blob: d85d18e942e518be5a4bf9d7043f10dc03d85782 [file] [log] [blame]
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W3C defines web service as: &quot;A Web service is a software application identified by a URI, whose interfaces and binding&#xD;
are capable of being defined, described, and discovered by XML artifacts, and supports direct interactions with other&#xD;
software applications using XML-based messages via Internet-based protocols.&quot;&#xD;
In software architecture literature It is agreed that the XML syntax to define the web service is WSDL.&#xD;
Three Approaches&#xD;
From a methodology point of view there are three possible approaches to design a web service:&#xD;
&lt;em>top-down&lt;/em>: The architect&amp;nbsp;first defines the Web service interface using WSDL and XML Schema (XSD)&#xD;
constructs, then generates implementation code for the service.&#xD;
&lt;em>bottom-up&lt;/em>: from the developer environment like eclipse, we can create a web service and wsdl from an&#xD;
existing java code. The JAX-WS specification&amp;nbsp;defines annotations to put in the code to&amp;nbsp;define the&#xD;
&lt;em>meet in the middle:&lt;/em> combines the two approached above, but involves the development of code to manage the&#xD;
new interface as generated by the WSDL and the old API from the existing function.&#xD;
The bottom-up approach as the advantage to quickly expose web service, and also permit to test within a java&#xD;
environment the implementation of the service. But this approach leads to have incompatible type definitions and so&#xD;
have multiple definitions for the same semantic.&#xD;
There is a common acceptance among software architects to use a top-down or meet in the middle approach, and define the&#xD;
common interface within the portType declaration of WSDL. The XML Schema specification defines a broader range of&#xD;
constructs for describing message structures than Java. Some of these include choices, derivation by restriction,&#xD;
annotation. Therefore, it is better to define your interface using WSDL and XSD, and generate skeletal Java code.&#xD;
Service Definition&#xD;
A service interface should generally contain more than one operation. Operations defined as part of a single service&#xD;
interface should be semantically related. Business transactions related to the same data as for example a claim are&#xD;
mapped to operations within the same interface: ProcessClaim. Having one interface per business function may lead to&#xD;
have a huge amount of service interfaces. Service proliferation, in turn, results in service governance problems,&#xD;
making it harder to pursue effective code reuse.&#xD;
if for example the data are coming from different physical systems, we could map the access to those different data&#xD;
sources with technical interfaces, and aggregate these interfaces into a single business interface.&#xD;
The signature of each operation can support different set of approaches: synchronous/ asynchronous, stateless/stateful,&#xD;
header based or carrying payload, use of faults or not.&#xD;
Asynchronous design means that once the client sent its message&amp;nbsp;it does not know if the message was successfully&#xD;
delivered or not, and if the service was able to process it. This is a one-way operation. It may be a good&#xD;
implementation for a Event Driven Architecture, leveraging an ESB for message reliability and delivery.&#xD;
Synchronous involves request-response operation. The client is blocked until it gets the response or a fault. Faults&#xD;
convey error information about failures that occur during the service invocation. Online application should leverage a&#xD;
synchronous definition of the service to ensure someone is taking care of the errors.&#xD;
When designing a new service, do not mix synchronous and asynchronous invocation semantics in a single WSDL port type.&#xD;
If it is advantageous to support both semantics, define separate interfaces for synchronous and asynchronous&#xD;
An important design consideration on the operation response message. It has to include some business semantic so that&#xD;
the client caller can do something in case of failure, like for example asynchronously ping the service for new&#xD;
Exchanges between services can be stateful or stateless in nature. A stateful, or conversational, exchange between&#xD;
services occurs when the service provider retains knowledge of data that has been exchanged between the service&#xD;
consumer and the service provider during preceding operation invocations. Stateless interfaces are considered superior&#xD;
in the context of building an SOA. A stateless interface can be readily reused by many service consumer applications&#xD;
that are free to manage state in the manner best suited to each application.&#xD;
The request messages contain data that will be used by the service to perform the business logic of the operation.&#xD;
These messages can also contain data (ins SOAP user-defined headers for example)&amp;nbsp;that are more pertinent to&#xD;
system-level processing associated with the transaction. Such data can include service consumer&#xD;
identifier,&amp;nbsp;service producer version number (play old - new service), time stamps,...&#xD;