blob: 60b627ad05cf0dea5213e78688e92a07eacfc648 [file] [log] [blame]
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Traditionally, if the system fails to meet the requirements as set out in the specification, it is the fault of the&#xD;
developers or, if the system meets the specification but is actually of little use to the business, it is the fault of&#xD;
the customers. It is rarely viewed as a joint responsibility.&#xD;
Because of the technical nature of their work, IT staff use a language that is adapted for their particular needs.&#xD;
Similarly, the customers have their own jargon, which is often less arcane than that of IT but still creates a&#xD;
communications barrier.&#xD;
DSDM uses collaborative techniques to surmount these problems. The strong focus on collaboration in DSDM projects&#xD;
enables a ‘no blame’ culture that eliminates much of the lack of understanding between customers and suppliers to&#xD;
create a win-win environment.&#xD;
Collaborative approaches and mechanisms include:&#xD;
Senior management commitment to strong and continuing business involvement during the project, i.e.&#xD;
customers&amp;nbsp;as an integral part of&amp;nbsp;development teams.&#xD;
Facilitated workshops throughout the lifecycle (not just for requirements capture and reviews) to capture the&#xD;
broader business and technical views so achieving consensus at crucial steps in the process.&#xD;
Evolutionary prototyping, i.e. partial system builds that are driven by and regularly reviewed by the customers.&#xD;
Partitioning the responsibility for work products so that the knowledge of the team members is used. appropriately,&#xD;
e.g. the customer focus create help text that really means something to the users of the system.&#xD;
From the above it is clear that the ability to collaborate changes the way people work and therefore introduces new&#xD;
responsibilities to all roles. This plug-in to OpenUP provides some help towards effective collaboration through the&#xD;
inclusion of the DSDM&amp;nbsp;business roles and responsibilities that are relevant to OpenUP.&#xD;