blob: 3be2df7495f7cf2db8cb11c519874b33f77fdd46 [file] [log] [blame]
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<mainDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_rule_engine&quot; name=&quot;XE_rule_engine&quot;>&lt;/a> &#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
Software component used to execute business rule. The rule engine uses two major entities:&#xD;
&lt;div class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>&#xD;
a &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_DdvcwBCQEdyJtJ3PbfdVDw&quot;>Rule Set&lt;/a>: The set of rules that are processed by the rule engine, and rule&#xD;
execution flow information.&#xD;
&lt;div class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>&#xD;
an object set: The set of objects to be treated by rules.&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
A rule engine is executing a cycle consisting of three action states: &lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: italic&quot;>match&#xD;
rules&lt;/span>, &lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: italic&quot;>select rules&lt;/span>, and &lt;span&#xD;
style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: italic&quot;>execute rules until there is no more rule to execute.&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
The rule engine evaluates the conditions of rules in the ruleset against the objects to determine (match) which rules&#xD;
are eligible to be executed. During execution, the engine collects all eligible rules in an “agenda”.&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
The object set is referenced in the engine's working memory, which also contains the current state of the objects which&#xD;
lead to the current rules in the agenda.&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
All objects are examined by all rules. The effects of the execution are to create new data, or to modify existing&#xD;
ones.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>The agenda&lt;/span> &lt;a id=&quot;6838&quot; name=&quot;6838&quot;>&lt;span lang=&quot;EN&quot;&#xD;
style=&quot;mso-ansi-language: EN&quot;>&lt;span style=&quot;mso-spacerun: yes&quot;>&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span>is a logical workspace where rule instances&#xD;
that have conditions matching objects in the working memory are put. There can be several rule instances for the same&#xD;
rule&lt;/span>&lt;/a>&lt;span lang=&quot;EN&quot; style=&quot;mso-ansi-language: EN&quot;>.&lt;/span> &lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>When all the&#xD;
candidate rule are matched the engine turns to the agenda for rule execution.&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>One execution mode is the RetePlus algorithm used to match many patterns with many&#xD;
objects, it helps to minimize the number of rules and conditions that need to be evaluated,&lt;/span> &lt;a id=&quot;5021&quot;&#xD;
name=&quot;5021&quot;>&lt;span lang=&quot;EN&quot; style=&quot;mso-ansi-language: EN&quot;>computes which rules should be executed, and identifies in&#xD;
which order these rules should be fired&lt;/span>&lt;/a>&lt;span lang=&quot;EN&quot; style=&quot;mso-ansi-language: EN&quot;>.&lt;/span>&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>Rules engine is designed to be complete, and ensures that the effects of one rule&#xD;
execution (or firing) is propagated so that everything that can be inferred is done in one run.&lt;/span>&#xD;
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-language: HE; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-language: EN-US&quot;>The&#xD;
power of rule engines comes from the fact that complex behaviors result from simple rules, this is known as rule chaining.&#xD;
This is a major change in the programming model developer used to have.There is no more static control structure of the&#xD;
program where function is calling one another, rules are &quot;communicating&quot; with other rule only by way of the data. This is a&#xD;
data change that trigger potential rule execution. Rules are not executed&lt;/span> &lt;span&#xD;
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-fareast-language: EN-US&quot;>sequentially&#xD;
and it is not always possible to determine through inspection of a set of rules which rule will be executed first or cause&#xD;
the inference engine to terminate.&lt;/span></mainDescription>