blob: 4e76079072334eb9e3d6368054d5440fdb70a003 [file] [log] [blame]
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name="new_guideline,_qq0GMAXkEduj_7BEUj1JfQ" guid="-pQrBSyxJHLLodLbS4R_Zdw" changeDate="2007-05-31T09:39:37.540-0700"
Use Case Formats&#xD;
The level of detail required in use cases differs from project to project, and even between use cases and scenarios&#xD;
within the same project.&amp;nbsp; A use case format that works in one situation may be totally unsuited for&#xD;
another.&amp;nbsp;The key to maximizing efficiency and effectiveness is to capture the right amount of detail for each&#xD;
particular use case and scenario.&amp;nbsp;(See &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithUserText&quot; href=&quot;./../../../openup/guidances/supportingmaterials/references_6CCF393.html#ADO04&quot; guid=&quot;_9ToeIB83Edqsvps02rpOOg&quot;>[ADO04]&lt;/a> for more information on use case formats.)&#xD;
Some use cases need a high degree of detail. If the writers used a template, then they filled out all or almost all of&#xD;
its fields for each use case. High-detail use cases are best suited complex, novel, or safety-critical functionality,&#xD;
such as that found in flight control systems, telephone switches, and so forth where the risk of misinterpretation is&#xD;
Other use cases need less detail. If the writers used a template, then they may have left many of the fields blank.&#xD;
Low-detail use cases are best suited for well understood, low complexity or less safety-critical functionality where&#xD;
most of the stakeholders have a strong background in the problem domain and the risk of misinterpretation is low. In&#xD;
these cases, simple brief descriptions or step-by-step outlines suffice.&#xD;
Furthermore, not all scenarios are created equally.&amp;nbsp; Within the same use case, some scenarios are very well&#xD;
understood and a brief description is sufficient to ensure un-ambiguous interpretation.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; Other scenarios may&#xD;
require more detail to capture the essential behavior un-ambiguously.&#xD;
Finally, as explained in &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot; href=&quot;./../../../openup/guidances/guidelines/detail_ucs_and_scenarios_6BC56BB7.html&quot; guid=&quot;_4BJ_YCxSEdqjsdw1QLH_6Q&quot;>Guideline: Detail Use Cases and Scenarios&lt;/a>, it makes sense to write use cases&#xD;
iteratively. Starting with the basic details, you can then identify the various alternative and error paths that the&#xD;
use case might follow so that you can evaluate, rearrange, or eliminate them, and then elaborate or fill in the details&#xD;
of the&amp;nbsp;remaining scenarios.&#xD;
Write use cases and scenarios in one or more of the following formats, progressively, until you reach the level of&#xD;
detail required:&#xD;
&lt;strong>Use-case model overview:&lt;/strong> A format for understanding the “big-picture”&#xD;
&lt;strong>Use-case brief descriptions:&lt;/strong> A format for writing summary use cases&#xD;
&lt;strong>Step-by-step outlines:&lt;/strong> A format for writing less formal, low-ceremony use cases&#xD;
&lt;strong>Fully detailed:&lt;/strong> A format for writing more formal, high-ceremony use cases&#xD;
Use-Case Model Overview&#xD;
Create a use-case model overview, which captures actors and associated use cases.&#xD;
Start by identifying the list of actors who will use the system, and then identify at least one goal for each.&#xD;
Actors without goals indicate that you haven’t adequately defined the system. The actor is beyond the system’s&#xD;
scope, doesn’t belong in the system, or is part of another actor.&#xD;
Likewise, leftover goals can indicate that the system is too complex and you're trying to accomplish too much, or&#xD;
that you haven’t adequately defined all of the necessary actors. Carefully evaluate the leftovers to see if you are&#xD;
just overlooking some detail, or whether they don’t belong in the system.&#xD;
Remove unassociated actors and goals from the model.&#xD;
Sometimes, this overview may provide enough information to serve as the use-case model for very small,&#xD;
high-communicating, low-ceremony project teams. Usually, the use-case model overview is the first step of identifying&#xD;
use cases and system boundaries.&#xD;
Use-Case brief descriptions&#xD;
Write two to four sentences per use case, capturing key activities and key-extension handling.&#xD;
Expand the high priority use-cases by writing a two- to four-sentence use cases for each entry in the list.&#xD;
Briefly describe each use case’s main&amp;nbsp;scenario and most important extensions.&#xD;
Include enough information to eliminate ambiguity for at least the main&amp;nbsp;scenario.&#xD;
Step-by-step outlines&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
Write the step-by-step outline which describes the interaction between the actor(s) and the system.&#xD;
Key scenarios are detailed to describe the interaction&#xD;
Triggering events are specified&#xD;
Information exchanged&amp;nbsp;is described&#xD;
Fully Detailed&#xD;
Complete all sections of the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../openup/guidances/templates/uc_specification_E97E98B0.html&quot; guid=&quot;_0cpNwMlgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw&quot;>Use-Case Specification&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;template.&#xD;
The main scenario is detailed&#xD;
All alternative flows are identified and detailed&#xD;
Special requirements are complete and un-ambiguous&#xD;
Pre- and Post-conditions are specified.&#xD;