blob: 9fdf51109fd21e5645c12f23d2d31dae94669d3d [file] [log] [blame]
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The purpose in this phase is to achieve concurrence among all stakeholders on the lifecycle objectives for the project.&#xD;
There are four objectives of the Inception phase that clarify the scope, project objectives, and feasibility of the&#xD;
intended solution &lt;a class=&quot;elementlinkwithusertext&quot; href=&quot;./../../../core.mgmt.common.base/guidances/supportingmaterials/references.mgmt_D80619F3.html#KRO03&quot; guid=&quot;_JlTPUM6aEdyuBO4ZIzcyig&quot;>[KRO03]&lt;/a>:&#xD;
&lt;p> &lt;strong>Understand what to build.&lt;/strong> Determine an overall vision, &#xD;
including the scope of the system and its boundaries. Identify the stakeholders: &#xD;
who is interested in this system and what are their success criteria?&lt;/p>&#xD;
&lt;strong>Identify key system functionality.&lt;/strong> Decide which requirements are most critical.&#xD;
&lt;p> &lt;strong>Determine at least one possible solution.&lt;/strong> Assess whether &#xD;
the vision is technically feasible.&amp;nbsp;This may involve identifying a &#xD;
candidate high-level architecture or doing technical prototypes, or both.&lt;/p>&#xD;
&lt;strong>Understand&lt;/strong> the high-level estimate for cost, schedule, and risks associated with the project.&#xD;
Key considerations&#xD;
&lt;p> Projects may have one or more iterations in the Inception phase. These are &#xD;
among the reasons for multiple iterations: &lt;/p>&#xD;
&lt;li> Project is large, and it is hard to define its scope&lt;/li>&#xD;
&lt;li> Unprecedented system&lt;/li>&#xD;
&lt;li> Too many stakeholders with competing needs and complex relationships&lt;/li>&#xD;
&lt;li> Major technical risks demand the creation of a prototype or proof of concept&lt;/li>&#xD;
&lt;p> There are some commonly observed&amp;nbsp;counterproductive patterns during the &#xD;
Inception phase. Some teams postpone providing estimates until they analyze &#xD;
the entire domain and have written a large amount of requirements documentation. &#xD;
This behavior often leads to &amp;quot;analysis paralysis.&amp;quot; Another pattern &#xD;
is poor planning of Inception iterations. Avoid such patterns by planning iterations &#xD;
during Inception in a way that iterations are risk-driven, include early integration &#xD;
and testing, and produce a product increment that you can demonstrate to stakeholders. &#xD;
By default, have one (potentially short) iteration in Inception to avoid analysis &#xD;
paralysis. &lt;/p></mainDescription>