blob: 9fe95878b17c3779d26bd81236fb674406b54538 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ContentDescription xmi:version="2.0"
xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma=""
xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.0" xmlns:rmc=""
rmc:version="7.5.0" xmi:id="-qg1DmRrMT9oYmnekhEjabA"
name="new_guideline,_OIOSQF_zEduYvI5nsNyVYA" guid="-qg1DmRrMT9oYmnekhEjabA" changeDate="2008-11-10T10:48:46.812-0800"
&amp;nbsp;The following are some general guidelines when defining &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_D4TLgMaGEduMlb2cQZNTYw&quot;>method plug-in&lt;/a>s:&#xD;
&lt;ul class=&quot;noindent&quot;>&#xD;
Name and briefly describe the plug-in. For guidelines on naming a plug-in, see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_lAphAF5-EduT-Px7fh0LSg&quot;>Guideline: Method Element Naming Conventions&lt;/a>.&amp;nbsp;For guidelines in writing a&#xD;
brief description, see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_cJbBkCAhEdy1y5bWsXfCCg&quot;>Guideline: Writing Brief Descriptions&lt;/a>.&lt;br />&#xD;
Capture the source of the information for the plug-in.&amp;nbsp;This information is important if you ever need to&#xD;
provide source information for the plug-in for documenting ownership rights.&lt;br />&#xD;
Maintain accurate change histories, as well as making sure your trademarks and copyrights are accurate.&amp;nbsp;For&#xD;
more information, see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_k91OkFpBEdutiI3y4Hpy9Q&quot;>Guideline: Maintaining Change Histories and Version Numbers&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;and &lt;a&#xD;
guid=&quot;_OxsfkH8MEdu_ipWWZJimvQ&quot;>Guideline: Trademarks and Copyrights&lt;/a>.&lt;br />&#xD;
Identify any plug-ins that the plug-in must reference (in other words, the plug-ins the new plug-in depends&#xD;
on).&lt;br />&#xD;
Define content packages to contain the method elements.&amp;nbsp;Alternatively, those packages can be created on&#xD;
demand, as method elements are defined in the plug-in.&amp;nbsp; For more information, see &lt;a&#xD;
guid=&quot;_bAjgIIAhEd2RgsZLwhqsAA&quot;>Guideline: Packaging Method Elements&lt;/a>.&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;LIST-STYLE-TYPE: none&quot;>&#xD;
Consider the following when deciding whether or not to create a new plug-in:&#xD;
&lt;ul class=&quot;noindent&quot;>&#xD;
Don’t modify content in plug-ins that are locked or owned by other parties. Instead, create a new plug-in that&#xD;
extends or replaces the base content. Standard plug-ins provided as part of a standard library should be locked to&#xD;
avoid inadvertent changes. Lock any third-party plug-ins after importing them.&#xD;
Each plug-in has a physical file that contains information about all of the other content elements in the plug-in.&#xD;
Therefore, if several individuals are working on content for the same plug-in, that file will need to be carefully&#xD;
controlled. In such cases, you may want to consider dividing the method content that will be added to the base&#xD;
method content into more than one plug-in to avoid contention over the plug-in file.&#xD;
Before defining new plug-ins, be sure to review the structure and content of existing method plug-ins.&amp;nbsp;This is&#xD;
especially important in those cases where you are customizing or building on an existing method.&#xD;