blob: df9fa95566c93fad1034706af6a3103e32c9766c [file] [log] [blame]
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The goal of this activity is to define a technical approach to the system that supports the project requirements,&#xD;
within the constraints placed on the system and the development team. The architect should do the following:&#xD;
Work with the team to create an initial sketch of the technical approach to the proposed system&#xD;
Ensure that the technical decisions are adequately captured and communicated&#xD;
Ensure that the team has enough information to understand the approach that your are taking&#xD;
The work done here does not seek to produce a detailed and comprehensive technical specification for the system.&#xD;
Rather, the approach should be to decide the overall technical approach at a high level.&#xD;
You should focus on proving the architecture with working software. If the solution is similar to a previously produced&#xD;
solution (or is a well-known solution domain), then it will probably be good enough to reference that example as&#xD;
evidence of the feasibility of the approach. In some cases, it may be necessary to develop one or more prototypes to&#xD;
validate some of the decisions or clarify some of the requirements.&#xD;
The conclusion of this work should produce just enough information to communicate the architecture to the team, and to&#xD;
demonstrate its viability to the customer. This allows the project to move forward, enabling you to refine and baseline&#xD;
the architecture.&#xD;
This activity is best carried out collaboratively by the team, with the architect acting as a focal point for&#xD;
coordinating and facilitating the decisions.&#xD;
The major effort occurs early in the project; thereafter, you should assess the system regularly to ensure that the&#xD;
design is still on track with the architecture.&#xD;