blob: f638197be11bf0f4b59a4cc9393b9e74e925f4d0 [file] [log] [blame]
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Interfaces with external systems should be consistently handled throughout the system. The architecture need not&#xD;
include a specific, detailed design for each system interface. It is often enough to simply identify the existence of&#xD;
the interface as a significant part of the architecture and create a &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_0YP18MlgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw&quot;>Component&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;to encapsulate the detail, so that it can be developed later.&#xD;
The &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_uF-QYEAhEdq_UJTvM1DM2Q&quot;>Entity-Control-Boundary Pattern&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;provides the basis for a useful technique to&#xD;
support this.&amp;nbsp;Specifically, if the system communicates with another system, define one or more components to&#xD;
describe the communication protocol.&amp;nbsp; The use of a component allows the interface to the external system to be&#xD;
defined and stabilized, while leaving the design details of the system interface hidden as the system evolves.&#xD;