blob: 7f5280e9c12f5da17fd5957ab45b66a69505fa94 [file] [log] [blame]
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Specifying Use Cases
&lt;a id=&quot;How to Find Use Cases&quot; name=&quot;How to Find Use Cases&quot;>How to Find Use Cases&lt;/a>
See the&amp;nbsp;&lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;
guid=&quot;_eyL0wCu-EdqSxKAVa9kmvA&quot;>Guideline: Identify and Outline Actors and Use Cases&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;for guidance on finding
Actors and Use Cases.
&lt;a id=&quot;How a Use Case Evolves&quot; name=&quot;How a Use Case Evolves&quot;>How a Use Case Evolves&lt;/a>
See the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;
guid=&quot;_4BJ_YCxSEdqjsdw1QLH_6Q&quot;>Guideline: Detail Use Cases and Scenarios&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;for guidance on evolving use cases.
Level of detail necessary in use cases&amp;nbsp;
There will often be use cases in your model that are so simple that they do not need a detailed description of the flow
of events, a step-by-step outline is quite enough. The criteria for making this decision is that you don't see
disagreement among user kind of readers on what the use case means, and that designers and testers are comfortable with
the level of detail provided by the step-by-step format. Examples are use cases that describe simple entry or retrieval
of some data from the system.
&lt;a id=&quot;The Scope of a Use Case&quot; name=&quot;The Scope of a Use Case&quot;>The Scope of a Use Case&lt;/a>
It is often hard to decide if a set of user-system interactions, or dialog, is one or several use cases. Consider the
use of a recycling machine. The customer inserts deposit items, such as cans, bottles, and crates, into the recycling
machine. When she has inserted all her deposit items, she presses a button, and a receipt is printed. She can then
exchange this receipt for money.
Is it one use case to insert a deposit item, and another use case to require the receipt? Or is it all one use case?
There are two actions, but one without the other is of little value to the customer. Rather, it is the complete dialog
with all the insertions, and getting the receipt, that is of value for the customer (and makes sense to her). Thus, the
complete dialog, from inserting the first deposit item, to pressing the button and getting the receipt, is a complete
case of use, a use case.
Additionally, you want to keep the two actions together, to be able to review them at the same time, modify them
together, test them together, write manuals for them and in general manage them as a unit. This becomes very obvious in
larger systems.