blob: ec002091cc3bf776232862e973d7407e54f584bf [file] [log] [blame]
#include "String.h"
//not optimized at all (
STRING String::ReplaceAll(STRING originalString, STRING subStringToReplace, STRING newValue)
STRING entry = StrStr(originalString, subStringToReplace);
if ( 0 == entry )
//simply return copy of original
return StrDup(originalString);
//we have first entry
UINT leftSize = (UINT)entry - (UINT)originalString;
UINT originalLength = StrLen(originalString);
UINT subLength = StrLen(subStringToReplace);
UINT newValueSize = StrLen(newValue);
UINT rightSize = originalLength - leftSize - subLength;
UINT resultSize = leftSize + rightSize + newValueSize;
STRING result = (STRING) System::SafeAllocMemory(resultSize + 1); //+1 for null character
System::MemCpy((BYTE*)(result + leftSize), (BYTE*)newValue, newValueSize);
System::MemCpy((BYTE*)(result + leftSize + newValueSize),(BYTE*) (entry + subLength), rightSize);
ReplaceAll(result, subStringToReplace, newValue);
return result;
void String::StrCpy(STRING dest, STRING source)
#ifdef WINDOWS
lstrcpyA(dest, source);
strcpy(dest, source);
UINT String::StrLen(STRING string)
#ifdef WINDOWS
return lstrlenA(string);
return strlen(string);
void String::StrCat(STRING dest, STRING src)
#ifdef WINDOWS
void String::Sprintf1(STRING buffer, STRING format, int arg1)
#ifdef WINDOWS
wsprintfA(buffer, format, arg1);
void String::Sprintf2(STRING buffer, STRING format, int arg1, int arg2)
#ifdef WINDOWS
wsprintfA(buffer, format, arg1, arg2);
void String::StrNCpy(STRING dest, STRING source, UINT count)
#ifdef WINDOWS
lstrcpynA( dest, source, count);
strncpy(dest, source, count);
STRING String::StrDup(STRING str)
STRING result = (STRING)System::SafeAllocMemory(StrLen(str) + 1);
StrCpy(result, str);
return result;
STRING String::StrStr(STRING str1, STRING str2)
UINT len1 = StrLen(str1);
UINT len2 = StrLen(str2);
if ( len1 < len2 )
return 0;
if ( len1 == len2 && 0 == System::MemCmp((BYTE*)str1,(BYTE*)str2,len1) )
return str1;
UINT delta = len1 - len2;
for ( UINT i = 0; i <= delta; i++)
if ( 0 == System::MemCmp( (BYTE*)(str1 + i), (BYTE*)str2, len2) )
return (str1 + i);
return 0;
bool String::EndsWith(STRING string, STRING suffix)
if ( 0 == string || 0 == suffix)
return false;
UINT stringLen = String::StrLen(string);
UINT suffixLen = String::StrLen(suffix);
if ( suffixLen > stringLen)
return false;
STRING suffixStart = string + (stringLen - suffixLen);
return 1 + System::MemCmp((BYTE*)suffixStart, (BYTE*)suffix, suffixLen + 1);
UINT String::LastIndexOf(STRING stringToSearch, STRING originalString)
if ( stringToSearch == 0 || originalString == 0)
return 0;
UINT originalLength = StrLen(originalString);
UINT stringLen = StrLen(stringToSearch);
if ( originalLength < stringLen)
return - 1;
UINT startPos = originalLength - stringLen;
while ( startPos >= 0){
if ( System::MemCmp((BYTE*)(startPos + originalString), (BYTE*)stringToSearch, stringLen) )
return startPos;
return - 1; //nothing found