blob: 00dc9ca9f325ea05921aa100db13068887e5b096 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:TaskDescription xmi:version="2.0"
xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma=""
xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.0" xmi:id="-ffYBUOhR5mZssG9eZxktmg"
name="organise_workshop,_sruWxAjqEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g" guid="-ffYBUOhR5mZssG9eZxktmg"
changeDate="2007-06-08T16:16:27.390-0700" version="1.0.0">
<mainDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_workshop__organize&quot; name=&quot;XE_workshop__organize&quot;>&lt;/a> &#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
To make the better use of the development and business team's time it is important to plan in advance the workshop&#xD;
sessions and to clearly state what is in the agenda. We recommend organizing the day in two parts:&#xD;
&lt;ul style=&quot;MARGIN-TOP: 0cm&quot; type=&quot;disc&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;li class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>&#xD;
Do morning discovery workshop using elicitation techniques with the project stakeholders and &lt;a&#xD;
href=&quot;./../../abrd/roles/subject_matter_expert_D73B48C5.html&quot; guid=&quot;_XiII5AqBEdyPCr4G1Tb79A&quot;>Subject Matter&#xD;
Expert&lt;/a>. During the &lt;a href=&quot;./../../abrd/deliveryprocesses/Cycle%201-%20Harvesting_93DF97D7.html&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_6I7r4RDDEdyJtJ3PbfdVDw&quot;>Phase 1&lt;/a> of the rule set development analyst team may want to use the rule&#xD;
template document to enter the rule description and use some simple diagramming techniques to define the business&#xD;
entities (A good tool is the UML class diagram but without the details of the methods)&#xD;
&lt;li class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>&#xD;
End of the morning and in the afternoon, the analyst and development team should perform the analysis activities&#xD;
and starting in phase 2 the construction tasks&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
As explained in &lt;a href=&quot;./../../abrd/guidances/concepts/cycle_approach_7FA44D8F.html&quot; guid=&quot;_ftAoIAjrEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g&quot;>A&#xD;
Phase Approach&lt;/a> the discovery workshops are in phase 1, 2, and 3, but with different frequency of occurrence. Phase&#xD;
1 and 2, the workshops can be set every morning, but starting on phase 3 it could happen every two days or more (but&#xD;
never more than a week to keep the focus).&#xD;
&lt;/p>&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot; />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>&#xD;
The team should verify to have access to a dedicated meeting room with white boards, pencils, paper; post it, and&#xD;
potentially a UML tool to quickly develop diagrams..&#xD;
<sections xmi:id="_sruWyQjqEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g" name="Select a decision point" guid="_sruWyQjqEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g"/>
<sections xmi:id="_sruWxwjqEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g" name="Set the agenda" guid="_sruWxwjqEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g"/>
<sections xmi:id="_sruWxgjqEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g" name="Name a moderator" guid="_sruWxgjqEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g">
<sectionDescription>&lt;P class=MsoNormal style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>To organize the session the project team may need to name a moderator responsible of managing the meeting and keeping the team on track. His other roles are:&lt;/P>
&lt;UL style=&quot;MARGIN-TOP: 0cm&quot; type=disc>
&lt;LI class=MsoNormal style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>Establish professional and objective tone to the meeting.
&lt;LI class=MsoNormal style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>Start and stop the meeting on time.
&lt;LI class=MsoNormal style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>Establish and enforce the “rules” for the meeting.
&lt;LI class=MsoNormal style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>Introduce the goals and agenda for the meeting.
&lt;LI class=MsoNormal style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>Facilitate a process of decision and consensus making, but avoid participating in the content.
&lt;LI class=MsoNormal style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>Make certain that all stakeholders participate and have their input heard.
&lt;LI class=MsoNormal style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>Control disruptive or unproductive behavior.
&lt;LI class=MsoNormal style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo2; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>Gather “Open Points” and follow up actions between sessions (use a simple Excel sheet for instance or “Meeting Minutes” template document.&lt;?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = &quot;urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office&quot; />&lt;o:p>&lt;/o:p>&lt;/LI>&lt;/UL></sectionDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_sruWyAjqEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g" name="Define the rules of execution of each workshop session"
<sections xmi:id="_sruWxQjqEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g" name="Send invite" guid="_sruWxQjqEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g"/>