blob: 25ac124628af3a03fcf9ff5a18c4c4161ee9494b [file] [log] [blame]
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The goal of a BRMS is to be able to manage business rule as a standalone artifact, owned by the business user, and&#xD;
maintainable over time into production system. The implementation of a business rule application follows some&#xD;
activities and tasks that are slightly different than traditional software development life cycle. The integration of&#xD;
one or more business analysts as part of the development team is also less traditional. Finally the core value of such&#xD;
technology is to be able to have business user maintaining the business rules in production with a minimum involvement&#xD;
of&amp;nbsp;IT. Technology is one side of the coin, methodology and best practices is the other.&#xD;
A project management office can leverage ABRD as is to integrate it as content for their own methodology.&#xD;
If the team is new to business rule application, it is best to start with a small rule set and incrementally add rules&#xD;
and best practices over time. The team has to integrate the rule discovery and analysis activities in their own project&#xD;
Prototyping is a major value, as it shows to the team concrete execution, and helps to drive issues, and requirements&#xD;
around business rules and even business process.&#xD;
Common Pitfalls&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
The most common pitfalls in implementing business rules application include:&#xD;
Harvest all the rules in documentation&#xD;
Forget about the data model&#xD;
Do not understand&amp;nbsp;where the rules are enforced&#xD;
Mix data model from the implementation point of view,&amp;nbsp;versus the domain model, understood by the business&#xD;
Involve IT only: never forget the business, involve business as early as possible, make them taking ownership of&#xD;
the rules.&#xD;
Outsource&amp;nbsp;business rule implementation: business rules are enterprise assets: the&amp;nbsp;difference between to&#xD;
insurance policy underlying rules make two&amp;nbsp;insurance companies competing and bringing different values.&#xD;
Forget to test the rules outside of the application&#xD;
Do not involve business in the rule validation&#xD;
Badly design a rule set, by not applying standard design pattern as separation of concerns.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;