blob: 9f9c9a7e7b269cf8ffaab7859b61ee4b177dc457 [file] [log] [blame]
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<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0"
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name="changes_at_iter_bound,__yQQ4L6REdqti4GwqTkbsQ" guid="-bUmvEAAtFf6B0aUCux8k9Q"
Most iterative software development processes recommend that changes not be introduced during an iteration. The main&#xD;
idea is that the iterations should be short and with clearly defined scope so that they can be time-boxed.&#xD;
To limit scope within an iteration, change requests are reviewed and prioritized as soon as possible, but are not&#xD;
assigned for implementation until a future iteration via the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
href=&quot;./../../../openup/workproducts/work_items_list.html&quot; guid=&quot;_rGNWsCbSEdqh1LYUOGRh2A&quot;>Artifact: Work Items&#xD;
Since iterations are relatively short this should not cause undue delay in dealing with urgent and important change&#xD;
One notable exception is a defect discovered during testing that prevents the team from meeting the objectives of the&#xD;
iteration. In this case it is reasonable to assign the work item to the current iteration as this does not represent a&#xD;
scope change, it represents unfinished work.&#xD;
Consider the following when choosing the future iteration where the change request will be addressed:&#xD;
Group similar change requests in the same iteration. For example multiple change requests focused on the same&#xD;
functionality or that are dependent on each other.&#xD;
Assign change requests that mitigate high risks to the earliest iteration possible.&#xD;