event, or when there is a need to modify the decision logic&amp;nbsp;of the application.&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;/p>&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot; />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>&lt;img style=&quot;WIDTH: 720px; HEIGHT: 352px&quot; height=&quot;318&quot; alt=&quot;&quot;&#xD;
src=&quot;./resources/Discovery_process.gif&quot; width=&quot;600&quot; />&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;/p>&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot; />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>The most unique aspect of the rules discovery phase is the perception of a business&#xD;
event as a set of decision-rich activities. We unravel a business event as a set of decisions and policies. We then&#xD;
dissect the decisions and policies into executable and precise business rules that guide the business event in a&#xD;
predictable and desirable manner.&lt;/span>&#xD;