blob: bf721a5ea14471bdc40750cd51ac857a1bfee440 [file] [log] [blame]
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Getting started&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
Make sure that the users of the environment (the process engineers) are comfortable with the&amp;nbsp;environment&#xD;
As you apply the recommendations described in the practice, capture what you have learned, what worked for your team&#xD;
and what didn't so that you can continually fine-tune how your team applies the practice.&#xD;
Common pitfalls&#xD;
The following are some common pitfalls when adopting this practice.&#xD;
Spending too much time making sure the environment is perfect. Define just enough environment to get started.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
Then gather feedback on how the environment is working, refining, as needed.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
Having a team that is unfamiliar with the environment and is therefore hesitant to &quot;jump right in&quot; and start&#xD;