blob: 36e518d519e6b38597528c5d562b74a59966995b [file] [log] [blame]
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Test driven development (TDD) is the practice of writing developer tests and implementation code concurrently&#xD;
and at a very fine level of granularity.&#xD;
In test driven design, the developer first writes a small test to validate a small change, runs the test to&#xD;
ensure that it fails (a sanity check), and then writes just enough implementation code to make that developer test&#xD;
run successfully. This cycle is short and it rarely goes beyond 10 minutes. In each cycle, the tests come first. Once a&#xD;
test is done, the developer goes on to the next test until there are no more tests to be written for the&#xD;
implementation of the work item currently under development.&#xD;
&lt;img alt=&quot;file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/tdd_flow.jpg&quot; src=&quot;./resources/tdd_flow.jpg&quot; />&#xD;
The practice of test driven development changes how the developer thinks. Tests are not written as an&#xD;
afterthought. Instead, developer tests are written as part of the everyday, every minute way of building software.&#xD;
What are the advantages of test driven design?&#xD;
Assumptions in the design are analyzed before the implementation code is written. To write developer tests, an&#xD;
examination must be made of the behavior of each piece of code to be written. Correct and incorrect behaviors must&#xD;
be defined. In a way, writing the tests before the code can be considered a version of detailed design.&#xD;
Code units designed for testability up front are cleaner and more loosely coupled.&#xD;
Errors are found earlier. Errors or gaps in the requirements and design are identified before coding begins,&#xD;
when it could be tempting to move ahead based on assumptions.&#xD;
A clearer collaboration strategy between the developer and others that might be responsible for the&#xD;
requirements, architecture, and design is put in place. During the creation of the tests, there must be a&#xD;
meeting of the minds as to what has been specified. After that, the implementation can carry on with&#xD;
confidence that there is a shared vision of what the code should do.&#xD;
There are unambiguous criteria for completion of the code. When the tests conclude successfully, the code is working as specified.&#xD;
Non-functional quality dimensions can be dealt with separately, but there is a clear moment when the code behaves&#xD;
The technique drives the developer to work in smaller increments with faster quality feedback. At any time, the&#xD;
developer is just one test away from having error-free code.&#xD;
There is a separation of concerns and effort between getting code working and improving the quality of the code&#xD;
that already runs correctly. Separating out these two areas of concern provides focus and time management support&#xD;
to a developer. In one pass over the implementation, the developer makes it pass the tests as simply as possible, and then in a&#xD;
subsequent pass, looks for areas to improve.&#xD;
See &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_vLvAUGjFEd2PJ-nlV-86WA&quot;>Using TDD in context&lt;/a> for more information.&#xD;
If you are just getting started with TDD or developer testing in general, you will need to know why developer testing is a&#xD;
good idea, and the basics of what makes good developer tests. A good starting place is this &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>Kent Beck presentation&lt;/a>. Kent Beck&#xD;
is the creator of Extreme Programming, which is where TDD was originally defined.&#xD;
Here are some useful links to expand your understanding of TDD. Make use of these as you learn to enact TDD. Some of&#xD;
these links are also good resources for on-going support and information.&#xD;
The &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>TDD: Wikipedia&lt;/a> entry gives&#xD;
an overview of TDD and links to other TDD resources.&#xD;
&lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>James Carr's TDD Anti-pattern Catalogue&lt;/a> lists some&#xD;
things to avoid when adopting TDD.&#xD;
The &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>TDD Mailing List&lt;/a> is a discussion forum for TDD&#xD;
questions and issues.&#xD;
&lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>;/a> is a developer testing site with a wealth&#xD;
of information, news, and partner links about developer testing.&#xD;
Read the TDD whitepaper &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>Introduction to TDD.&lt;/a>&#xD;
Once you are familiar with the basics of TDD, select various tasks to view more detail about what needs to be&#xD;
done to perform the task. If you will be creating a capability pattern or delivery process that includes TDD, see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_vLvAUGjFEd2PJ-nlV-86WA&quot;>Using TDD in context&lt;/a>. This shows one example of how TDD can be used in conjunction&#xD;
with other activities and capability patterns to create a pattern for developing software. This is only one possible&#xD;
example: there are many was to use TDD with other development practices.&#xD;
The test driven development practice reduces time to market by reducing the amount of time needed to integrate and&#xD;
stabilize builds. It improves productivity by finding and fixing errors close to the time that they are introduced. And it&#xD;
increases the overall quality of the software by guaranteeing that all new code has been tested, and all existing code has&#xD;
been regression tested, prior to check-in.&#xD;
Developers use TDD to create the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_JqYbgJ01EdyQ3oTO93enUw&quot;>Implementation&lt;/a> and the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_kh9FcJ02EdyQ3oTO93enUw&quot;>Developer Test&lt;/a>s.&#xD;
See the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../; guid=&quot;_8yG48JRqEdyrdaw_xGakyw&quot;>How to Adopt the Test Driven Development Practice&lt;/a> for information on navigating&#xD;
the TDD Practice.&#xD;
TDD was originally part of Kent Beck's Extreme Programming process. It's now also used in many other Agile and&#xD;
non-Agile contexts.&#xD;