blob: 61ddc87fb9184241057003b8ec4c61a658400086 [file] [log] [blame]
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Planning transition iterations&#xD;
Software may be deployed into a production environment at the end of any Construction or Transition iteration.&#xD;
Deployment to production before the end of the project may be done to drive down risk by validating the application,&#xD;
deployment scripts, deployment environment, and to get valuable feedback from operations and systems teams, as well as&#xD;
end users. These early deployments are often done on a limited scale in terms of target audience or only partial&#xD;
applications are deployed. For the deployment to work, one or several iterations are focused on work necessary to&#xD;
successfully release the system. In the Transition phase, one or several iterations may be dedicated to preparing for a&#xD;
smooth deployment. The number of iterations depends on the complexity of the system and various other factors, as&#xD;
listed here. When planning for deployment, the Work Items list should be updated with relevant tasks related to these&#xD;
Resolving defects&#xD;
Testing installation or deployment scripts to avoid surprises in actual deployment&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
Updating any&amp;nbsp;operations&amp;nbsp;and support test environments used to simulate production problems&#xD;
Performing release-specific testing efforts, such as pilot or beta testing,to a subset of your end-user community&#xD;
where the system is deployed&#xD;
Conducting acceptance reviews with stakeholders, including a&amp;nbsp;final release acceptance testing effort where&#xD;
people outside of the team are involved and decide whether it truly meets their needs&#xD;
Finalizing relevant documentation, such as operations and system manuals, end-user documentation and release notes&#xD;
Creating&amp;nbsp;physical collateral, such as installation media&#xD;
Replacing or installing physical assets, or both, including workstations, servers, and network components&#xD;
Replacing existing software with new versions&#xD;
Updating existing databases, including any relevant data migration and database schema changes&#xD;
Production data population&#xD;
Training end users and operations&amp;nbsp;and support staff&#xD;
Fixing any discrepancies discovered during the transition phase&#xD;
Setting up management and operational systems and processes&#xD;
Training the team that is taking over maintenance and evolution of the system&#xD;
Deploying the software to the production environment&#xD;
When the team and stakeholders are reviewing late Construction and early Transition iterations, the team should gather&#xD;
feedback from actual stakeholders' use of the product and take that information into consideration when prioritizing&#xD;
the work for the next iteration.&#xD;
See [&lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithUserText&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_9ToeIB83Edqsvps02rpOOg&quot;>AMB07&lt;/a>]&amp;nbsp; for more information.&#xD;
Reviewing transition iterations&#xD;
Transition iteration reviews have a different focus from other iterations in the project lifecycle. The goal is not to&#xD;
brainstorm about what&amp;nbsp;features to develop next. Instead, reviews will assess the release management resources and&#xD;
procedures, the quality of the software,&amp;nbsp;and how prepared users and operations teams are to face a move of the&#xD;
software into the production environment.&#xD;