blob: 3427b16ec1f723705cb84132fc94203faa98a4a9 [file] [log] [blame]
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<org.eclipse.epf.uma:RoleDescription xmi:version="2.0"
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xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.2.0" xmi:id="-yuXxE_O0V_WcpgWeUmX8fQ"
name="ScrumMaster,_Bw-twOF6Edyp34pwdTOSVQ" guid="-yuXxE_O0V_WcpgWeUmX8fQ" changeDate="2008-03-11T16:41:25.625-0400">
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The ScrumMaster:&#xD;
Represents management to the project (liaison);&#xD;
Is responsible for enacting Scrum values and practices;&#xD;
Runs The Daily Scrum meetings;&#xD;
Removes impediments;&#xD;
Shields the team from external interferences;&#xD;
Ensures that the team is fully functional and productive; and&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
Enables close cooperation across all roles and functions.&#xD;
The ScrumMaster:&#xD;
&lt;ul class=&quot;noindent&quot;>&#xD;
is not the project manager but a facilitative team leader and Scrum process manager&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
monitors sprint tasks to ensure sprint success but does not create/assign tasks (the team creates/assigns tasks)&#xD;
is part of the team: he shares responsibility with the other team members&#xD;
must regularly, physically meet the other team members&#xD;
<assignmentApproaches>The ScrumMaster role is typically filled by a project manager or a technical team leader but can be anyone.</assignmentApproaches>