blob: 819d8df8e5851943ac4336b9fc024a76c546d41f [file] [log] [blame]
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&lt;font size=&quot;5&quot;>&lt;strong>Open Source Practices for Agile Projects&lt;/strong>&lt;/font>&#xD;
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Why Practices?&#xD;
Practices enable a new approach to building methods - practice composition.&#xD;
This approach offers the following benefits:&#xD;
Adaptability and scalability&#xD;
Incremental adoption&#xD;
Easy to configure and use&#xD;
Community development&#xD;
Adaptability and Scalability&#xD;
The set of practices included in the&amp;nbsp;Open Source&amp;nbsp;Practices for Agile Projects supports a range of&#xD;
solutions.&amp;nbsp;In particular, these agile practices can be adapted to suit your organization and supplemented by your&#xD;
own practices.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
Incremental Adoption&#xD;
Each practice is described as a standalone capability that can be adopted by an organization or project.&amp;nbsp;Each&#xD;
practice may include enablement materials that explain how to get started.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
Easy to Configure and Use&#xD;
Creating a method is as simple as selecting the practices that you wish to adopt, and then publishing the&#xD;
results.&amp;nbsp;Each practice adds itself into the framework so that content can be viewed by practice, or across&#xD;
practices by work product, role, task and so on.&#xD;
Community Development&#xD;
Since a practice can be easily authored on its own, practices are ideal for community development.&amp;nbsp;The basic agile&#xD;
practices for the&amp;nbsp;Open Source&amp;nbsp;Practice Library are, in fact, developed by the Eclipse Process Framework&#xD;