blob: 2fc2a3120814d7ffb091fc8e4410285126853b49 [file] [log] [blame]
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<mainDescription>At the end of each sprint a sprint review meeting is held. During this meeting the Scrum team shows what they accomplished&#xD;
during the sprint. Typically this takes the form of a demo of the new features.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
Participants in the sprint review typically include the Product Owner, the Scrum team, the ScrumMaster, management,&#xD;
customers, and engineers from other projects.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
During the sprint review the project is assessed against the sprint goal determined during the Sprint planning meeting.&#xD;
Ideally the team has completed each product backlog item brought into the sprint, but it is more important that they&#xD;
achieve the overall goal of the sprint.</mainDescription>
<keyConsiderations>The sprint review meeting is intentionally kept very informal, typically with rules forbidding the use of PowerPoint slides&#xD;
and allowing no more than two hours of preparation time for the meeting. A sprint review meeting should not become a&#xD;
distraction or significant detour for the team; rather, it should be a natural result of the sprint.&lt;br /></keyConsiderations>