blob: 2cf78781a83447f7cd74788fd5d1479c5bb89ce6 [file] [log] [blame]
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When a project is initiated there is no comprehensive, time-consuming effort to write down all foreseeable tasks or&#xD;
requirements. Typically, a project writes down everything obvious, which is almost always more than enough for a first&#xD;
sprint. The Product Backlog is then allowed to grow and change as more is learned about the product and its customers.&#xD;
During the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../Scrum/tasks/sprint_planning_meeting_9F0B8F28.html&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_4gCKAOF9Edyp34pwdTOSVQ&quot;>Sprint Planning Meeting&lt;/a> the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
href=&quot;./../../Scrum/roles/product_owner_10E7BD3.html&quot; guid=&quot;_QcnRMOF5Edyp34pwdTOSVQ&quot;>Product Owner&lt;/a> prioritizes the&#xD;
items in the Product Backlog and describes them to the team. The team then determines which items they can complete&#xD;
during the coming Sprint. The team then moves items from the Product Backlog to the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
href=&quot;./../../Scrum/workproducts/sprint_backlog_7A5B8A37.html&quot; guid=&quot;_Q5Ki8OF8Edyp34pwdTOSVQ&quot;>Sprint Backlog&lt;/a>. In&#xD;
doing they expand each Product Backlog item into one or more Sprint Backlog tasks so they can more effectively share&#xD;
work during the Sprint. Conceptually, the team starts at the top of the prioritized Product Backlog list and draws a&#xD;
line after the lowest of the high priority items they feel they can complete. In practice it is not unusual to see a&#xD;
team select, for example, the top five items and then two items from lower on the list but that are associated with the&#xD;
initial five.&#xD;
Product backlog items can be technical tasks (&quot;Refactor the Login class to throw an exception&quot;) or more user-centric&#xD;
(&quot;Allow undo on the setup screen&quot;). A very interesting prospect is expressing Scrum backlog items in the form of&#xD;
Extreme Programming's User Stories.&#xD;
The Product Backlog can be maintained in an Excel spreadsheet. An example from a real project is shown below. This&#xD;
Excel spreadsheet shows each product backlog item assigned a general priority (Very High, High, etc.) by the Product&#xD;
Owner. Estimates have been developed by the developers but it is understood that they are very imprecise and are useful&#xD;
only for rough assignments of tasks into the various sprints.&#xD;
&lt;/p>&lt;img height=&quot;482&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; src=&quot;resources/productbacklog.jpg&quot; width=&quot;500&quot; /></mainDescription>