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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0"
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xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.0" xmlns:rmc=""
rmc:version="7.5.0" xmi:id="-3bATgUtB7jHUdPqdHsZkfQ"
name="defining_method_content_elements,_XQqJkCAmEdy1y5bWsXfCCg" guid="-3bATgUtB7jHUdPqdHsZkfQ"
changeDate="2008-10-14T06:38:22.984-0700" version="1.0.0">
Method content elements are:&#xD;
&lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/termdefinitions/task_6C1FF051.html&quot;&#xD;
&lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/termdefinitions/role_37A0C602.html&quot;&#xD;
&lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_H4JXwB_SEdq6CKKKq4D7YA&quot;>work product&lt;/a>s (&lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_x7cUM9nmEdmO6L4XMImrsA&quot;>artifact&lt;/a>s, &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_LNAAcB_iEdqAHrsQ7-jSbw&quot;>outcome&lt;/a>s and &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
&lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
Defining a method content element involves creating the plug-in that will contain the element (if&amp;nbsp;it does not&#xD;
already exist), naming the element and briefly describing it. For more information on defining plug-ins, see &lt;a&#xD;
class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot; href=&quot;./../../../core.mdev.common.base/guidances/guidelines/defining_plugins_CF19789C.html&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_OIOSQF_zEduYvI5nsNyVYA&quot;>Guideline: Defining Plugins&lt;/a>.&amp;nbsp;For more information on naming, see &lt;a&#xD;
guid=&quot;_lAphAF5-EduT-Px7fh0LSg&quot;>Guideline: Method Element Naming Conventions&lt;/a>. For more information on writing brief&#xD;
descriptions, see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_cJbBkCAhEdy1y5bWsXfCCg&quot;>Guideline: Writing Brief Descriptions&lt;/a>.&amp;nbsp;Any issues naming an element and briefly&#xD;
describing it may indicate that the element is not a&amp;nbsp;good element after all.&#xD;
General Guidelines&#xD;
The following are some general guidelines when defining method content elements:&#xD;
&lt;strong>Reduce the overall number of method content elements&lt;/strong> (e.g., the number of work products, tasks,&#xD;
roles).&amp;nbsp;Combine similar elements.&lt;br />&#xD;
&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&#xD;
&lt;strong>Document process-dependent information separate from the method content element&#xD;
definition&lt;/strong>.&amp;nbsp;Method content&amp;nbsp;elements should&amp;nbsp;be process independent. Any minor&#xD;
differences/tweaks to the elements based on where they occur in&amp;nbsp;a particular process or lifecycle&amp;nbsp;can be&#xD;
captured in the processes in which the element appears (more on this below). This maximizes the reuse of the method&#xD;
content across processes. For more information on defining processes, see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_Y_JroEyDEdu4NY1n_hCY0w&quot;>Guideline: Defining Processes&lt;/a>.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Start with the work products&lt;/strong>.&amp;nbsp;When identifying method content elements, its always a good&#xD;
idea to start with identifying the work products. Work products are the manifestation of the solution to the&#xD;
problem the method addresses. They must be clearly understood at the very beginning of a method authoring project.&#xD;
Identifying the work products may appear to consume considerable time but unless they are clearly defined, the&#xD;
project will fail. For more information, see the &quot;Defining work products&quot; section below.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Use guidance to supplement&lt;/strong> the basics and capture details.&amp;nbsp;Guidance elements can be used to&#xD;
supply various kinds of information and assets to method elements so that practitioners are better equipped to&#xD;
execute the work.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Capture the source of the information for the element&lt;/strong>.&amp;nbsp;This information is important if you&#xD;
ever need to provide source information for the element for documenting ownership rights.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Maintain accurate change histories, as well as making sure your trademarks and copyrights are&#xD;
accurate&lt;/strong>.&amp;nbsp;For more information, see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_k91OkFpBEdutiI3y4Hpy9Q&quot;>Guideline: Maintaining Change Histories and Version Numbers&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;and &lt;a&#xD;
guid=&quot;_OxsfkH8MEdu_ipWWZJimvQ&quot;>Guideline: Trademarks and Copyrights&lt;/a>.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Reuse existing content&lt;/strong>. When defining method content elements, it is always a good idea to reuse&#xD;
existing content, both content inside the method being developed, as well as content available externally. This is&#xD;
especially important in those cases where you are customizing or building on an existing method. Many elements&#xD;
may&amp;nbsp;already be defined. It is usually better to start with an existing element than starting from scratch.&#xD;
When reusing an existing element, make sure that the content of the element is what you expect. For more&#xD;
information on how to leverage existing content and maximize reuse between method content elements, see &lt;a&#xD;
guid=&quot;_8YIMYCNQEdycLddDalDmbA&quot;>Guideline: Using Method Content Variability&lt;/a>.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Use content packages to organize the defined method content elements&lt;/strong>.&amp;nbsp;When defining method&#xD;
content elements, you may find that you want to introduce some packages in order to better organize the&#xD;
elements.&amp;nbsp;For more information, see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_bAjgIIAhEd2RgsZLwhqsAA&quot;>Guideline: Packaging Method Elements&lt;/a>.&#xD;
The following sections provide method-element-specific guidelines.&#xD;
Defining work products&#xD;
There are three types of &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_H4JXwB_SEdq6CKKKq4D7YA&quot;>work product&lt;/a>s that can be defined:&#xD;
Artifact – provides a description and definition for tangible, non-trivial work product&#xD;
Deliverable – a collection of work products, usually artifacts&#xD;
Outcome – an intangible work product that may be a result or state.&#xD;
Following are the guidelines for creating each of these work product types.&lt;br />&#xD;
Defining artifacts&#xD;
&lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithUserText&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_x7cUM9nmEdmO6L4XMImrsA&quot;>Artifacts&lt;/a> are tangible, well-defined &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_H4JXwB_SEdq6CKKKq4D7YA&quot;>work product&lt;/a>s consumed, produced, or modified by &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_x459ktnmEdmO6L4XMImrsA&quot;>task&lt;/a>s.&amp;nbsp;Artifacts may be composed of other artifacts.&#xD;
Artifacts are the responsibility of a single &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_yUefQNnmEdmO6L4XMImrsA&quot;>role&lt;/a>, making responsibility easy to identify and understand, and promoting the idea&#xD;
that every piece of information produced in the method requires the appropriate set of skills. Even though one role&#xD;
might &quot;own&quot; a specific type of artifact, other roles can still use the artifacts, and perhaps even update them, if the&#xD;
role has been given permission to do so.&#xD;
Defining deliverables&#xD;
A&amp;nbsp;&lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_yFbWoNnmEdmO6L4XMImrsA&quot;>deliverable&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;is a &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_H4JXwB_SEdq6CKKKq4D7YA&quot;>work product&lt;/a> that provides a description and definition for packaging other work&#xD;
products, and may be delivered to an internal or external party.&amp;nbsp;Deliverables are used to represent an output from&#xD;
a process that has value to a client, customer or other stakeholder.&#xD;
Defining outcomes&#xD;
An &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_LNAAcB_iEdqAHrsQ7-jSbw&quot;>outcome&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;describes an intangible&amp;nbsp;&lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_H4JXwB_SEdq6CKKKq4D7YA&quot;>work product&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;that represents a result or state, such as an installed server or&#xD;
optimized network. Outcomes may also be used to describe work products that are not formally defined.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
&lt;h3 dir=&quot;ltr&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px&quot;>&#xD;
Defining roles&#xD;
A &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/termdefinitions/role_37A0C602.html&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_yUefQNnmEdmO6L4XMImrsA&quot;>role&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;defines a set of related skills and competencies. Roles are used by &lt;a&#xD;
class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/termdefinitions/task_6C1FF051.html&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_x459ktnmEdmO6L4XMImrsA&quot;>task&lt;/a>s to specify who performs them.&amp;nbsp; Roles&amp;nbsp;may be given responsibilities&#xD;
for specific work products.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
The following are some criteria that affect what roles you define in your method:&#xD;
Organization (what are the roles in the organization that the method supports)&#xD;
Type of project (what roles participate in the projects that the method supports)&#xD;
Style of governance (e.g., different RACI matrices)&#xD;
The smaller the number of roles, the better. Define roles to represent distinct skill sets, things a person may choose&#xD;
to do for a living, as opposed to something that someone may do on the project at any particular point in time using&#xD;
the skills they have with some additional guidance. For example, a person may be an analyst or a designer, but may also&#xD;
serve as a reviewer in some circumstances, or may be responsible for implementing a change request. Thus, &quot;analyst&quot; and&#xD;
&quot;designer&quot; are good examples of roles, where as &quot;reviewer&quot; and &quot;change request implementer&quot; are not as they perform&#xD;
things that anyone can do using their basic skill set (plus some additional guidance like guidelines and checklists).&#xD;
The following are some criteria that affect how you assign roles to work products and tasks in your method:&#xD;
Work allocation in the organization and/or on the project that the method supports (who does what)&#xD;
Style of governance (make very precise responsibility assignments; e.g., different RACI matrices -- RACI, RACI-VS,&#xD;
VARISC, RASCI)&lt;br />&#xD;
Defining tasks&#xD;
A &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../core.default.uma_concept.base/guidances/termdefinitions/task_6C1FF051.html&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_x459ktnmEdmO6L4XMImrsA&quot;>task&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;is a description of a unit of work.&amp;nbsp;The performing role&#xD;
typically&amp;nbsp;transforms the input &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_H4JXwB_SEdq6CKKKq4D7YA&quot;>work product&lt;/a>s into output work products to achieve a well-defined goal.&amp;nbsp;This&#xD;
description is complete and independent of when in a process lifecycle the work will actually be performed.&#xD;
Describe tasks in a consistent way, both in terms of naming and in terms of scope/granularity. Try to standardize on a&#xD;
key set of verbs and the way those verbs are used in the task names.&#xD;
Define tasks so that they are independent of any specific process/lifecycle.&amp;nbsp;Tasks provide step-by-step&#xD;
explanations, describing how specific development goals are achieved independent of the placement of these steps within&#xD;
a specific process (e.g., development lifecycle). Processes take these method elements and relate them into&#xD;
semi-ordered sequences that are customized to specific types of projects. For example, a software development project&#xD;
that develops an application from scratch performs tasks such as &quot;Develop Vision&quot; or &quot;Use Case Design&quot; similar to a&#xD;
project that extends an existing software system. However, the two projects will perform the tasks at different points&#xD;
in time with a different emphasis, i.e., they perform the steps of these tasks at different points of time and perhaps&#xD;
apply individual variations and additions.&#xD;
&lt;p dir=&quot;ltr&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px&quot;>&#xD;
When identifying what tasks are needed, it is important to decide on the granularity of the task.&amp;nbsp;In doing so, the&#xD;
following should be taken into consideration:&#xD;
&lt;strong>A task generally has only one primary output work product&lt;/strong>.&amp;nbsp;However, there are instances where&#xD;
more than one work product is worked on simultaneously, so it is possible that you will want to define some tasks&#xD;
that do have more than one output&amp;nbsp;work product.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>It is recommended that you define a separate task for each state change a work product product goes&#xD;
through.&lt;/strong>&amp;nbsp;Since different states need different checklists, have different completion criteria, and&#xD;
have different execution guidance, it makes sense to have different tasks.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>When the inputs to a task are&amp;nbsp;different&lt;/strong>, you probably have two different tasks.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>When the task is assigned to different roles&lt;/strong>, you probably want two different tasks.&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Helv; mso-bidi-font-family: Helv&quot;>You identify a&amp;nbsp;task&#xD;
when there is a need to transform input work products into outputs through a series of steps performed by one or more&#xD;
roles independent of a breakdown structure.&lt;/span>&#xD;
When defining a task, you should also define it's relationships with other method content elements.&amp;nbsp;A&#xD;
task&amp;nbsp;can have the following relationships with other method content elements:&#xD;
&lt;strong>Roles:&lt;/strong>&amp;nbsp; Two types of roles can be specified:&#xD;
&lt;li style=&quot;LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;strong>Primary Performer:&lt;/strong>&amp;nbsp; Each task should have a primary performer.&amp;nbsp;This is the&#xD;
role this is responsible for ensuring that the task is completed.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
&lt;strong>Additional Performers:&lt;/strong>&amp;nbsp; Additional performers help execute the task.&amp;nbsp;They&#xD;
provide information and expertise.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Work Products:&lt;/strong>&amp;nbsp; This is where inputs and outputs to the task are&#xD;
&lt;li style=&quot;LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;strong>Mandatory Inputs:&lt;/strong>&amp;nbsp; Mandatory inputs are the work products the task depends upon&#xD;
for its successful execution.&amp;nbsp;These are the inputs that the task cannot do without.&#xD;
&lt;strong>Optional Inputs:&lt;/strong>&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;Mandatory outputs&amp;nbsp;are the work products that provide&#xD;
additional information or context for the task when it is being executed.&amp;nbsp;However, the task does&#xD;
not depend on them for successful execution.&#xD;
&lt;strong>Outputs:&lt;/strong>&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;The output work products are those that are produced directly by&#xD;
this task.&amp;nbsp;Most tasks will have only one output work product.&#xD;
Defining guidance&#xD;
Guidance provides additional details to enhance method content.&amp;nbsp;In fact, methods are more flexible if the content&#xD;
provided in specific method elements is kept as general as possible, with more detail provided as guidance.&amp;nbsp;The&#xD;
method can be easily customized by simply adding or removing guidance. This section provides recommendations on how to&#xD;
define guidance and how to associate the guidance with other method elements.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
There are many different types of guidance, all designed for specific purposes.&amp;nbsp;The guidance types are:&#xD;
&lt;strong>Checklist&lt;/strong> – identifies a series of items that need to be completed or verified. Checklists are&#xD;
often used in reviews such as walkthroughs or inspections. Checklists may also be a series of questions or a script&#xD;
that practitioners may use to lead a discussion with the client’s personnel. This might take the form of a&#xD;
questionnaire or interview outline that focuses on the information needed for the work product or deliverable. In&#xD;
UMA, a content element has at most one checklist. Checklists are useful in a number of contexts: they help in&#xD;
deciding what to do, they help doing it, they help assess the quality of the work, and they help understand how a&#xD;
particular work product relates to the rest of the process.&lt;br />&#xD;
It is recommended that checklists only be associated with work products and not tasks.&amp;nbsp;If a checklist is&#xD;
needed for a task, then it can be accessed via the work products associated with the task.&lt;br />&#xD;
In general, checklists do not require a brief description.&amp;nbsp;However, if there are multiple checklists for a&#xD;
method element, a brief description is helpful to distinguish between them.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Concept&lt;/strong> – outlines key ideas, basic principles and motivations underlying a topic central to the&#xD;
method. Concepts normally address more general topics than guidelines and may span several work products, tasks,&#xD;
activities, or disciplines. Examples of concepts might be In the context of risk management, performance testing,&#xD;
implementation planning.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Example&lt;/strong> – a sample instance of a partially or fully formed work product or deliverable. The&#xD;
instance may contain live client data (with the client’s express permission to use it) or it may contain fabricated&#xD;
data that is representative of the information required for the engagement. However, this example is necessarily&#xD;
generic and is only a guide to what might be required in an actual work product or deliverable for a specific&#xD;
engagement.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Guideline&lt;/strong> – provides additional details, &quot;how to&quot; information, alternatives, recommendations, or&#xD;
rules about the use of a content element. For example, a work product typically has guidelines associated with it&#xD;
that provides information on how to develop, evaluate, and use it. Guidelines can provide the context in which a&#xD;
work product or other content element exists within a method. A guideline helps practitioners understand how a&#xD;
particular content element is used and how it relates to the rest of the process in which it exists. This includes&#xD;
formal technique papers for developing work products and deliverables.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Estimation Considerations&lt;/strong> – guidance on how to estimate the use in a project of the element with&#xD;
which it is associated. The guidance may be textual, a spreadsheet, tool, or take some other form.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Practice&lt;/strong> – a proven way or strategy of doing work to achieve a goal that has a positive impact on&#xD;
work product or process quality. Practices are defined orthogonal to methods and processes. They could summarize&#xD;
aspects that impact many different parts of a method or specific processes. Examples for practices would be&#xD;
&quot;Managing Risks&quot;, &quot;Continuously Verifying Quality&quot;, &quot;Architecture-centric and Component-based Development&quot;, and so&#xD;
on.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Report&lt;/strong> – a predefined template of a result that is generated on the basis of one or more work&#xD;
products as an output from some form of tool. A report is not an artifact in itself. It is, in most cases, a&#xD;
transitory product of a process or monitoring, and a vehicle to communicate certain aspects of the evolving system;&#xD;
it is a snapshot description of artifacts that are not documents themselves.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Reusable Asset&lt;/strong> – a type of guidance that references assets that lie outside the method. These&#xD;
assets may be too large or volatile to be embedded. These assets may also be third party products or services for&#xD;
which usage permission has been granted by the owner.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Roadmap&lt;/strong> – represents important documentation for the activity or process it is related to. Often a&#xD;
complex activity such as a process can be much more easily understood by providing a walkthrough with a linear&#xD;
thread of a typical instantiation of this activity. In addition to making the process practitioner understand how&#xD;
work in the process is being performed, a roadmap provides additional information about how activities and tasks&#xD;
relate to each other over time. Roadmaps are also used to show how specific aspects are distributed over a whole&#xD;
process providing a kind of filter on the process for this information.&lt;br />&#xD;
&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;&#xD;
&lt;strong>Supporting Material&lt;/strong> – this is a catch-all for assets that do not fit in another type.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Template&lt;/strong> – a version of a work product or deliverable instance that does not contain data so that&#xD;
the practitioner may use it to “fill in the blanks”. This is usually a form or set of fields that define the data&#xD;
to be collected and may assist in analyzing the data to produce the information for the completed work product or&#xD;
deliverable. Taken together the example and the template form a powerful pair for the practitioner. In the first,&#xD;
the practitioner sees a completes or partially completed work product while the second offers a convenient means of&#xD;
producing the work product as rapidly and as accurately as possible.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Term Definition&lt;/strong> – a definition of a word or phrase that is not in the glossary and that&#xD;
practitioner need to understand for the method plug-in.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>Tool Mentor&lt;/strong> – a description of how to achieve certain goals with a specific tool. Tool mentors&#xD;
link tasks with tools such as IBM&amp;reg; Rational&amp;reg; Method Composer. They almost completely encapsulate the dependencies&#xD;
of the content on the tool set, keeping the tasks free from tool details.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;strong>White Paper&lt;/strong> – an externally published paper that can be read and understood in isolation of other&#xD;
content elements and guidance&#xD;
Guidance should be written with a specific scope in mind.&amp;nbsp; For example:&#xD;
Guidance can be more &lt;em>&lt;strong>general&lt;/strong>&lt;/em>, written with regards to a set of elements (e.g., workshops,&#xD;
collaboration, lifecycle families, etc.)&#xD;
Guidance can be &lt;strong>&lt;em>method-element specific&lt;/em>&lt;/strong> (e.g., written regarding a specific work product,&#xD;
task, role, process) , or&#xD;
The name of a guidance element should reflect that scope. Specifically, method element-specific guidance should include&#xD;
the method element name in its name.&amp;nbsp;For example,&amp;nbsp;Guideline: Detailing a Use Case, Template: Use-Case&#xD;
Guidance may be attached to any method element and guidance should be attached to method elements, as needed. However,&#xD;
decreasing the number of relationships defined between elements in the method helps to reduce the overall perceived&#xD;
complexity of the method.&amp;nbsp;In general, guidance should be associated with the smallest number of elements possible.&#xD;
Having &quot;everything associated with everything&quot; is a bad idea as it directly affects the usage of the published web&#xD;
site.&lt;br />&#xD;
For example, avoid associating the same guidance with work products and tasks that produce the work products as this&#xD;
creates unnecessary dependencies since the same content will be linked in via one of the other relationships&#xD;
Guidance should be associated with the element that reflects its scope (i.e., the element where the end-user would be&#xD;
expected to look for it).&amp;nbsp; Method element-specific guidance should be associated with the method element it&#xD;
If the guidance is about notation or representation of a work product (e.g., template, example, checklist) then it&#xD;
should be associated with the work product&#xD;
If the guidance describes a specific technique about how to produce the work product then it should be associated&#xD;
with a task that produces the work product&#xD;
General guidance should be associated with “general” elements (e.g., slots, standard categories, reference&#xD;
workflows, etc.) or possibly just included in custom categories (aka navigation views)&#xD;
Roles are not a common place for associating guidance, unless that guidance is specific to the role (and not to a&#xD;
task the role performs or a work product the role is responsible for)&#xD;
Most guidance should be associated with at least one element. Of course, there are exceptions:&#xD;
Guidance that is about the method, as opposed to being part of the method (e.g.,&amp;nbsp; Welcome pages, About pages,&#xD;
What's new pages, etc.).&amp;nbsp;Such guidance is usually only referred to from navigation views.&#xD;
General guidance (e.g., concepts, white papers) sometimes need to be associated with “general”&#xD;
elements.&amp;nbsp;&lt;br />&#xD;
Some possible associations for general concepts are associating to them from standard categories, custom&#xD;
categories/navigation views, etc.&#xD;
When defining guidance elements, you must constantly weigh reuse concerns versus complexity:&#xD;
If you define fine-grained guidance elements, then you can assign the guidance elements to specific method&#xD;
elements, which provides just the guidance you need, but&amp;nbsp;then you have many guidance elements, which can be&#xD;
construed as being more complex).&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
If you define course-grained guidance elements, then have a smaller number of guidance elements, but then the same&#xD;
guidance elements is attached to multiple elements and you have to find what you are looking for by scrolling&#xD;
through the course-grained guidance element.&#xD;
Make the best choice based on your circumstances and let end-user feedback be your guide.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;